
Chapter1 A Monsoon Morning

Dinner's ready!"[Daniel]


After that I do the dishes then study for a while in my room.

Surf the net then sleep.

Wake up, make breakfast and in the meantime make lunch.

Wait for the bus, attend the class and head to the library.

After hanging out with my friends return home. I bathe and change.

Cook dinner, eat with my sister, do the dishes and then rest.

In the late night of monsoon I read books, play game and browse the net.


That's my life.

There are something in between the lines, but it's not important.

Life's very peaceful but there's an abomination to that peace. My sister!

I don't know why I don't like her. She's just annoying.

And right now, I'm in her body.

'Is this the body exchange situation?' I thought to myself.


That's my voice screaming but it wasn't me.

'So she found it out too huh?'

It's strange and creepy to wake up in my sister's room then notice I'm in her body. But oddly, I'm calmer than I thought.

I rush to my room, but stumbled a couple of times on my way. My sister's body was shorter than mine so it's hard getting used to my new centre of gravity.

As I enter my room, well my body's room I saw myself without a shirt or pant and crying with tears and snots.

I'm pretty sure I had put on a boxer last night.

Moreover, I had a rock hard... boner!!

"Do something! It's hurting!"

Ooo~ strange, my body spoke to me! And ouch! That boner gotta hurt.


With that I drag my body to the toilet.

"Start peeing..."

I said coldly with my sister's voice, my body replied with a nod while weeping.

"It hurts...pee's not coming... It's


Ugh! I want to kill myself right now. God please let this be a dream! By the way this is one hell of a creepy dream.

I need to see a doctor.

After 15 minutes, I was seated face to face with my body.

My body was diligent enough to put on at least a boxer this time. Luckily today's sunday and I don't have class.

"You're... Daniel right?"

My body asked me.

"Yes..... and you're my sister no?"

"Yeah! But how did this happen!?"

I'm asking the same thing too idiot!

"You didn't do anything to my body right pervert!"[G.Daniel]

|G.Daniel because the inside is a girl, Daniel sister to be exact|

"What the hell I just woke up! And had to run to my room because of the scream!"[B.Dianna]

|B.Dianna that's Daniel inside|

"Shut up Dummy! It hurts and I was getting creeped out."[G.Daniel]

"Alright, but how do we deal with this!?"[B.Dianna]

"How am I supposed to know!?"[G.Daniel]

Our tone was getting louder and louder by every speech.

Don't blame me. It's a given, it's obvious, tell me who wouldn't get frustrated withthis situation.

"Dianna..... look, I know nothing about this! I'm clueless, just like you!"[B.Dianna]

With all my ability I tried to explain. But my normal sound of voice, well the normal tone of Dianna hasn't returned.

My original tone of voice is somewhat a polite one.

"Will you stop shouting, your voice is too pitched!"[G.Daniel]

"It's not my fault! It's this incredibly bad situation's fault. Definitely not mine!"[B.Dianna]

G.Daniel threw a cushion at me.

"Will you! Please! Stop! Shouting!"


My body silently cried while hugging his knees.... my God! What am I seeing!?

"Daniel... will we be like this forever?"


"...I don't know..."[B.Dianna]

My voice was getting lower. This isn't a good situation at all!

"Let's tell mom!"[B.Dianna]

I stood up and sated my genius Idea.

Then G.Daniel stood up too.

"Are you crazy!? This is not normal kay? I don't want to be labelled as Psycho!....And something is dangling between my legs!" [G.Daniel]

That's my little brother.

"Then what do we do!?"[B.Dianna]

"I don't know! I don't know. Just stop shouting."[G.Daniel]

Unlike me she's super popular, this situation must be harsher to her than me. And here I am shouting at her.

".....I'm sorry for shouthing at you Dianna. My head's hurting real bad right now..."


I got a sniffle for answer.

"...this is just impossible, I think something unnatural is behind this. It may be a god.."[B.Dianna]

I told her my honest opinion, I'm not a firm believer of God, I'm just so so.

It's just that, I have no explanation for whatever is happening with us right now.

"Yeah, right!"[G.Daniel]

She scoffed. I would have done the same, if she was the one who said it.

But then, like in those body exchange novel, wasn't a letter or book to be found.

Or Someone, mine or her best friend supposed to come here.

Or the one, almighty who changed us supposed to already make an appearance?

"You're right boy, sorry hohoho you're now a girl. I am God and I changed you!"

Yeah, no surprise, Sherlock.

Next chapter