
So stupid

In an old and forgotten orphanage in the middle of nowhere a young boy crushed into a foetal position while taking numerous blows to his frail body, his assailant kicked his body mercilessly their blows getting more vicious with each blow, one of them kicked his stomach and heard a definite crack sound, but still they heard no noise from the boy

"What not talking you piece of trash?! "

"How stupid... Your so stupid, your already a 16 year old boy but you still act like a 3 year old child what's wrong with you"

The boy on the ground made no sound, he just laid there numbly, if it wasn't for his gradually rising and falling chest they would have presumed he was dead.

He was tagged the weirdest boy in the orphanage, he never talked, never smiled, sometimes he would just stare into space for two hours not even blinking, when the teachers forced him to talk he would say some unintelligible words that sounded toddlerish, but even then the girls in the orphanage still liked him.

The reason for that was that the boy was very handsome, he was tall but not lanky, a mop of dark Raven hair sat on his head, his skin pale as snow which was smoother than any girls could ever be, but the most enchanting thing of all was his eyes he looked like he would be a Casanova when he grows, his gold eyes had entranced all the women, both young and old. .

The young boy delivered another kick to his stomach but still no noise, the boy was angry because every girl in the orphanage had a crush on the boy they were beating

His only hamartia was that he was an imbecile and acted like a three year old when he looked 16 or 17, but that didn't stop girls from flocking around him, in fact it was what brought them closer to him, the girls had this natural maternal instinct to protect the young man.

It was already angering the other orphanage boys, but what angered him today was that his crush had kissed him today, albeit it was a kiss on the forehead, it was still a kiss.

With anger in his eyes, the boy, Harry delivered a heavy kick to the boys head


The golden eyes boys stopped moving and his head was bent at an awkward angle.

The other boys ran away leaving Harry alone with the dead young man.

Harry took a step back, the fear in his eyes clearing up, he stared at the neck that was bent like squeezed rubber, a bone poking out from its original position

"H-hey are you OK? "

Harry walked closer to the boy and poked him, he still didn't move and it suddenly dawned on him, he killed somebody, and not just anyone the most beloved boy of all females, their 'baby' according to them

He was screwed, he was dead, he could already see his mutilated and castrated body on a stick waiting to be burned by the ferocious ladies.

He started panicking, he took the hand of his victim and dragged him towards the door of the room, when he checked and noticed no one was there he took the boy by his hand again and and dragged him to the back door he half dragged half carried the boy to where the orphans buried their dead pets, mostly lizards and goldfish, once even a dog.

He dropped the body unceremoniously on the floor with a thud.

He turned away and looked for a shovel, he started digging unknown to him the movement by the seemingly dead body behind him.

The golden eyes boy, known to all as Kane suddenly opened his eyes, staring lost at nowhere.

"Hmm... I'm alive that means"

His eyes scrunched, "The boy died... How unpleasant "

Kane sat up his head staring at the wrong side of his body,"Hmm.. This is gonna hurt"

He put his hand on the two sides of his head and moved it sharply with a crack to the proper position, his eyes became bloodshot and his mood darkened.

Not faraway he noticed the young boy digging furiously, "This must be the murderer "he thought

Harry continued digging feeling like the hole wasn't deep enough for a human body, he needed it to be deep enough so the diggers in the orphanage couldn't dig it up

"Hey you"

Harry froze eyes wide open he turned to meet to golden eyes staring confusedly at him, he dropped the shovel in his hand and ran to the boy, "Thank God your alive... "

"...thank God I'm not a murderer "

He got closer to the boy and was just about to jump and hug him when he felt a sharp pain to his chest. His eyes bulged as he stared shocked by what was happening

"You.. Y-you"

Kane shrugged flashing a cynical but wicked smile "You killed my other half, it's only equal, you know an eye for an eye, a life for a life"

Kane squeezzed the heart painfully causing Harry to cough blood.

"Well I guess I have to thank you for freeing me... Maybe I'll give you a painless death"

He held unto Harry's neck and harshly removed his heart from his body the sound of his rib cage snapping.

Harry coughed blood once again before his eyes dimmed.

He threw the body away after cleaning the blood on it

"How disgusting...dont you think mother"

Anyone who saw him would think he was crazy, who was he talking to, the only person present apart from him was lying down like a rag doll with a gaping hole in his chest.

He raised his eyes to meet dark soulless ones of a familiar dark beauty, her eyes were looked numbly at the discarded body.

"Why must you make it so messy"

She said numbly not feeling anything towards the discarded body of a child only staring directly into the golden eyes of the teenager who blushed being scolded

"Sorry mother I'll make it cleaner next time "

The spirit smiled and patted the boys head lovingly, staring into his innocent eyes like he didn't kill someone just two minutes again.

"Let's go mum this place has gotten too Smelly"

With that he ran and jumped over the fence perfectly landing on his feet before taking off.

"So what shall you call yourself now" the ghost asked casually floating beside the boy that was running

"Hmm maybe I'll name myself after you mum"

"Really why? "

"Cause I'm technically born again.... Like a phoenix"

"So it only makes sense"

"Plus I like the name Phoenix I feel closer to you with it"

The woman smiled lovingly, her beauty frozen in time

With an affectionate voice "Phoenix it is then... So where are you going now"

"We... Are going anywhere trouble is needed"

"OK... " the ghost yawned"Call me when we get there"

The bot nodded as he watched the ghost disappear

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