37 Mia James Versus Sam James part 2

Mia felt her blood run cold they couldn't expose such delicate information to the public and her mother looked uncomfortable too, she couldn't hold her tongue any longer.

Mia, "Objection your Honour, facts not in evidence." The room fell silent as Mia's voice burst throughout the courtroom. Li Wei looked up at her in shock, why hadn't he thought of that it was a valid objection. Jane could see Mia's desperation to protect her smiled in relief.

Li Wei, "My client has a valid point your Honor, this was not disclosed in the evidence report." Judge Jang reviewed the declarations and it was true they had withheld this information. He exchanged a few words with the clerk when Gen Fu spoke up again.

Gen Fu, "This was delivered today your Honor we had no time to declare it." Mia could see them trying to slither there way out of this, but she wouldn't let them of so easy.

Mia, "Your Honor, this is considered a confidentiality breach, this information is for my eyes only they took advantage of my absence in order to obtain this information. As a professional I will not allow it." Judge Jang looked at sympathetically seeing she was trying her best to defend her mother but sadly the ball was not in her court.

Judge Jang, "Miss James I understand your concerns, but Mrs James signed a letter of declaration swearing to answer any questions given unto her. That includes Mr Fu's, your objection is denied." Mia's eyes filled up with dejection, they had really explored every loophole to ensure this testimony which was very valuable would be off written on an account of sanity. Li Wei gritted his teeth; they were really playing dirty. Gen Fu smirked before clearing his throat. Mia stared into her mothers' eyes and mouthed she was so sorry.

Gen Fu, "Relaying information to the court your Honor. Mrs James has received three different diagnosis while under Shanghai Mental Health Clinic; This includes manic depressive disorder, Schizophrenia and finally Bereavement Disorder following the death of her husband. It has been noted by Mia James who was responsible for her care that she would experience hallucinations, violent out lashes and extreme mood swings throughout her care. Mrs James would you agree to these statements written by the prosecutor?" Jane bit her lip never in a million years would she ever want the world to know about this.

Jane, "Yes."

Gen Fu, "I see. So you would agree that hallucinations were a part of your illness."

Jane, "Yes."

Gen Fu, "Then would it be an impossibility that what you experienced on the 17th of May be an hallucination." Mia went to stand up again, but Li held her legs down, if she objected again, she could be held in contempt.

Jane, "I am very aware of what is an hallucination and what is not, based from my injuries that would be impossible." Jane argued back defensively, they were trying to get inside of her head and make her question her experience.

Gen Fu, "But it was also stated in your report that you also suffered from violent outbursts, are you saying that these facts are untrue?"

Li Wei, "Objection your Honor, Argumentative."

Judge Jang, "Mr Fu choose your words carefully."

Gen Fu, "My apologies I will rephrase the question. Mrs James is it not a possibility these wounds were self-inflicted during one of your hallucinations." Jane went to speak when she felt her throat close up, if she disagreed then they could deem Mia as negligent for wrongly diagnosing her symptoms. Mia saw her struggle and decided to step in.

Mia, "Your Honor, my mother was in a high-risk ward, we do not allow any form of material capable of harm to be held within the rooms. Therefore, the rope was brought in from an external source." Gen Fu scowled at her giving she had a very valid point. Li Wei was impressed at Mia's fight; she really wouldn't hold her tongue.

Judge Jang, "That is a very important point. Even if Mrs James injuries were self-inflicted the position and knotting of the rope would suggest it was done by someone else. We will disregard this matter Mr Fu, please continue." Gen Fu suddenly looked flustered being shot down so harshly, Judge Jang seemed to respect Mia's input so they could no longer use their words to alienate her.

Gen Fu, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, Mrs James has been mentally ill for five years. If you trust her testimony them so be it but please be reminded delusions are symptoms of bereavement disorders. Whether her testimony is credible enough I will leave up to you. That will be all." Li Wei smiled; they had gotten sloppy in that past segment. Some would say lazy, leaving her illness up in the air like that but Mia wasn't an idiot. If the defence was unsure then surely some of the jury would be too.

Judge Jang, "Thankyou for your testimony Mrs James you are now excused from the witness stand." Jane nodded and with wobbly knees stepped down from the stand, the minute she sat next the Aiden the sigh of relief was intense. However, it was no time for rest, it was Yu's turn next.

Mia, "You got this I'm right here." Yu nodded nervously; she was shaking under the pressure. Aiden was surprised how well Mia was doing, she had her head in the right space and even shut down the defence.

Judge Jang, "Mr Wei could you call your next witness please." Li nodded and stood up.

Li Wei, "Your Honor I call Yu Yan to the stand." Yu stood up and cautiously stepped up to the seat.

Judge Jang, "Miss Yan could you state your full name, address and relationship to the defendant to the court please." Yu gulped and took a deep breath.

Yu, "Yu Yan, 17 Barwick street, I'm the defendant's best friend." Li Wei smiled and nodded before beginning questioning he wanted her to feel as relaxed as possible.

Li Wei, "Miss Yan how long have you known the defendant."

Yu, "Seven years."

Li Wei, "I see so you are well acquainted with one another. Did you attend school with Miss James?"

Yu, "Mia joined our class in our third year of high school, for the remainder of high school we were friends." Yu shuffled flustered in her seat; it wasn't Li who scared her it was Gen Fu his eyes were so intimidating.

Li Wei, "Miss Yan you detailed in your witness report that the accused Sam James stalked the defendant during high school, could you please explain to the jury what you meant by this." Yu nodded; she would happily expose this creepy bastard.

Yu, "After Mia refused Sam's confession in senior year Sam developed an unhealthy obsession with her. Most days he would wait outside of school for her ever though he attended a different school. Sam would send her letters and messages every chance he could get begging her to date but Mia always refused because they were cousins and she didn't believe in such things."

Li Wei, "You would see this first-hand Miss Yan?"

Yu, "Yes I was present throughout majority of his behaviour."

Li Wei, "How long did the accused behaviour continue for Miss Yan."

Yu, "It stopped after Mia moved away to university, that was her way of getting away from him, but he resumed at the beginning of last year."

Li Wei," Miss Yan at the beginning of last year what sort of behaviour did you observe which could constitute as stalking?" Yu had a million incidents to comment on, but she was on the clock.

Yu, "Sam invested in our school reunion and came to give a speech even though he went to an entirely different school. People I didn't know would threaten me to find her location and Sam assaulted Mia when she was on a date with another man." Li Wei furrowed his brows, with this incident not being on record it would be hard to prove.

Li Wei, "So there has been various incident which would suggest the accused was obsessed with my client. Apart from the incident with unknown men coming to your door was there any other times you felt yourself and my client were in danger?" Yu had forgotten one very important incident which would help Mia.

Yu, "Yes. In January while me and Mia were exciting a seafood restaurant a man tried to kidnap her. Mia managed to fight him off and a man came to aid us, I believe Sam was the person behind this."

Gen Fu, "Objection your Honor, Speculation."

Judge Jang, "Miss Yan what made you believe the accused was behind this?"

Yu, "Sam had been stalking her for a while and continuously requested she accept his offer to marry him, but Mia refused. I think kidnapping her was a last resort, he was very bitter about the rejection."

Li Wei, "What the witness is trying to imply, is that Sam James was the most likely person to do such a thing at that time your Honor."

Judge Jang, "Objection Denied." Gen Fu sat down in dejection; things were going smoothly for the prosecution whereas the defence seemed to be struggling. Mia had been watching their body language for a while and deemed it to be exaggerated as if encouraging the prosecution to gain confidence, so the fall was much harder. In her heart she knew as soon as her questioning came around, it would be war.

Li Wei, "That will be all from the prosecution your Honor." Li sat back down glancing at Mia to see her anxiously biting her nails, it must be difficult to see her family up there.

Judge Jang, "Very well, defence begin your questioning." Gen Fu stood up confidently, Yu gulped seeing the intimidation in his eyes this was going to be tough she could feel it.

Gen Fu, "Miss Yan you've commented on my client's behaviour quite a bit but have you yourself ever experienced this behaviour firsthand."

Yu, "No because I wasn't his target."

Gen Fu, "Target is a strong word considering you have never seen my client make any form of physical advances towards Mia James. The attempted kidnapping for instance, that could have been entirely coincidental as well as it was not reported. If you really believed your best friend as you say was in danger wouldn't you have called the police?"

Mia, "Objection your Honor, Argumentative." Judge Jang looked startled as Mia calmly stood up and objected, it was written in the report that she was capable of representing herself and Li Wei was just there in-case she felt unable too, but she was really taking the reins.

Judge Jang, "I agree. Mr Fu check yourself. Miss Yan you do not have to answer that question."

Yu, "I respected my friends wishes and kept the incident private. Sam has been obsessed with my friend for years, it wasn't my place to take action." Mia startled, Yu was getting affected by the pressure and letting herself slip.

Gen Fu, "So it was Mia James who requested his so-called advances not be reported?"

Yu, "Yes, Mia is a very strong person she wouldn't let such petty things affect her so deeply."

Gen Fu, "Therefore even though something as serious as attempted kidnapping and a previous assault as you mentioned Mia James did not report it to the police. If that is true, then clearly my client's behaviour was exaggerated." Yu gritted her teeth, Mia tried to distract her by shaking her head begging her not to get sucked into his confrontational manner, but Yu was seething.

Yu, "Exaggerated my ass, he's a psychopath. Mia didn't deserve the harassment she received from him and neither did I!" Yu's raised voice hushed the room, Mia put her hand over her mouth. Gen Fu had really rubbed her the wrong way, they needed to get her down and soon.

Gen Fu, "Miss Yan your testimony is hearsay and has no basis of evidence. I think we can all understand you are protecting your friend but apart from that you are merely a bystander and not credible."

Mia, "Objection your Honor, Character Evidence. Mr Fu is making baseless assumptions that the witness is not credible. His manner is highly condescending." Judge Jang nodded in agreement.

Judge Jang, "I agree. Would the jury please disregard Mr Fu's last comment? Mr Fu you're on thin ice choose your next words very careful. This is a questioning session not an interrogation."

Gen Fu, "My apologies your Honor. That will be all." Gen Fu sat down, Yu was panting in anger, Li had to take her hand and guide her back to the witness box. Mia was so angry she felt like tearing Gen Fu's eyes out, he was just as sadistic as his client.

Judge Jang, "Is the court ready to proceed to their next witness?" The jury were making notes and discussing information while Li began talking to Yu telling her she did her best. Meanwhile Mia's eyes were on Aiden, he was always cool and collected but his face was strangely red with rage and it worried her.

Mia, "Are you okay?" Aiden softened his expression hearing Mia so worried about him, it wasn't himself he was concerned about.

Aiden, "I'm sorry for whatever I'm going to say. I have a feeling they know about us and if they catch me in a lie this case could crumble." Mia's face went blank.

Mia, "Don't tell me---"

Li Wei, "Your Honor I call Aiden Li to the stand." Mia was cut off before she could express her feelings, Aiden gave her a nervous smile before standing up. Mia heart was thumping out of her chest, she never wanted to put Aiden in this position and the fact he was apologising to her really hit a nerve. With her eyes fixed on the defence she watched as Gen Fu smiled as Aiden took the stand.

Judge Jang, "Could you state your name, address and relationship to the defendant." People began gossiping the minute Aiden stood up, most of them ogling his sense of style and looks. Aiden took one last gentle look at Mia before everything changed.

Aiden, "Aiden Li, 17 Private Road, I am the defendant's boyfriend." The court room suddenly burst into chatter and Mia's face went pale. This was too risky he could lose his reputation dating someone so troublesome. She could already see the tabloids and new stations. Judge Jang slammed his hammer on the desk silencing the courtroom.

Li Wei, "Mr Li how long have you and the defendant been dating?" Aiden closed his eyes regretting already his choice of words, he should have said fiancée it was much more respected.

Aiden, "Mia and I have been dating on and off for seven years."

Li Wei, "Were you dating the defendant at the time of the attack."

Aiden, "No we were on a break at that time but still in contact."

Li Wei, "Mr Li could you please tell the court what happened on May 17th of this year. You were the man that found Miss James after the attack."

Aiden, "Yes. At around 11:45 pm I received a phone call from Mia informing me that Sam was holding her mother hostage and requesting she come to the clinic or she would kill her. I didn't have much time to respond, Mia hung up on me after asking me to call the police."

Li Wei, "So you were the caller? What happened after that Mr Li." Aiden felt a shiver run down his spine remembering that horrific night.

Aiden, "I tried to get to the clinic before Mia to stop her from going in but by the time I got there it was too late. As I was walking towards the building Mia burst through the entry doors supporting her mother Jane on her shoulder. Mia shouted for Jane to run to her car which she did. As I got closer, I realised that Mia was covered in blood and cuts." Aiden looked down at the floor, that was the moment he froe and realised he may lose her it. It was a painful thing to remember.

Li Wei, "What happened then Mr Li."

Aiden, "Mia collapsed into my arms shaking from the shock, she was barely breathing, and I thought she was going to die there and then. I phoned an ambulance and that's when Sam and two people I didn't recognize ran out of the clinic doors. "Li paused as tears fell from Aiden's eyes, Mia felt her heart break she wanted to hug him tightly. Judge Jang even looked at him sympathetically.

Li Wei, "It must have been very difficult to witness such a thing. Mr Li are you certain you witnessed Sam James and two others exiting the clinic."

Aiden, "100% I stood up to engage but Mis talked me out of it. After that they all fled the scene."

Li Wei, "Understood, Thankyou for your testimony that will be all your Honor." Aiden looked over at Mia with tear stained cheeks, she sheepishly smiled trying to reassure him it was okay he had exposed their relationship to the public. Next was Gen Fu and he looked very confident this time around. He stood up and began before Judge Jang could even ask.

Gen Fu, "Mr Li you're the CEO of a very prestigious company amassing millions of yen daily. Yet your dating a clinician. Could you explain your relationship further, so I understand?" There was no objection because relationships were considered adequate inquiries Li Wei felt helpless, he had targeted this, but Mia was on guard heavily.

Aiden, "I've been in love with Mia since high school. We've been dating on and off, but she is currently living with me. Are you understanding better Mr Fu?" Aiden's attitude had totally changed, he was surprisingly cold and defensive which took Gen Fu off guard he was expecting professional adequate, he must have overstepped a boundary.

Gen Fu, "I see so you are dating the witness which is why she called upon you to the clinic that night. Mr Li, are you possessive of the defendant?" Aiden squinted his eyes in annoyance, he had a bad gut feeling.

Aiden, "Of course I am she's very special to me."

Gen Fu, "Possessive enough to inquire the help of yakuza to keep an eye on her?" Suddenly Aiden's face went pale along with Mia's, had they found out about the deal with Lang Hai after he'd betrayed Sam and left him to deal with Mia on his own? It was a hard position to be in , if they had evidence and he denied it, it would look very dishonest to his and play the ball in their court. It was sure to say they were fighting very dirty.

Aiden, "Wrong. I inquired from a family friend not yakuza in general please get your facts right Mr Fu."

Gen Fu, "Oh? This person perhaps?" Everyone looked at the screen to see a picture of Aiden and Lang Hai exchanging words over coffee in the time Mia was away from the relationship. They had got him good; Lang Hai was protected by the law but not the court.

Gen Fu, "What did this conversation detail Mr Li?" Aiden gave him a deadly glare.

Aiden, "Truthfully it detailed negotiation. We negated how much money it would take for your client to stop his pursuit of my girlfriend. My friend gladly accepted."

Gen Fu, "Are you implying my client was involved in yakuza to acquire Mia James?" Aiden gave a smug smirk and looked towards Li Wei, he winked and stood up with his own clicker for their monitor. People gasps to see an image of Sam and a group of yakuza discussing something in a private bar. Sam's teeth gritted as he looked at Aiden viciously.

Aiden, "Who said you were the only one who could spy on people? I have plenty more if you would like to continue Mr Fu or are, we done here?" Mia was wide mouthed; she knew Aiden was smart, but this was impressive to shut down the defence like that. It was clear this evidence was unexpected even Gen Fu who was previously composed started shaking in anger glaring at Sam.

Gen Fu, "Even if my client was involved with such people that does not discount the fact you clearly have a personal grudge against my client. From my information, you have had bad blood for many years. It could be possible that you framed my client based on that bad blood.

Mia, "Objection your Honor, Speculation. There is no base of evidence for the claim that the witness has a personal vendetta against the accused."

Judge Jang, "Accepted will the jury please disregard the previous statement made by Mr Fu."

Sam, "Protecting him as always. I see your still the goldigger Mia?" Everyone fell silent as Sam finally spoke, but it wasn't anything to do with the court. It was a personal attack to set up their next questioning. Aiden stood up at the stand in anger while people began chatting loudly until Mia finally plucked up the courage to respond. She would not be belated by this man any longer.

Mia, "Step on Ice with heavy feet and you fall through. Keep pushing we'll see who drowns first!"
