
"I'll stop you right there."

Aiden, "What are you doing today?"

Mia had made deep fried donut sticks and soy milk for breakfast as both had a work filled day. Aiden wasn't behind on his work because he pre-organized all his business beforehand as if he knew he would be with Mia. Mia on the other hand had bit off more than she could chew. Being the new director's assistant, her workload had increased immensely.

"I have a lot to do today, maybe this promotion wasn't such a blessing." She seemed disheartened, but she was still very grateful for the position. Aiden could tell she was a little overwhelmed.

"You're Mia James, I have faith in you." Mia smirked, he had been rather timid since admitting what his dreams were all about. There wasn't even the slightest bit of taunt in his tone.

"What about you, busy day?" Aiden shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, it was as if he led a double life. Aiden wasn't too phased by his work ethic he could run that business with his eyes closed. Mia was praised for her IQ, but Aiden was practically equal, he was a very intelligent man. Mia ate her breakfast panning through her phone trying to bypass this discomfort she felt. Eating breakfast with Aiden made her feel like they were an official couple. Aiden couldn't help but watch her long black eyelashes flutter whenever she blinked, Mia could feel his eyes watching her and looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Is there something on my face or are you just that cynical." Aiden smiled and looked away, he wasn't sure he could contend with her today, but god loves a trier.

"I'm trying to determine which ones cuter, your work uniform or those pajamas I got you." Mia hated being called cute, it was a pet peeve of her. When a man called a woman cute it meant he had lust and desire for her which Mia didn't appreciate.

"I was trying to determine which person I'd rather spend my time alone with. You or my psychotic mother." Aiden whistled, there was that venomous tongue. Mia quickly realized what she said and felt suddenly guilty.

"That was a little far, forgive me." Mia got up and went to wash up, why did she lose her wit around him it was something she couldn't explain. As she was washing up Aiden came up behind and reached around her putting the dishes in the sink. When he pressed up against her she felt her breathe quicken.

"You don't have to do that, you made breakfast." Mia smiled awkwardly and moved aside, Aiden rolled up his sleeves and began washing up. Aiden could see she looked flustered and her cheeks were red, it didn't take much to see what was going through her head. Mia went to return to the table, but Aiden grabbed her with soaking wet hands and pinned her against the kitchen bench.

"A-Aiden?" he pulled himself closer to her and her heart felt like it could stop at any moment.

"Mia, why are you blushing?" Mia shied her face away covering her cheeks, she felt embarrassed. Aiden moved his mouth up to her ear and she felt frozen, he was breaking down her walls brick by brick.

Aiden, "If you keep doing that, I won't be able to hold myself back." Mia gulped as his mouth moved to her neck, just before his lips touched her neck he pulled away. Leaving Mia in awe, she pushed him away and hit his chest.

"Don't do that to me, I'm going to be late. If your done fooling around can we go?" Aiden was surprised she hadn't pushed him away sooner, Mia hated being pinned. Aiden chuckled and nodded, he didn't want to stop there but he had a lot of respect for her. Aiden would only go so far without her consent.

----------------------Aiden's car----------------------------------

They both sat silently for majority of the ride, but it wasn't awkward, Mia was quite comfortable watching the forest sweep past her window.

"I'm keeping Chu on watch for me in-case anything happens." Mia immediately went on the defence, she didn't need a bodyguard.

Mia, "It's a waste of money and time, what could Chu possibly do to protect me? I barely pressured him, and he drove me up to your parent's estate."

Aiden, "It's the best I can do, I can't be with you all of the time." Aiden was stern, he didn't care if she objected. It was hard enough for him leaving her out of his sight, even though Chu was useless it was better than nothing.

"I'm not asking you too, I can fend for myself." Aiden tutted at how stubborn she was, he could never win against her.

"Mia, your underestimating them."

"No, your overestimating them. If they try to harm me in any way I have you as witness. I saw your father, he looked dumbfounded when I challenged him."

"It's not up for debate, if you go anywhere you have to let me know." Mia scoffed, she wasn't his prisoner. It was laughable he believed she would obey his every word.

"Of course, Master Li whatever you say." Mia said tauntingly, Aiden gripped his steering wheel and sighed.

Aiden pulled into Hangzhou psychiatric center and took Mia's arm before she left with a soft expression.

"I'll see you later just be careful." Mia sighed.

"I always am." Without saying another word, she exited the car and walked into the center, already Aiden felt uneasy her being alone, so he texts Chu to scout the center whole she was on call. Then, he went to work.

-----------------------------Mia's office--------------------------

Hao and Kai were waiting at her office door like guards and Mia couldn't help but smirk, she was sneaky when it came to superiority, these two couldn't brush their damn teeth without her consent.

"At ease gentleman." She said jokingly, sitting at her desk she reviewed the observations for the day and everything seemed to be in order, there we no incidents which surprised her. This was rare occurrence, but she wasn't complaining she prayed for day like these. Hao and Kai waited for orders like children which had been scolded both of their hands intertwined behind their backs. Mia looked at them questionably, their body language suggested something was odd. Usually, they were relaxed like the world didn't spin.

"Okay, who wants to tell me the bad news?" Hao and Kai looked at each other shocked she'd caught on so quickly, but she was a professional, they expected nothing less.

"Um…Doctor James there is a new trainee here this morning." Mia couldn't really see the issue, if anything she was relived someone else was on hand.

"Why do you both look so worried, surely they can't be that bad?" Mia had really spoke too soon. Before the gentlemen could say anything, Mia could hear a commotion in the hall and shot up out of her seat. Walking briskly down the hallway she was met with a woman at least ten years older than her with light brown hair talking to a patient. It was Ku Rho, the anorexia nervosa patient under Mia's care. Rho was standing in a defensive position as if she was going to hit her at any moment. Mia walked over slightly annoyed this woman had taken upon herself to communicate with her patients without even introducing herself.

"Rho, are you alright." Rho breathed a sigh of relief seeing Mia and stood close to her.

"I don't know who this chick is but if she tries to tell me to eat one more time, I'm going to hurt her." Rho was clearly distressed and looked at the nurse who was scowling at her.

"Go back to your room I'll be there soon." Mia said reassuringly. As soon as Rho left Mia switched up her personality.

"Follow me to my office, now." The nurse was a little taken back at how stern her request was. Hao and Kai stepped aside seeing thunder on Mia's face. Mia closed the door gently behind her and cleared her throat.

"For starters how about telling me your name before you attempt to take over my practice." The older woman scoffed, and Mia could tell this was going to be trouble, it was clear from her designer glasses that she came from a high background.

"Lisa Wei." The woman was blunder than a plank of wood, Mia tried not to roll her eyes.

"Okay, Dr. Wei first off you do not go conversing with my patients without consulting me beforehand. The young woman you just told to eat is has anorexia nervosa, telling her to eat is unacceptable. You would have known that if you'd bothered to read the case file. If you truly want to jump into this field, then at least have the sense to read their files." Mia was professional yet very stern, the woman looked rather shocked being spoken to like that. It was clear she wasn't used to following orders.

"Are you my superior?" the girl said in awe, at first glance with Mia being so young she thought she was a nurse.

"My name is Dr. Mia James, I'll be your clinic supervisor while you're under training. If you have anything to ask or are unsure you come to me. Am I understood?" Hai and Kai both smirked on the other side of the door, this woman had gotten off to a very bad start. Mia was bad-ass when scolding people, she didn't openly humiliate you but when she was pissed you better watch out. This girl was lethal.

Dr. Wei couldn't believe how young this girl was, it made her bitter knowing someone younger than her would be her superior. In fact, it really annoyed her.

"What qualification do you have to give me orders?" she asked slyly but Mia couldn't help but smirk.

"Look around you Dr. Wei, is this validation enough." Dr. Wei hadn't even noticed the Master's degree and gratified medical council certificates around the room, Mia was used to people questioning her credentials so she put them on the wall to save her the trouble. Dr. Wei soon clamped up, she was no match for this girl.

"If that's all then I'd like you to review all of cases. Then, we can have a conversation about putting you on the ward. You're dismissed." Dr. Wei felt like her brain had been hijacked and couldn't object, strutting out of the office. Hao and Kai gave Mia a little applause, but she didn't care about being praised. Seeing Rho so distressed riled her up, although she was calm and collected Mia felt like ragging that women out of here. Mia hoped she could be valuable to this clinic and this was just a rough start, it took a specific type of person to be able to deal appropriately with mentally ill patients.

Mia decided to take Chu some lunch from the canteen seeing his car had been out there all day, she felt bad for him being under Aiden's money. It must be boring watching the clinic all day. Mia walked over to his car and knocked on the window. Chu shot up, this was de ja vu, he wondered if she would show mercy this time. Unlocking his doors Mia sat in the passenger seat watching his eyes looked at her wearily.

"Relax, I come in peace." She said humorously handing him over the sandwich. Chu was starving and happily accepted. They both sat watching people come and go eating quietly. Chu and Mia always had a very healthy relationship, he was Aiden's right-hand man after all.

"So, Joni looks like your living the dream huh?" Mia rolled her eyes, the nickname she could never live down.

"Yeah, I guess so, what about you? What's it like being payed to watch people. It's a little creepy don't you think?" Chu clutched his chest jokingly like her words were knives.

"Damn, can't you praise me a little bit. I'm trying to make a living here." Mia chuckled, everyone had their own way of making money she supposed.

"Here's a better question. What's it like scouting for the richest person in Shanghai?" Chu thought for a while.

"Pretty good. It pays well, and I can drink on the job. Who would be stupid enough to touch Master Li's girl?" Chu watched her face darken, it was clear to him they still hadn't patched things up. Before the phrase 'Aiden's girl' would have put a beaming smile on her face.

"You know I've never heard of a man going abroad for five years and coming back wanting he same woman. You sure have a rare man there." Mia couldn't help but not feel privileged, maybe it would have been better if Aiden found someone else. She wouldn't have to watch her back every day.

"Are you trying to get me to forgive him?" she said coldly, Chu was treading water and slowly became flustered.

"I-I wouldn't say that more like praising him. That dude still loves you a lot, I wouldn't be here if he didn't "Mia yawned and exited the car.

"Duly noted." Mia shut the door leaving Chu looking on in disbelief, that girl really was a firecracker still. Of course, he understood why she was so pissed but he also understood that Aide really loved this girl more than anything. It was a tricky situation, but Chu knew his friend would figure it out. He was a genius after all.

--------------------------Aiden's office----------------------

Chu kept Aiden updated on everything to keep his mind at ease. Aiden had settled all him meeting for the day and began reviewing the stocks while Yang poured him some Oolong tea, after Mia had made him some, he couldn't get enough of it. It reminded him of that moment they shared. Yang was tidying up the office and answered the office phone while Aiden was busy, his face slowly became conflicted as he listened, and Aiden watched him with a complicated expression.

"Master Li, a woman is here to see you." Aiden wasn't expecting anyone, so he was taken off guard.

"Send her up." Naively he thought it might have been Mia so when a young blonde woman strutted in with her face lathered in make-up, he was largely disappointed. This woman had on a tight fit black dress and high heels clearly uncomfortable to walk in. Aiden glared at her questionably.

"Mr. Li my names Camilla it's a pleasure to meet you." Aiden clearly wasn't impressed, woman only dressed that provocatively when they wanted something.

"What can I help you with?" he said nonchalantly not giving her any primitive attention. Camilla strutted forwards showing off her long legs with pride.

"I was wondering if you had any free time at all?" she said sweetly but Aiden wasn't buying it. This had his mother written all over and he wasn't stupid.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't have any free time. Yang could you show her out please." Even Yang was shocked how quickly he shunned her. Camilla stood humiliated, men would usually jump at the chance of spending time with her. However, there was only one woman who he'd spend all of his time with and that was Mia.

"B-but Master Li I was told you were looking for a w—"

"I'll stop you there. If this is the best my mother can do, then I have to say I'm very disappointed. As for courting I'm afraid my schedules full. Plus, you're not type. Yang?" Yang nodded obediently and gestures to the door. Camilla's face went red with rage before throwing her nose up and storming from the office. Aiden went back to his word unphased, he knew his type well. It was called Mia James.

"Master Li, that was very fast." Yang couldn't help but be amused at how quickly Aiden dismissed her.

"I want that woman banned from premises. If any other women request to see me, refuse." Yang nodded and wrote it in his little pocket book. Aiden was really pissed off deep down but didn't show it. What would Mia think if strange women dressed like hookers started piling into his office? It was bad enough his staff seeing her waltz in, he didn't care much for this business but still had a reputation to uphold.

Aiden finished his work and got into his car. Upon entering he phoned Chu to see if Mia had finished work yet.

"Hey, Master Li how's it going?" Aiden could hear a slightly fearful tone hiding under his cheerful voice.


Chu, "Y-yeah?"

Aiden, "You lost her didn't you."


"Damn it what the hell am I paying you for? You had one job, idiot."

"She slipped by me, her cars not here so she's probably at home or something." Aiden pressed his head against the steering wheel, his friend really was an idiot.

"Fine, go home I'll find her myself." Aiden hung up and got prepared to go on a wild goose chase, he knew Mia had slipped in on purpose to prove a point, but it didn't stop him from worrying.

Next chapter