
I hate You and love You, Alpha

I was an ordinary girl waiting for that magic that life gives you (of course if you are a lycanthrope) I was looking forward to the day of my transformation, so I could get away from this stupid town and my hateful family, it was what I longed for the most but things Sometimes they don't turn out the way you want, right? That fateful day I knew how cruel a man blinded by love can be, it's a pity that love was not for me, only death awaited me with his rejection

Mikeyla_Roberts · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

The news hit me like a bucket of cold water. Finding out about the possibility of being a father excited me, but I couldn't understand why my heart ached. I guess it was because of the stupidity I had committed a few days ago, exactly 21 days ago. She left, and I couldn't find any trace of her departure. I was going crazy. This was common in destined pairs, but not in our case. I rejected her, and she cut off her glands. It was impossible that she could be...

"May I come in?"

"Come in, Mr. Lafebvre."

"How are you feeling? You look better."

"It seems so, Mr. Lafebvre, but the pain in my soul won't go away."

"May I speak a few words to you, Andrew?"

"Of course, Mr. Lafebvre. You are the only person I can trust."

"You do me a favor, Alpha. I made the same mistake as you at a similar age. I let myself be entangled by a beautiful beta who claimed to love only me, even though she was involved with half the pack. I rejected my destined omega, foolishly marked a beta who wasn't even worthy of an alpha's mark. When I found out, or rather, when she told me she was pregnant, I was the happiest man in the world. But then reality hit me, and it was too late. I had rejected and killed my omega with my rejection. She truly loved me, and we had a beautiful relationship until that beta seduced me. I couldn't fix anything; the damage was already done, and I was doomed."

"You already rejected her. She's not your destined mate or Luna anymore. She's gone, and she won't come back. You should have thought it through before rejecting a woman who was worth it, not like that bitch Naomi who's worth nothing."

"I can't believe what he said. This man was dead inside. Do you think the same will happen to me?"

"It already happened, Alpha. You can't go back now. Besides, the young woman disappeared; she left and accepted your rejection. She chose to become a simple human rather than die. It's best for you to move forward".

"It's easy for you to say, Lafebvre."

"You're telling me. It's not easy at all, nothing about it is easy. It's the hardest thing in the world. I have no words for the agony it causes, not being able to die until they are reborn and can forgive us."

"I'm sorry, I forgot for a moment about your problem. I sat on the edge of my bed and tried to process what you told me. I couldn't believe how stupid I was. Where is Naomi with her family?"

"In the cell of the northern pack".

"Take me there. I need to fix this once and for all".

"You're not ready yet, Alpha".

"I didn't ask for your opinion. You may be my right hand, Lafebvre, but I won't allow you to contradict me. I give the orders, and you obey. Understood? The foolish, sweet, and understanding Andrews is dead. Now, the Alpha of Silver pack has arrived."

"As you wish, Alpha. I'll make the preparations and send someone to help you get ready".

"Starting today, we will replace all the employees who worked in the pack house. I don't want anyone from the previous Alpha's staff. I want betas or alphas; not a single omega can stay. From now on, I'll live here, and I won't return to my apartment".

"Are you sure? What about your businesses? Who will manage them?"

"Don't worry about anything other than the pack, Lafebvre. Just follow my orders, I'll put everything in order."

"As you say, Alpha. Whom should I send then?"

"Look for Muriel, he's a beta and my best friend. I need to have trustworthy people around me. By the way, Lafebvre, you still haven't told me why you helped me."

"The time will tell, but if you want to know, I can tell you right now, Alpha. If that makes you trust me."

"No, you can tell me when you feel ready, Lafebvre. I won't force you. I advise you not to betray me or..."

"Rest assured, Alpha, I won't do that. I'm here to help you and prevent you from experiencing what I went through, and it's because of her. When I can say it without feeling my soul shattering, I'll tell you why I came back."

"I saw the pain in Lafebvre's eyes. This man with cold eyes was hiding a pain that overwhelmed him, and I wouldn't bring back memories of his past. Send Muriel and prepare my affairs. We'll go to the cell where those traitors are."

"I nodded, as you command, Alpha."

"Lafebvre carried out my orders thoroughly. Muriel didn't take long to come and annoy me."

"I told you from the beginning that she seemed like a common beta who gets involved with anyone or climbs into the bed of whoever pays the most, but as always, you let yourself be guided by your heart."

"You can shut your mouth, Muriel, or I'll send you back to the dump."

"So sensitive, tell me, princess, what am I good for? You and I don't need this kind of encounter; we know each other too well."

"I have a job for you, Muriel. You must handle it with heart and soul, or I'll go crazy. I need you to keep me sane."

"First, explain to me what stupid thing you did now. Look at yourself, it's as if a trailer ran over you."

"Quite literally, it was, and the worst part is that I brought that trailer upon myself."