1 The awakening

A slight itching in my nose interrupts my sleep, trying to ignore it I turn even with my eyes closed. The itching did not stop, instead it grew stronger, irritated by this I open my eyes tightly to see what the hell was what interrupted my dream...

White, white and lifeless eyes were directly staring at me. He was a human, or he was, his empty eyes could only see hate, or so I think... but I notice something else.

My eyebrows twitched.

His mouth is open. It does not release any sound, but still manages to splash a bit of its drool on it.

With a face of disgust I try to stand up.

That thing with anger tries to jump on me.

His face crashes into the grilles and his head explodes, warm pieces of brain, eyes, skin and a lot of filths jump over me.

With disgust and fear I let out a scream...

affirmed against the wall I notice something.

My own scream... I didn't hear it, it wasn't my vocal cords, the itch of the scream persisted in my throat... it can't be, I'm just a little sleepy and scared, that's why I couldn't hear anything.

I feel the tears that fall from my face.

No matter how much I scream and sob, I can't hear anything, between tears and boogers I start looking around. Where I am? Jess, where is it !? My head tried to process everything at maximum speed. Claustrophobia was playing tricks on me.

Looking around for some exit I notice a cylindrical glass. It was big... but that was not important, I saw a reflection looked like a young woman...

Scared, I back off.

Surprised I see that she imitates me

The reflection becomes less visible but still there, with red tears and inflamed eyes that show the time he has been crying, a small trace of these tears run through his eyes, his silver hair is stained with blood, this beautiful color almost seemed to make His hair was white.

2 Little horns protruded above his head, their left is broken...

" "

" "

When I yell at her to leave, I start to get scared more and more, she repeats my actions perfectly, I notice how little by little her pupils turn from a vertical slit.

In his eyes there is only a dark black line, seeing it directly penetrates my whole soul and exposes all my darkest secrets...

Fight" or "Flee"

Through his gaze, my skin bristled and the word "monster" formed in my head.

My options were not many, I faced something unknown...

I knew my possibilities and I don't think I can fight... only left flee

At the same time I thought that, I see how the devil in front of me begins to appear what looked like metal scales, which covered his entire chin...

"Attack !?"

And at the same time I feel deep pain all over my face.

Screaming in pain, I lay on the floor, I feel as if my skin was torn off.

It burns in the deepest part of my being and soon the pain rises to my head. And although the brain should not feel pain.

I felt it, it was a sensation too strange but the pain was real, I couldn't even describe it. How do you explain to someone that your hair hurts?

As if something was eating my brain, little by little I felt that it was replaced by something. Because of the pain I even heard little laughs of evil inside my head.

Pins seemed to sting my eyes, as if they were birds that did not see food in several weeks and suddenly saw food badly, they did not stop for a second.

It was such that the pain inside my head appreciate tickling.

I start hitting the ground with my fists and like a pig about to enter the slaughterhouse I was turning on the floor.

I soon feel like everything turns white, I can't feel more pain and it relaxes me,

-I'll just close my eyes for a moment-

It will only be a brief moment.
