
Being to hell

My name is sheniz carlia vladka denoz. I am twenty-six years old, married, and dead. I do not know what went wrong. I grew up in a warm family of six kids i was the second child. Since I was small I had two dreams: to be a pharmacist and to have a family like my parents.

I went to school and had my degree in medicine to be a pharmacist. While going home to my country for one of my holidays I met my long-lost childhood friend Arnold. we started dating after one year. I was 19 that same year, my father got seriously ill and died.

In this hardship, Arnold was always there with me. At twenty, I got proposed and we got married. That's where I don't understand everything was going perfectly except for the part we were unable to have kids.

one day while coming back home as I opened the door to the house. Everything suddenly went black I was suffocating Because someone had thrown a paperback on my head. 

I started fighting to remove the back and when I tore the back the person I saw trying to kill me was Arnold. My head suddenly went numb in shock I stood there lying on the floor trying to understand. Taking advantage of this he injected something in me and I died. 

I learned later that while he did this was for his gay lover. Turn out he was using me to cover off the fact he was gay. How could I not hate them? 

I am not homophobic, one of my friends is gay. This is a true live story just use it as an inspiration

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