
2. Seizure 1

(A flashback to six months ago)

Ashley's pov

"Mum, I have been having hearing issues" I complained.

"Ok darling, I think you should take some time to rest before dinner. You must have had a long day at school ".

"Yes mum".

*On her bed*

My head suddenly started moving on its own. I started to panic and become stiff.

"Mum!" I shouted using all my strength. Finally after what seemed like forever, I started hearing footsteps.

Mum's pov

Downstairs I was hearing a faint voice coming from Ashley but I just brushed it off. I wanted to go to my room but decided to stop by Ashley's room. What I saw was shocking.

"Ashley, Ashley what is going on? "I was almost to the point of tears .

"Mum*sob*, I am stiff and I can't move please help me *sob*" Ashley cried out.

My daughter is in a bad state and I am still here. Wait, what am I doing here?

I quickly called my husband and I drove to the hospital with my son Audrey helping Ashley at the back seat. Many things were running through my mind, how am going to deal with this in the night?

*At the hospital *

" Doctor what is happening to my daughter?, will she be fine?, answer me!" I shouted losing patience.

I quickly called my husband to come to the hospital immediately.

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