
Time to get started

'So this is my new home huh, not much but we will get around' After opening the door I saw typical small Japanese apartment, I took off my shoes, put them on a rack, put on slippers and went in. Fridge, stove, sink, some cabinets, and a shelf to my left and a door to right, probably bathroom. In main room a bed, table, some chairs, wardrobe and desk. 'It`s really minimalistic design' I laid down on my bed and started to put my new memories in some kind of order.

' My name is Christian' I paused for a moment 'My name was Christian. Now it`s Koyomi Akatsuki, argh Japanese naming what`s first name or surname, how do I even look like, that shitty old man said everything will be random. You are random, your mother is random!'

Flashback Start


I died but what death it was. I was having my way with a girl, she was like an angel so innocent and pure, but the devil came and *ahem* destroyed her, nah that`s just bullshit. I was having a great time with my gf but her crazy sis-con older sister came and just stabbed me to death, I wasn`t even able to rise any death flags, maybe just being in a relationship with a sister of a psycho was one. And now I am in some kind of white space reminiscing about my life. No fear, no stress, nothing just me and going blind by this brightness. Cmon brain give me the most embarrasing moments of my life, it`s perfect time for it.


"Ah here you are I was looking for you"

A voice from nowhere, and then fckng MORGAN FREEMAN appeared in front of me. I knew that he was higher being!

"I am a higher being and I just take the most comfortable appearance for people to make them at ease. Every earthning in #1337 universe think`s that this Morgan is a god, I don`t know what but we don`t have time. Let`s see your power in the next world would be hmmm, let`s go with the classic random, appearance random, universe random, bloodline random EVERYTHING RANDOM"

"What the heck, power, universe random,what are you talking about?! DON`T YOU DARE TO SNAP YOUR FINGERS"

*SNAP* "Good job me, let`s search for another one, I need some more entertaiment, maybe it`s time to have fun with some mythologies."

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