
I Hacked the Damned System

[Winner in WPC July 2023 Contest!] [Slight Smut - Fast Paced - System] *** Synopsis: It all started as another VRMMORPG, Emberhorn, was released out to the world. With it, came all sorts of adventures such as leveling up your stats, killing monsters as you venture through dungeons, slaying dragons, getting noble ranks, and in other words, living in it. That’s exactly what Adrenoid did. He wasted the rest of his years strapped to the headset as the addict for adventure that he was, doing nothing but playing and coursing through this virtual world’s mysteries and secrets. Thus, Adrenoid had long gone to become a lifeless shut-in without a job, friends, and a girlfriend. This game was the only thing that supported him through these tough times. What he lacked in the real world, he tried to change in the virtual one to the point he’d do anything to have more privilege than the others, including the possibility of cheating. Thus, after dozens of retries and errors, he had finally done it. He had hacked the game’s system which led to its downfall. [Shut-Down Notice: 1 Hour(s) Left.] [Shut-Down Notice: 30 Minutes Left.] [Goodbye!] Adrenoid’s stream of tears was unstoppable as the game he had invested years in to become one of the strongest had met its end. “Huh?” Adrenoid gazed in surprise as his tears pixelated into the air. [Welcome, Player 1!] [Your arrival has been awaited for a long time.] [The Emberhorn will stretch its authority over Planet-B612, also known as Earth, gradually over time.] Adrenoid couldn’t help but gaze slack-jawed at the holographic pop-ups one after another. Especially the editable stats. --Notice-- The Story's beginning will be based on the game, and so will the MC's villain trope also start later on--the world is set on Earth but I'll be making fictional countries, cities, towns, etc.

ItsHashi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
153 Chs



[Someone from afar has gifted you the "Vest of Weight Loss"]


Wait, what the fuck?

Who is someone from afar?

They gifted me something?

The gifting process of the system also works?

What about the marketplace?

Hmm, if I hacked the system, does it mean I also have infinite coins to purchase SSS and Z-grade equipment and weapons?

I slid my arm into the empty air to open the system in front of my eyes as I did in the game.

"Hmm…" I trailed off as the menu appeared in front of me.

"If I scroll down in here in this additional drop-down section… Ah, it really showed up!"


I tapped on it with my finger.

[Do you wish to enter the Marketplace: (Yes) (No)]

[Do you wish to enter the Marketplace: (Yes)]

I tapped yes and the system window stretched into a big rectangle containing two horizontal rows made up of ten squares.

Although, they were empty.

[The Marketplace is currently empty. Please come again later!]

That line of text was etched over the empty squares.


My eyes darted to the top right corner of the huge rectangle.

[Coins: 2041]

"That's the same amount I had in the game…" I trailed off as I tapped on that section by stretching out.

"Huh? Why does it not show anything?" I questioned to myself as it dawned upon me.

"Of course it doesn't work, Adrenoid, you only cracked the anti-cheat wall and hacked the stats system… Agh, I'm so retarded!" I complained out loud as I exited out of that window.

I tapped on the notifications tab.

[Gift Received]

There was a closed envelope by the side of the notification.

I clicked it even though I know what it was.

[Vest of Weight Loss]

It showed me how it looked on the holographic window and then the notification turned grey as I tapped again to move it away.

"Who the hell gave it to me, though?"

The live notification I had gotten said that it was a gift from afar… Could it have been from Smool?

Nah, that guy isn't far when he knows where a subway station of mine is.

"..." I had taken the vest out from the inventory and scanned it.

It seemed to be a simple dark sleeveless shirt with a few bumps in front and back of it and a button on the right side of the chest.

I clicked it.




"Really now? A vibrating vest so I lose weight? Are y'all fuckers fucking with me or something!?" I cursed out to whoever sent this gift to me, whether they heard or not.

Dun, dun, dun!

"Shut the fuck up!" A curse reached from below the ground.

"Oopsies, guess I was too loud." I itched my head as I shrugged the curses away and regained some composure.

I sat cross-legged on the bed as I pondered about the last four hours.

After entering the game, I feel like I got my brain-thrust information of all sorts about Emberhorn, although, from the shock I had received, I can hardly recall any details.

Right after being ejected from the game, I had lost access to it and the game shut down in the next hour and a half.

The moment it shut down, I received the system into the real world with the same stats from the game with the additional extra fact that I could edit my stats.

Albeit, I've been too afraid to tinker with them considering the things that happened before I got ejected from the game happened the moment I had raised my strength points from 102 to 103.

"Should I do it right now?" I asked out loud to myself.

That's what I should've said back on the Trial-Quest years ago… I thought with bitterness.

I missed the one chance I had at losing my virginity even if it was inside of a game, and now, I'm a fucking fat retard who has gotten a fantasy game system.

"I should just sleep." I shrugged it off as I turned off my VrBed and pc.

I cleaned my room a little as I wore the weight losing vest and turned it on after getting under my bed covers.



I can't fucking sleep. I cursed inwardly as I kept turning to different sides.

"Is sleeping with a vibrating vest bad? Probably not for a fat dunce like me but I'm too hyper and caught up with what transpired on that colosseum. Emberhorn and its powers are definitely real. I was teleported to Italy just like that as if I was there to begin with…"

"Sigh… Nothing will happen if I raise this new physicality stat from zero to fifty, would it?" I voiced as I spammed the up arrow fifty times.

"The clock is ten…"

'Meet me up at Fallington Subway Station tomorrow at six in the afternoon.' Smool's words resounded in my mind as the relaxation from the smooth vibrations of the vest seeped into me.

Thinking about tomorrow, the deep slumber of today engulfed me slowly in a kind manner.



Beep, beep, beep!

I slapped my phone to stop the alarm.

"It's twelve already?" I groaned as I groggily left my bed, my body feeling even lighter than yesterday's.

The vest was still running as I entered my toilet to wash my face.


I opened the door and after peeing I was met with something I didn't expect in front of the mirror.

"Grah? Who the fuck is this hot fuck!?" I yelled in surprise at the reflection of a hot dude in front of the mirror.

I moved my hand, and in sync, the guy across the mirror moved it all the same.

"Is this for real me?" I whispered as I scanned my face with my fingers feeling the surface of my chin, eyes, jaw, basically everything.

I gazed down at my fine arms and legs too. I seemed to be taller.

"Hmm, why does it feel like I've seen him somewhere? Ah, is this Nord? My character from Emberhorn?!" I gazed into the mirror, getting another good look at my brand-new features.

"Wuohehehe… I wonder if my family will even recognize me."

"Oh, shit, I must get ready, I've gotta meet Smool…" Just like that, I wore a simple hoodie that seemed to be too big for my body and used a belt to keep my giant pants tied to my body too.

After a bit of getting ready, I finally left the apartment and made my way towards the subway station.

"Hmm…" I can't hear my steps at all… I hummed as I looked at my feet.

"Hm?" I whipped my head into a direction I felt a gaze from.

Was that girl staring at me? Do I look weird?

"This isn't good for my health…" I sighed out as I walked down the stairs to the station.

[Smool: im waiting in front of the entry for you, im wearing a techwear set of a grey hoodie and black pants -- 5:56]

"Hm, I'm here but I don't see him anywhere…" I muttered as I whipped my eyes in different directions.

"Nord~" The voice of a female entered my ears.

I turned to face the source of the voice to see a female with a techwear set consisting of a grey hoodie and black pants.

My jaw slackened.

"No fucking way…?"

Today my contract got verified and I've already got 3 gifts... I'm glad to see such a start for this new novel of mine... *sobs in proudness compared to the previous novels*

Also, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue doing so for the future ones too and DONT FORGET TO SLIDE POWERSTONES AND SUPPORT FOR THE CONTEST!

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