

When I hear people ask

"What's the worst part of depression"

I know what I would say.

My response wouldn't be about the overwhelming sad feeling that's constantly there nagging and destroying every part of your body

The worst part of depression is seeing your friends and family and everyone around you happy

I'm not saying I don't want

People to be happy

I do

What I'm saying I don't want

People to be happy,

I do

What I'm saying is that seeing their joy

Seeing their true genuine happiness

Makes you feel broken

Like there's something wrong with you

Why can't I feel this way?

Why am I not happy like them?

You wish you could be in their shoes

Even if it's just for a second

Just so you could get a break

From the dark cloud that follows

You around.

Depression isn't just a sad

It's the heart wrenching feeling of seeing the happiness that you should have

On someone else

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