
Premium Weapon (3)

Gil remained prone on the ground, and the others maintained their distance, anxiety etched across their faces as they hesitated to approach, fearing unforeseen consequences.

However, before long, Gil began to regain consciousness, his gaze unfocused as he struggled to comprehend what had transpired. He slowly surveyed his surroundings, noticing the perplexed stares of his companions.

"What did I say about not touching it, you f*cking brat! Now look what you've gotten us into." Anderson scolded, his frustration evident.

Their collective attention then shifted toward Gil's arm, prompting him to follow their gaze, his own bewilderment growing as he saw an unknown pattern etched on his skin. It looked more like a tattoo.

Driven by curiosity, Elise approached Gil cautiously, prompting Anderson's warning.

"Elise, what are you doing?! You want to get cursed, too?!" Anderson cautioned.

She shook her head. "No... But I have a feeling it's not a curse." With determination, she reached out and gently grasped Gil's arm, leaning in to examine the enigmatic pattern more closely.

Elise looked so intrigued by the pattern, but that made Gil uncomfortable.

"So, is my arm got cursed?" Gil asked.

There was a bit of pause from Elise, but then she gave out an answer. "I don't know, but I think it's fine. You don't have any weird feelings or complications, don't you?"

Gil shook his head, uncertainty clouding his thoughts. "I feel... fine. Does that mean I'm all right?"

Elise's response carried an air of caution. "Who knows? It's probably best to return and have your arm examined."

However, not everyone was eager to get involved in the situation.

"It's blatantly a curse. Do you really want to bring him back and risk getting cursed, too? I certainly don't. Just let him go back on his own," Anderson argued.

But Lack voiced concern, "Come on, that's a bit harsh, senpai. What if something happens to him on the way back?"

Anderson remained unmoved. "Why should I care?"

Gil clicked his tongue in frustration upon hearing Anderson's blunt but accurate assessment. As much as he disliked it, Anderson's point was valid. Gil had brought this predicament upon himself, and his companions had every right to distance themselves from his problem. Their primary purpose was to assist him in locating the premium gun, Nova.

With a defeated sigh, Gil ruminated on the unexpected turn of events. He had assumed that when Elise had mentioned the rune's inscription, it would somehow unlock the gun. Instead, he bore an enigmatic mark on his arm.

However, as Gil lamented his current situation, the mark on his arm began to emit a brilliant glow. Instantly, the others retreated again, being cautious about what would happen.

The shining mark detached itself from Gil's arm, hovering in mid-air. Gradually, it took on an intricate form that left Gil in awe, his eyes widening in astonishment. He recognized the shape it was taking – it was the gun he had fervently sought, the Nova.

The gun descended into Gil's hand, and a wide, delighted smile spread across his face. Its sleek design brought a smile to his face; it resembled a modern-day hunting rifle, yet its appearance was undeniably otherworldly, like something from a fantasy realm.

The others who bore witness to this extraordinary sight were left utterly flabbergasted.

"That looks absolutely amazing. It's my first time seeing anything like it," Lack marveled.

Elise, her curiosity piqued, chimed in, "It doesn't seem like a curse after all."

While Lack and Elise expressed their amazement and intrigue, Anderson's thoughts took a different turn.

"It does look impressive, no doubt," he mused. "But, I wonder how much it will sell?"

The instant Anderson said that Gil became wary, and the other was surprised.

"What do you mean by 'sell'?" Lack inquired with genuine confusion.

"Don't act stupid, Lack. That's no ordinary wand. It could fetch a hefty price if we sell it," Anderson asserted.

Lack, however, was taken aback. "Are you out of your mind? Do you want the guild to come down on us? It's his request, and it's rightfully his."

"To hell with the guild," Anderson retorted vehemently. "If we sell it, we can kiss this wretched job goodbye. We could retire early, Lack!" Anderson countered, his greed pushing him to consider the possibilities.

Lack couldn't bring himself to respond, but he strongly disagreed with Anderson's proposition. The idea of snatching something that didn't belong to them didn't sit right with him.

A confrontation between the two seemed imminent, but before it could escalate, Elise intervened, blocking Anderson with her mage wand.

"That's enough. You're taking this too far, Anderson," she admonished.

However, instead of relenting, Anderson grew even more irate. "You're defending him too? That brat nearly got us killed, and now he's reaping the rewards? And you're defending him, you f*cking bitch!" He hurled an offensive word at Elise.

The sudden insult left everyone stunned, and Lack's anger flared instantly. He shot a glare at Anderson and sternly questioned, "What did you just say to Ms. Elise?"

When Anderson called Elise a bitch, Gil couldn't resist recalling a previous encounter between them. Seizing the moment, he decided to fan the flames further.

"Wow, you called Elise that? After you were about to forcefully order her to satisfy your lust before?"

That was a lie. He knew their previous encounter had been consensual. However, by making this claim, he aimed to corner Anderson and shift the blame onto him.

Gil's statement sent a shockwave through the group, leaving Lack bewildered. "What do you mean by that?" he demanded, his confusion evident.

"Well, remember when I got back from somewhere with them before?" Gil began. "I caught Anderson about to have sex with Elise. I think, Anderson forcefully made Elise do it with him."

Lack's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"Don't listen to him, Lack! It's complete nonsense!" Anderson retorted desperation in his voice.

Instead of taking Anderson's word for it, Lack turned to Elise, seeking an explanation. However, Elise remained silent, her face turned away. She knew the accusation was unequivocally false. She recognized the accusation was false, but her resentment toward Anderson for calling her a bitch clouded her desire to come to his defense. Moreover, in this narrative, she found herself portrayed as a victim, realizing that she had nothing to lose by remaining silent.

Without receiving a direct answer, Lack surmised that there might be truth to Gil's allegations. Gritting his teeth in anger, he admonished Anderson,

"How dare you do that?! I respect you as someone that I look for. And you commit something as heinous as that?!" He swiftly unsheathed his sword, pointing it at Anderson. "You deserved to be in jail, Anderson!"

Gil, seizing the opportunity that his deception had created, also aimed his gun at Anderson, a triumphant grin etching across his face. Anderson, sandwiched between the two, found himself with no option but to confront them in battle.

Just as a confrontation seemed imminent, a sudden burst of brilliance on the dungeon ceiling caught their attention. Another rune materialized, leaving them bewildered. Elise who understood a bit, said in a low voice. "Trials?"

The rune abruptly vanished, replaced by a massive magical circle. In an instant, an entity emerged from within that circle. A huge body materialized from the magical gateway. The sudden appearance of this unknown entity took them all by surprise, causing Elise, Anderson, and Gil to leap away from their positions in an attempt to evade the unknown entity.

The other guy made a similar evasive move, but unfortunately, the spot where he fell was also where the unknown creature had landed.

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