

"Sei-kun no Baka! You jerk!"

As Sana screamed at me, she also tried and failed to wrestle her hand off my grip.

When she tries to hit me with her other hand, I catch it. Even though she has no free hands to hit me, she does not give up yet. She tries to kick my foot, and I move the targeted foot away.


Sana gasped as my action made her lose her balance. Before she could ever fall, however, I released her hands and held her body.

For a few moments, Sana is disorientated. She recovers soon, and then she becomes aware of our compromising position and starts struggling out of my hold again.

"Sei-kun! Release Sana! Or Sana will scream—"

To be honest, I am feeling anxious about Sana's screaming and temper tantrums.

So far, our parents have not checked us yet. It was not unusual for Sana and the original Seiji to fight from the smallest thing. A pair of siblings fighting each other is not abnormal after all.

However, if Sana repeatedly shouts, our parents will become suspicious and go to check us out. I do not want that!

Why did I tell Sana about my romantic relationship? Oh, right, I do not want to experience that annoying drama.

I already experienced it once. Granted, it is only in the memory I got from my trip to the future.

Still, I do not want to go through that again. Therefore, I had this idea to tell Sana about my current romantic relationship.

Anyway, I need to shut Sana up before our parents check us out. So, I press my lips on hers, stopping her shout.

Sana freezes for a few moments before her body quivers in my arms. However, she does not push me. She wraps her arms around my torso and tightens her embrace instead.

Our lips are touching and pressing on each other for a short while. When Sana opens her lips, I push my tongue into her mouth and start dominating her tongue.

At first, Sana was being a pushover, allowing my tongue to dominate hers. However, it was not for long. Sana tries to assert her dominance but fails due to her inexperience.

Even though her tongue is awkwardly asserting her dominance, it is to no avail. Still, Sana is surprisingly eager.

As we kiss, I lead her to my bed. I push her body on my bed and get down on all fours on top of her. I never ended our kiss.

So far, Sana was going on with the flow. Perhaps, she was not really aware of what I did since she was too immersed in our kiss.

As I pin down Sana's body under me and ravish her lips, I think about what I am going to do next.

The crazy advice from the future Sana is repeating in my head. I would be lying if I said I am not tempted to go along with it. However, I have some issues with it.

Even if I have a loose moral, I won't be able to force myself on her. Perhaps, if it is the original me before I merged with the original Seiji, I would not hesitate. However, there were repercussions from assimilating the original Seiji.

It was ironic that merging with the original Seiji turned me into a decent sort of person.

After carefully contemplating, I make up my mind. I will not follow that crazy advice. I will not force myself on Sana!

I will make Sana agree to share me with Haruka without committing that atrocity!

When we stop kissing, I examine Sana's reddened face and see her glazed eyes.

"Uh, What? Why? Huh?" Sana incoherently asked. She seemed at a loss.

"Have you calmed down?" I whispered.

Sana slowly nods her head. She does not seem to have realized it yet.

Then, Sana finally understands what happened, and her face turns redder. Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened wide.

Sana is going to scream in embarrassment.

Since I cannot let her do that, I seal her lips with mine again.

After I ended our kiss, I say, "If you try to scream, I will shut your mouth again."

"S-Sana won't scream…Sana promises…" Sana stuttered and averted her eyes away.

I feel a little bad about doing this to Sana. However, the alternative is crueler. Therefore, I push my unpleasant feeling aside.

"Um…Could Sana ask something?" Sana haltingly asked. Her eyes were unable to meet mine.

I give her a firm nod.

"Um, What was that?" Sana fixed her anxious gaze to me.


Even though I have a hunch, I do not have a definitive conclusion. Hence, I asked Sana.

"That…Sei-kun kissed Sana…Were you not saying that you already have a girlfriend?!"

"Indeed, I have a girlfriend…"

"So, why did you kiss Sana? It was Sana's first kiss!" She hissed and glared at me. She was angry and was going to explode.

"Because I also like, no, I love Sana too…"

"W-Wha—hmph?!" Sana almost gave a loud shout, but I sealed her mouth in time.

Sana tries and fails to wrestle herself off my kiss. She soon gives me up and gives me free access over her lips. After I stopped kissing her, I see her complicated stare. She also becomes teary as she feels wronged.

Well, I have been unreasonably acting. I am aware of my fault. I am a despicable hypocrite. However, I will not stop since I have made up my decision concerning this matter.

"You jerk! You know…that, but why do…you have a girlfriend?! Sana doesn't want…to lose Sei-kun!" Sana resentfully hissed at me.

Thankfully, Sana kept her voice down.

"Me too. Believe me. However, it is complicated."

Sana does not reply, so I continue.

"I like Sana as a woman."

When I said that, Sana's body quivered. I notice her reaction but act as if I am unaware of it to continue my words.

"However, I also fall in love with her—my girlfriend. Indeed, I love her and Sana. I know that I am a selfish, greedy jerk. I want to have her and Sana for myself."

"Sei-kun is super selfish and greedy…you jerk! You are horrible!"

"Yes. Your Sei-kun is a selfish, greedy jerk. I am a horrible person."

"Sana wants to…have Sei-kun for herself! Sana does not…want to share…with someone else!"

"Sorry." I just apologized to Sana as I embraced her.

"It hurts, Sei-kun. Sana does not like this…Sana does not want this…Can't Sei-kun pick only one?"

"I can't! I love you two. I cannot pick between you two."

"Sei-kun, you are really a jerk…"

"Yes. I am…for that, I am sorry…"

Sana is openly sobbing, and I hug her in my arms. I wait until Sana stops crying, never letting her go off my arms. I am the cause of her heartbreak. Even so, I am imposing my selfishness on her.

We lapse into a tense silence until Sana asks me a question.

"Can you tell Sana about your girlfriend? Who is she? Does Sana know her?"

I carefully think. Should I tell Sana about Haruka? Well, Sana will find it out sooner or later. So, why don't I tell her now?

After contemplating for a while, I choose to tell her.

"It is Haruka…"

"Haruka? You meant Hiragi Haruka-sensei?"

When I examine Sana's face, I see her expression shows a mix of surprise and resignation. It is as if she already presumed this but was in a state of denial.

My answer just confirmed her suspicious all along.

"Yes," I simply answered.

"Since when?"

"Honestly, we have been dating since the end of March…"

Sana chews her bottom lips, her face looking thoughtful. After a short while, she asks me again.

"Is Sei-kun's change related to your relationship with Hiragi-sensei?"

To be honest, Sana's assumption is off. My change was not due to Haruka. However, I would not tell her about my transmigration.

Telling Sana or someone else about my transmigration is just beyond stupid. Sharing about my time-traveling power is the limit of what I will share with my lovers, in the present and future. I promised myself I will bring my other secrets to my grave.

"I suppose…" I vaguely replied.

"So, what now?" Sana asked after a short while.

I examine her face. Sana is anxiously staring at me.

"Well, I have confessed to you that I also love you…"

"Yes…Sana still feels complicated about it. Sana does not like it when Sei-kun is being a playboy like this!"

"Sorry. But, I am super greedy. I want Haruka and Sana for myself…"

Sana pouts and sends her resentful glare at me.

"Anyway, I am going to try to make both Haruka and Sana happy." I resolutely said.

Sana seems amazed by my exclamation. Her expression is as if saying, 'How can such a shameless brazen person exist?'

"Sei-kun, you are really unreasonable."

"Yes, yes. I am."

"Can you let Sana think? Sana does not think that she is ready for this. At least, allow Sana to think about this carefully!"

"Sorry, but I won't let you think. I will only accept your approval."

"You are also shameless!"

"I know." I cheekily replied to Sana's accusation.

We lapse into silence. I see Sana's face as she deeply thinks about something.

Sana releases a resigned sigh after a short while. Then, she speaks up.

"Okay. Sana will see how this is going to develop. When Sana imagined the alternative, which means losing Sei-kun, this seems the lesser evil. However, Sana promises that Sana will make Sei-kun suffer if Sei-kun hurts Sana in the future."

I examine Sana's expression and see how serious she is. I nod my head firmly.

To be honest, I am a bit surprised that Sana accepted it so soon. But, I recall how Haruka was also like this after I told her about my future harem.

I cannot help but wonder if it is due to my [Harem Protagonist] trait. Either way, I am relieved that I see an excellent development in my relationship with Sana without her going to the deep end.

(Next, I need to tell Haruka about this. Hm? Wait for a second! I haven't told Haruka that Sana is also one of my lovers in the future! Ugh! It looks like I am going to have another earnest discussion with Haruka. I hope that she won't exaggeratedly react. Oh! Who am I kidding? She will freak out, alright!)

Right after thinking as such, I feel a bit wary with my next important talk with Haruka about my new relationship with Sana.

Word Count: ±1,700

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