
A Liar

Hiding his face with a wolf mask and wearing red armor, Oscar stood in front of them. Despite knowing that it was Oscar John didn't withdraw his sword. Dave on the other has a very shocked expression on his face, how can Oscar come here from the capital so quickly? or Was there someone else behind that Mask?

" Don't worry, it's me!" Oscar once again spoke as he took off his mask.

" You are here, now that everything's been sorted out!" Dave shouted. " And how were you able to come here within just one day from the capital."

" There are ways," Oscar spoke and then added, " It seems everything's fine now. I guess I don't have to save you anymore."

" Oscar, You have finally decided to show up after so much time." John who still hasn't withdrawn his sword moved forward for an attack. Oscar jumped back but his armor was scratched and the next moment he took out his sword.

" Look John, I want no trouble, I just came to check whether or not that young man was alive. Do you still not believe me? I have told you countless times that Shiloh had misunderstood." He shouted and stayed on guard, both of them didn't move as they stayed cautious of each other's movements. They were trying to read each other's next move and then attack.

" Hey, Both of You, Stop!" Dave shouted and got in between them but they didn't lower their weapon instead it allowed John to swing his sword from his back and catch Oscar off-guard. Dave almost felt that he was going to be cut into two pieces by his sword and quickly moved out of the way.

However, when he turned his back he could see the two of them clashing against each other. And noticed the way they were fighting, while there was much more raw power behind Oscar's attack, John was using his skills to parry them and counterattack. He had activated the [ Flash Series] skill that allows him to use different abilities.

John has explained to Dave that this is 3rd level of his skill, and thus he can use versatile powers in his attacks. Dave had only seen him using this skill to buff his speed, and movements, and sometimes cut even the hardest of materials. But John told him that he could even phase through physical objects when he uses this skill.

However, no matter how skillful John was, the one dominating the fight was Oscar. Every time he attacked, it was with such force that the air would disappear around the slash. His moves weren't fancy but enough to kill any opponent with one attack.

' How is john even dealing with that much power? and, Oscar, is equally as strong as me with the bident.' Dave was truly fascinated by John's skills and Oscar's raw power.

" What the hell are you trying to achieve?" Oscar shouted.

" Beat the hell out of you so that she can at least confront you!" John responded and then shouted" [ Flash Series] Ultimate Gear!"

The next second Dave could only see a trail of light attacking Oscar from every direction. It was too fast and Dave was unable to keep up with it, Oscar started to struggle because of that as his armor was being cut continuously from several places and the clash of metal was only leaving sparks behind.

" Skill Activate [ Puppet Of Death]" Oscar shouted and suddenly a lilac glow covered his body, and below his feet, two circular patterns appeared.

Out of those circles, two skeleton hands came out forming a shield around Oscar with the fingers. The trail of light became even faster and deadlier but the skeletal hands were not affected at all suddenly one of the hands moved and hit the incoming attack of the flash trail of light.

The next moment Dave saw John rolling on the ground and then slamming into a large tree. He got stuck there and suddenly the circular patterns moved toward John and then one of the hands reached out to grab hold of his entire body.

The Lilac glow that covered the skeletons was something very familiar to Dave. Because he had once witnessed the same glow in the sky when he had massacred the terrorists of the Black Dawn.

Also, the name of the skill sounded very similar to [Mark Of Death]. Was it the reason why Oscar had so much strength? Since when did he have that skill? The people in this world are born with them, or they are blessed with skill by a god.

" Stop! Oscar put him down," Dave shouted but it seemed to not affect Oscar as he didn't let go of John. Seeing that Dave took out a mana potion and drank it quickly.

" Skill Activate [ Metal Body]" Dave shouted to activate his skill.

His entire body was turned into metal and he then punched straight at the skeleton's hands that were grabbing John but it was just pushed back.

' How strong are the bones?' Dave thought as he found out that his 40-stat strength attack was hopeless against these skeletal hands.

" Oye kid, don't meddle in our fight!" Oscar shouted.

" Kid...Do I look like a kid to you?" Dave shouted.

" It's because you are a kid in my eyes that I am so soft on you," Oscar replied and then added, " Don't worry, I am not trying to harm him. He will not die with just this much, I know it because I have seen how tenacious he is."

Dave didn't respond, he didn't know how badly John was injured. Since he ran into those hands with great speed then it would have led to equally great damage just because of the collision plus the damage of the strength of those hands.

Those hands looked like the hands of a giant demon, and they moved, however, Oscar wished them to move. Suddenly something weird happened and Dave's [ Metal Body] was dispelled and the skeletal hands started to disappear as well.

An eerie chill ran through his body, and suddenly something moved so fast that it gave dave goosebumps. The speed wasn't normal as Dave saw the trail of light circling Oscar and towering upwards.

That was John at his full speed...

" You Want To Fight, Let's Fight For Real!" John shouted. " You liar!"

3rd Chapter

The chapters will now be posted at 1 pm, 5pm, and 10 pm regularly from tomorrow.

RYZ_WNcreators' thoughts
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