

It was like every other day of his life. James Peter moved like clockwork as he followed his regular routine: wake up, wash himself, drink coffee, work, eat lunch, drink coffee, work, drink coffee, clean himself, sleep and repeat.

He was working through a mountain of paper when someone appeared behind him when he was taking a coffee break and they said "James should you really be drinking coffee that much it might give you a heart attack and you are getting stains on the document" Then James said "Sorry Melinda" after he called her that he received a serious scolding about his behaviour and not mixing what happened in the past with the present.

Later that day when James was brushing his teeth he suddenly started having pains on his chest and was feeling lightheaded. He then found himself nowhere. There was nothing around him and he was surrounded by darkness. It felt like he was there for an eternity then the most beautiful voice which sounded like an angels song said to him "The almighty father has taken pity on you rejoice for he will grant you 5 wishes please state them now".

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