
The Village is Not What I Expected.

Part 5: An Enchanting RPG Town

As Kenji approached the village, he immediately noticed that it was unlike any vanilla Minecraft village he had ever encountered. The sight before him left him awestruck—it was not just a simple village; it was an expansive and enchanting RPG town. Each building exuded grandeur and uniqueness, turning the town into a mesmerizing sight.

As he stepped further into the town, he marveled at the craftsmanship of the houses. Intricately carved wooden facades adorned the walls, and vibrant banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, adding a touch of elegance to the surroundings. It truly felt like he had stumbled upon a magical RPG realm.


Part 6: The RPG Town Guide

As Kenji stepped further into the enchanting RPG town, he was greeted by a charming sight—a cute female villager with a warm smile. She approached him with a friendly demeanor and asked if he was new to the town.

"Yes, I am..."

Kenji replied, feeling an immediate connection with the cheerful villager.

"My name is Kira..."

She introduced herself, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I'm one of the locals here."

"If you're new, I'd be more than happy to give you a tour around our wonderful town!"

Kenji gratefully accepted Kira's offer, feeling fortunate to have found such a kind and knowledgeable guide. With Kira leading the way, he began his exploration of the RPG town.

The first stop on their tour was the merchant's building—a bustling hub of commerce and trade. Stalls lined the walls, each offering an array of intriguing items and enchantments. Kenji's eyes widened with wonder as Kira explained the unique properties and benefits of the merchandise.

Next, they wandered through the vibrant marketplace. Colorful canopies stretched overhead, casting dancing shadows on the cobblestone streets. The air was filled with the sounds of haggling merchants and the laughter of villagers. Kira pointed out various stalls and shops, each with its own distinct offerings.

They made their way to a cozy Inn, where travelers and villagers alike gathered to rest and share stories. Kira introduced Kenji to the Innkeeper, who welcomed him with open arms and offered him a room for his stay. The friendly atmosphere within the Inn made Kenji feel at home, and he knew he had chosen the perfect place to rest after his adventures.

As they continued their tour, Kira led Kenji to the Adventure's Guild—a majestic building that served as the heart of the town's quests and adventures. The walls were adorned with maps, displaying points of interest and challenges scattered throughout the Minecraft world. Kenji's eyes sparkled with excitement as he realized the potential for countless quests and thrilling escapades.

Kira explained that adventurers like Kenji could accept quests from the guild, ranging from simple tasks to perilous adventures. Completing quests would grant rewards, experience, and reputation, further enhancing his RPG journey. The guild also served as a place for adventurers to form parties and forge alliances, ensuring that no challenge was too great to overcome together.


Part 7: The Pillager's Attack

As Kenji and Kira left the Adventure's Guild, the air was suddenly pierced by the blaring sound of the village bell. The urgent tones warned all the villagers to seek shelter immediately—it was the unmistakable signal of a Pillager attack.

Kira's expression turned serious as she turned to Kenji.

"We should find cover quickly..."

She said, her voice filled with concern.

"Let the experienced adventurers handle this."

However, a determined glint appeared in Kenji's eyes.

"But I am an adventurer now, right?"

He replied.

"I can't just sit back when the town is in danger."

"I want to help protect it."

Kira hesitated for a moment, her concern evident.

"Yes, you are an adventurer..."

She admitted,

"but taking on Pillagers is no easy task, especially for someone who just joined the guild."

Undeterred, Kenji stood his ground.

"I understand the risks, but I want to do my part..."

He asserted.

"Besides, isn't this what adventurers are meant for—to face challenges and protect those in need?"

Kira's expression softened, realizing the determination in Kenji's words.

"You're right..."

She said with a small smile.

"Adventurers are meant to protect others and face challenges head-on. If you're sure about this, then I'll stand by your side."


Part 8: The Unyielding Adventurer

As Kira warned Kenji to leave the Pillager attack to the experienced adventurers, he couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence within himself. In his mind, he knew that he had faced far more challenging foes in his gaming adventures.

"Just some Pillagers should not be difficult to handle..."

He thought with a grin. He relished the idea of testing his skills against these adversaries—it would undoubtedly be a thrilling and fun experience.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Kenji turned to Kira.

"I appreciate your concern, but I want to handle this..."

He declared.

"Trust me, I've got this."

Kira hesitated, concern etched across her features, but she could see the determination in Kenji's eyes.


She said, her voice tinged with admiration.

"Be careful and stay safe."


As the Pillagers approached the village, the experienced adventurers valiantly tried to defend against them. But the ruthless invaders showed no mercy, cutting down any villager who dared to come near. The situation grew dire, and the village was on the brink of being overrun.

Then, like a beacon of hope, Kenji emerged from the shadows. With his iron-clad armor gleaming in the sunlight, he moved with an air of confidence and power. As the Pillagers noticed this unexpected challenger, they hesitated, taken aback by his formidable presence.

In a Pillager party, there were Pillagers, Witches, Vindicators, and the colossal Ravagers. Yet, Kenji faced them all fearlessly. He evaded the Witches' curses, parried the Vindicators' strikes, and maneuvered around the relentless charge of the Ravagers.

With each strike of his iron sword, Pillagers fell one by one. Kenji's movements were swift and precise, showcasing his exceptional combat skills. The village watched in awe as this newfound adventurer single-handedly turned the tide of the battle.

Even the Pillagers themselves were stunned by his prowess, unable to comprehend the might of this determined warrior. Kenji's inner strength and unwavering resolve were unmatched, and he showed no signs of relenting.


Part 9: Hero of The Villager

As the last Pillager fell, the village stood in awe, witnessing a display of prowess they had never expected from an inexperienced adventurer. Kenji's combat skills were nothing short of extraordinary, and his victory against the formidable foes left the villagers astounded.

As the adrenaline of battle subsided, Kenji felt a surge of power coursing through him. The experience gained from defeating so many mobs had boosted his abilities significantly, as evidenced by the changes in his RPG stats:

Level: 4

HP: 145

Armour: 130

Attack: 32

Defence: 20

Intelligence: 36

Dexterity: 19

Luck: 24

Experience Required for Next Level: 359

Kira, with a mix of astonishment and admiration, approached Kenji.

"That was incredible..."

She exclaimed.

"I've never seen someone handle a Pillager attack with such finesse."

"You truly are something else."

The village, recognizing Kenji's bravery and exceptional skills, gathered around him, expressing their gratitude and admiration. They hailed him as the

"Hero of The Villager..."

A title he had earned through his unwavering courage and determination.

As word of Kenji's heroic feat spread throughout the town, the villagers gathered to celebrate their savior. A feast was prepared in his honor, and songs were sung to recount the tale of the valiant adventurer who had turned the tide of the Pillager attack.


Part 10: A Quest Worth Pursuing

The next day, Kenji and Kira stood before the Adventures Guild quest board, scanning the various quests displayed. Kenji was eager to find an interesting and thrilling adventure to embark upon, and Kira was right by his side, as she had been since they first met. Curiosity nagged at him, and he couldn't help but ask,

"Why are you still with me?"

"Don't you have a job as a guide?"

Kira replied with a nonchalant shrug,

"Well, to be honest, nobody visits this village."

"So there's noone to guide here."

"You were the first to arrive, and I'm grateful for that."

"Besides, I often get bored when there's no one to show around, so I thought I'd accompany you and share in your adventures."

Kenji's heart warmed at her explanation, appreciating her honesty and the genuine camaraderie that had formed between them.

"I see..." he said with a smile.

"Well, it's better than adventuring alone."

As they perused the quest board, one particular quest caught Kenji's attention. It seemed to promise an intriguing adventure in an ancient temple, said to be guarded by mystical creatures and hiding valuable treasures. Turning to Kira, he asked,

"This quest looks interesting."

"Do you want to accompany me on this adventure?"

Kira got exited her eyes lit up, until she looked at the quest.


"Wait, I did say I will accompany you."

"But are you sure about this quest."

Next chapter