
My first concert

It was my birthday next week. Plus as promised to my fans. I was going to perform my first live concert.

I was really excited about it. Kinda nervous too. But who the hell cares beacuse this was the words first concert. And it was done by the world's best singer himself (exaggerated too much). OK not the best but yeah the most popular one.

The concert was held in a colloseum like building. Which means that people will be watching me from all directions. There was no rule which stopped the villans from watching my concert(live). Plus this show will be broadcasted around the world live.

I mean the whole world will be watching me. I said in my mind," Shit dude, not even a single mistake will be OK. "

The show was housefull the day I announced it. I already predicted that there will be a fight between heroes and villans during my concert.

I was not that worried about the fight. The main problem was that all my friends will also be watching me. Instead of encouraging me this fact made me even more nervous.

It was Finally time for me to go out infront of my fans. I decided to not take the normal road. Instead I will be launching straight out of the ground and then shout at the top of my voice," Are you Ready."

Everybody shouted. This gave me the strength to sing. Their love have me courage to defeat my fear (stage fear). I shouted," Nobody in the audience will fight against each other."

There was an awkward silence in the whole place. Now it's time for the first song. The colloseum was again filled with their voices. (Going to skip the songs).

I was completely shocked to find out that no one literaly no one fought during the concert. I voice cracked many times during the concert, I failed to adjust my dance with my singing. But overall the show was tolerable. But in that world it was the first time.

People screamed like hell started ripping their clothes, tried to use their quirks to reach near me. But it failed because the security was really tight.

The next thing was the one which I really wanted to skip. The hand shake. I have to shake hands with everyone who came to watch my show. God Damn it.

During the whole hand shake I had to always keep a smile on my face. Eventhough the one infront of me was a villain. Soon the crowd started decreasing. And only few people were left. All of them were villains.

The planned to kidnap me and were actually successful in kidnapping me. But their problem was that they had no idea about my overpowered quirk.

Will not be uploading the next chapter soon.


PS please rate my story

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