
Miki's house

Yuri: Yes

Ochako: This is the first time you are going to her house, correct.

Yuri: Yep

Ochako: Dont be nervous

Yuri: Stop teasing me, this is serious. She and I were almost killed.

Ockako: Then follow me

Yuri quietly followed Ockako. I his mind he was thinking how in the world am I going to talk to her. She was dragged into all this because of him.

After few minutes of walking

Ochako: Ok Yuri, the house on your right belongs to Miki.

Yuri: How am I supposed to apologize for all the trouble I caused her.

Ochako: I dont know

Yuri: Well thank you for bringing me here

Ochako: No problem, if you need any other help please tell me.

Yuri: Please come in with me

They both entered Miki's house. The house was highly decorated with flashy colors, rare artifacts, thousands of doors which lead to thousands of rooms. I knew that Miki was rich because her father owned the Makuto industry. But I never thought that she was that rich.

Ochako: Miki, Miki where are you, Miki?

No answer.

A maid walked into the hall and welcomed us

Maid: Ok so its Yuri-chan

Yuri: Yes, I am here to meet Miki

Maid: She is in her room please follow me

We started following the maid. The house was like a labyrinth. One wrong turn and you are lost forever. There was no end to the house. It was as if they have merged many castles together.

Finally the maid stopped.

Maid: This on your right side is young master miki's room

The maid knocked the door. I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine. I took my battle stance , closed my eyes and adjusted my quirk to teleport.

Miki: hyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Miki attacked me from behind. I was smart enough to teleport the second I heard her voice.

Miki: No way, you win again

This is how Miki always does. She always tries to attack me. Wishing that for one second I will put my guard down and she will use that chance to to win a fight against me.

Yuri: How many times have told you to stop doing this

Miki: Awwww!! My Yuri is angry

She ran towards me and hugged me as tightly as possible.

Miki is actually one year older then all of us. But the thing she doesn't know is that I am a teenager from inside. I tried to hug her harder.

It was as if we meet after a long time eventhough we were together a night before.

Ochako: Can you stop it and actually do what we are here for

No answer, Ochako was ignored. After a few seconds Miki stopped.

Miki: So what are you here for?

Soon the Pyramid thing will end

theworldtttcreators' thoughts
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