
I Go to the High Seas for Fishing But Get Hunted by an Aircraft Carrier

Ye Chen, the desperate fisherman in Riverland City, could catch anything but fish. He even registered a livestreaming room. Swish! Ye Chen caught a cremation urn as a bait box, hoping to change his luck with it. But as soon as someone sat down, a big fish was caught! Ye Chen was almost infuriated to the point of spitting blood! Just when he couldn't take it anymore, the system finally awakened... However, the system's achievements left him dumbfounded. Salvaging military weapons, saving people from the river, encountering floating corpses at night... [The host can catch a fish in 5 minutes] After 5 minutes, a rotten fish was hooked. Ye Chen was stunned. All the viewers in the livestreaming room were also stunned. [If the host continues fishing, a mysterious item weighing 76kg, worth 200,000, can be obtained] Ye Chen exclaimed, "Holy crap! Why can I catch everything except fish?"

Go Fishing Without Worries · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"My friend shared the news just now, and I thought it was a joke. I didn't expect it to really be a dead person."

"F*ck, there's really nothing a fishing pro can't catch!"

"Why is this streamer wearing a magic arts robe so late at night? Is he fishing or casting spells?"

"Streamer, aren't you a little too calm? You're so bold!"


Not long after, possibly out of curiosity or braveness from having many other people around, a fishing pro walked over.

From a few meters away, he was sizing up the corpse.

Soon, the frightened fishing pros came back to their senses and walked over.

Many people began to discuss Ye Chen and the dead person on the shore.

Some of the more courageous ones even began to observe the dead man up close.

"Mr. Ye, I've told you before that it's too inauspicious to get a rotten fish's direct bite. You didn't listen, and now, you've caught a corpse."

"God, please bless us. We didn't mean to disturb you."

"F*ck, I knew something was wrong about the color earlier. I was wondering why the fish was so white, and you guys told me it was a fish's belly?"

"Just now, so many people helped Mr. Ye pull the rod, and in the end, he caught such a thing. Amazing. Just amazing."

"F*ck, I'll never come here to fish at night again."


Compared to the fishing pros who were discussing on the side, Mr. Liao was undoubtedly having it the worst.

With great difficulty, Mr. Liao moved his legs, which seemed to be filled with lead, away from that thing.

Although Ye Chen was the one who had caught the corpse, the one closest to it was Mr. Liao, who was in charge of scooping it up.

His mind was filled with the scene just now.

Mr. Liao wanted to cry but had no tears. He shouted bitterly, "F*ck!"

"Before my husband went to my daughter's house today, he specifically told me not to go fishing at night. F*ck. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have come!"

"Do you guys know how much that catch frightened my weak heart earlier?"

Compared to Mr. Liao, who was still in shock, Ye Chen looked as if nothing had happened.

On the contrary, Ye Chen seemed quite happy. He waved the fishing rod in his hand.

"Hehe, wasn't it just a corpse? What's there to be afraid of? I already performed the ritual just now!"

The reason Ye Chen was like this was because of the system.

Not only had he leveled up, but he had also unlocked new abilities and achievements.

"What the hell are you doing!" Mr. Liao shuddered.

"Other people do rituals to ward off evil spirits and get some good luck. But you do rituals and still managed to catch such a thing!"

"Say no more. Hurry up and call the police over!"

Mr. Liao's words were acknowledged by the people around him.

"That's right. Mr. Liao is right. Let's get the police to handle this!"

"Yes, yes, yes, hurry up and get the police over here! With this thing here, I'm afraid I won't dare to come here to fish in my life!"


At the same time, the audience in the live stream room had the same thought.

"F*ck! It really is a corpse!"

"I'm thinking the same thing as these fishing pros. I'll never go out at night to fish again!"

"Earlier, there were some haters who said the streamer was just putting on a fake show. Streamer, I think you'd better call the police over to prove yourself."

"That's right. The best solution now is to ask the police to deal with it!"


Ye Chen, who had fished up the corpse, was frowning at this moment.

He lowered his head and muttered, "As everyone has seen, I didn't skimp on making the bait container. It's better not to look for the police. What if they come over and disrupt my bait container? Up until now, I haven't caught a single living fish!"

When the fishing pros who were talking heard that, they suddenly became quiet.

The way they looked at Ye Chen was filled with fear. It was as if the current Ye Chen was more terrifying than the corpse floating on the shore.

"Mr. Ye, at a time like this, why are you still worried about your bait container?"

"Mr. Ye, you're really formidable. It's like you're unperturbed by a mountain collapsing in front of you. I'll admire you for a lifetime, Mr. Ye!"

"What's the point of fishing? Hurry up and go home to take a shower. Tomorrow, go soak yourself in some holy water."


Meanwhile, the audience watching the live stream sent huge gifts.

"D*ng. Streamer, why are you still worried about your bait container at this time? I can only say that you're too awesome!"

"He's really the King of Fishing! I've finally witnessed a King of Fishing's prowess! Although Mr. Ye is the Skunked King, he still insists on fishing, and that's even after fishing up a corpse. Just based on this spirit, Mr. Ye is worthy of our admiration!"

"Streamer, let's go home! You won't be able to catch any fish!"

"Streamer, your luck is insanely bad."


As Ye Chen's stream became more and more popular, there were some haters in the stream.

Among them, there was a guy called "East Sea's King of Fishing" who liked to stir up the live stream chat.

"He doesn't want anyone to look for the police? Don't you think there's something strange about this? Today's incident is a little too exaggerated. This streamer has an urn, wears a magic arts robe, and even fished up with some rotten fish. In the end, he caught a corpse, and he still won't call for the police?"

The East Sea's King of Fishing continued, "Besides, this streamer has always been able to guess what he would catch. Didn't the steamer say that he could catch a fish in 5 minutes the last time? In the end, the streamer really caught a dead fish. Then, he said that he would be able to catch a giant creature in 2 hours, and that turned out to be the corpse. I think this streamer has gone crazy from wanting to become famous. He's using unscrupulous means to direct and act out his own show, isn't he?"

The East Sea's King of Fishing went on, "Don't you guys know that some fishing streamers come up with all sorts of tricks to gain popularity? I can already guess what's going to happen next. This isn't a f*cking corpse at all. It's just a blanket or something. I bet the streamer doesn't dare to call the police over because he'll be found out and charged for disrupting public order. Yet, you bunch of idiots are still sending gifts to the streamer. I think you've lost your minds!"

The user named "East Sea's King of Fishing" was actually a fishing streamer.

Although his fishing skills were not as good as those of the top fishing pros locally, East Sea's King of Fishing was definitely an expert.

Whether it was night fishing or fishing within a time limit, he would end up with a good harvest.

In the East Sea's King of Fishing's live stream room, the number of viewers had been stable at around 1,000, and that number was already enough to bring him quite high profits.