
C30 °•○● Business Proposal

"What do you mean. Do you have mana?"

Without thinking, Eren grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her towards him. Her slim-waisted incredible body was facing him, with huge breasts clearly visible.

Without thinking, his hands began to rub the soap on the girl's front. Then he foamed her with some water and touched her body all over. But even if Eren was enjoying this time, his eyes were locked on Mel's.

"I mean, I have mana, and elves can sense their own mana or anyone else's at close range even without the Evon system."

Eren paused for a second and placed Mel's hand on his chest.

"What do you feel in my body?"

Mel concentrated excitedly. But after a few seconds, he shook his head.

"No matter how hard I try, I feel like your mana is close to zero and not increasing."

"I noticed too. I cannot use the system as I am not on the Evon Universe. Since there is no mana in this universe…"

Eren soaped up Mel's entire body, which was blushing as she explained their current situation to the girl. The crimson elf had to use all of her willpower to pay attention to what Eren was saying.

"Then we have to find a way to replenish your mana or you won't be able to open the door again and we'll stay here. Forever."

For some reason, Eren felt that Mel wasn't as sad or helpless as she seemed. Despite what she had said, this girl didn't seem to be afraid of the idea of ​​staying on Earth.

She's probably acting like this to avoid putting pressure on me. Otherwise, the idea of ​​being trapped in an alien universe, far from her family, must frighten her.

He didn't realize how happy Mel's eyes were looking at Eren or how she was staring at Eren's body like a predator.

As they rinsed and stepped out of the shower, all of Eren's sexual dreams vanished. At that moment, he wanted to watch something on the internet while depressedly laying on the sofa and eating something sweet.

He had the same depressive habits as adolescent girls who broke up with their boyfriends.

He went down to the living room and sat on the couch with Mel. They hugged and lay down like couples married for twenty years.

Mel reached in front of Eren and had Eren wrap his arms around her body. That way, they were both in a comfortable position and Eren could feel the whole body of this fragrant girl. He didn't even try to avoid troubles like his penis getting bigger or Mel's butt touching it. If this girl wanted to be seen like an adult, Eren wouldn't hold back.

With the remote in his hand, he opened one of the movie platforms from his smart TV and opened a random action movie. Minutes later, he started laughing like the action movie was a comedy.

"Why are no bullets hitting these characters?"

"Why didn't that girl kick the gunman to death?"

"Why do they tie the main character when they can kill? Aren't they bad guys?"

Eren had a hard time explaining that these were not real life, they were just movies. This girl was still trying to understand movies and TV series in terms of realism. That's why she kept asking such funny questions.

She still didn't understand anything that was said. But since Eren was constantly translating what was said to her, they both continued to have a close conversation.

After a while, Eren was tired of talking and started to fall with the midday heat. He hugged Mel even tighter with his strong arms and started snoring.

Mel struggled to turn around, watching Eren's face, continuing to lie down. His eyes remained open for at least half an hour. It took a lot of effort not to kiss Eren's lips. The masculine scent and warm breath of this attractive man appealed to her very much.

Eren's automatically increased Charisma was 26. It was 2.6 times higher than a normal person. Even if 40 Charisma doesn't add up because they're not in a bed, Mel felt like she was living with a handsome and sexy greek god lately.

All she saw, felt and cared about was Eren now.

Eren was living an unsuccessful life in the world a month ago.

But now he managed to make a second elf fall in love with him, who is beautiful and pure enough to make everyone in the Earth jealous.


In the following days, Eren called his family and chatted with them. They hadn't noticed, though, that their son had been missing for three weeks. They were dealing with animals and gardening in the village.

Every now and then, he and Mel went out to the park or for night walks. Sometimes they would go to the neighborhood markets and buy vegetables and fruits for home.

Mel wanted to turn the backyard of the house into a kind of field, but Eren was hesitant about it.

Exactly one week after their arrival on Earth, Eren deliberately hugged Mel for the first time in her sleep at night. After this unintentional act, the two of them started to sleep by hugging each other every night. There was no longer any need for Mel to sneak into the room.

On the eighth day, Eren would go to his old workplace and get his salary.

He left the house telling Mel to keep an eye on the house. He was disturbed when he saw several women on the street looking at him strangely.

He got in his car and drove off to the main building where his boss was. He arrived at the end of half an hour in traffic with his car.

Normally he was used to coming here by public transport. Now it felt strange to come with his own car for the first time. He felt as if he had left something behind, or changed.

I really changed though.

He was aware that his appearance had changed a lot and that he was leaner and more muscular than before. He wasn't that stupid. But he still didn't know what kind of charisma and power he radiated under his average-looking appearance.

Especially when people of the opposite sex were looking at him, they saw someone who was several times more impressive than he really was.

He had come to the center of the workplace, to the main warehouse. As she walked through the front door, he stopped next to a few people he knew before and said hello.

Mehmet, who carries loads to the vehicles, and Selin, who works in accounting, were both employees who used to watch Eren's back.

"Where have you been!"

"It's a long and funny story. But as you can see, I had an accident and was in a semi-coma at the hospital for a while. When I came to myself, it had already been three weeks."

He said he was hit by a car with his left arm and left leg covered in bandages. He didn't really care how much they believed it.

They are people I will never see again, anyway, who cares what they think.

"Is she inside? "

"Yeah, but she's very grumpy today. There was a theft in one of the markets last week, and she made everyone's life miserable."


Eren had never seen this woman be nice to him anyway.

She was always rude and humiliating to him. But if she was behaving shitty even towards other employees, something was wrong.

He knocked on the door and entered the mini-office surrounded by foggy windows. The woman behind the desk writing on a list with a pen didn't look at him.

She looked 27-28 years old. She had long black hair. Not just a little black, but jet black hair. She was wearing a long outfit that showed all her body lines but covered her whole body.

With her light make-up and the scent of perfume in the room, it was an impressive sight. In a country like Turkey, right between Europe and the East, it was an above-average beauty for people in every way.

Maybe she wasn't a world-class beauty. But this woman had a more impressive face and taller stature than anyone in his close circle, including his lover.

Maybe she looks pretty to me personally. But even if she looks like Megan F * x, she's a grumpy bitch with this personality!

"Good day, Miss Mira. How are you?"

Approaching the table with due respect, Eren watched the woman raise her head in shock.

She didn't recognize him for at least five seconds after her eyes began to stare at him. But when she finally recognized Eren, there was an expression on her face that didn't want to believe what she was seeing.

As if she could believe that Eren could have changed so much in such a short time, she would have to believe in flying elephants.

His body was so much more .... and more. She couldn't find the right word. Eren's eyes were shining, and his hair was fluttering slightly with no wind in this closed room.

It was an image that should have been on a movie set, not in the real world. She stammered once or twice when she saw the bandages on his left arm. Then she came to her senses and asked in a strong voice.

"Where did you go?"

Eren didn't say anything and smiled, showing his left arm and leg. Her boss Mira hadn't noticed before, but she saw that Eren also had bandages under his pants.

"Sit down. Did you have an accident? How was it?"

For the next few minutes, Eren told a dramatic story about what had happened.

He was badly injured and was in a coma for a few days, then begged the hospital staff not to tell his family what happened and etc.

Mira was a smart woman, and she knew something was strange no matter how fancy the details Eren told her.

"I had already prepared your salary. We tried to reach you when you didn't come to work and you didn't answer the phone. I even called your ..(stupid) girlfriend. Anyway, take it."

When Eren checked the amount, he saw that his salary was not missing. Raising his eyebrows, he saw Mira smile for the first time.

"As you said the day you disappeared, we were wrong. There was an error in the product listings. I'm sorry."

Eren was shocked. He couldn't remember this bit*..woman ever spoke so kindly with him. It was as if a rock had hit her head and her personality had changed with this accident.

They waited for a while, but when no one spoke, Eren was the first to act. He quickly stood up and started walking to get out.


Mira got up and came to Eren. She was wearing a loose, long dress with a belt at her waist. Her body was so sculpted that Eren wondered how this woman looked like this without leaving the gym all day.

If family genetics makes that much of a difference, maybe I should sue my parents. The body they left me gains senseless weight even if I eat less food than my friends.

He still thought and acted as if he had overweight and shapeless body. That's why he didn't care how the beautiful woman in front of him was looking at him. Eren had also heard that he had just been replaced by another employee. So he didn't think his boss would say anything about the job.

"My father and I are opening a new venue. We are establishing a large living center where healthy products will be sold. It's a two-story place. It will be a very luxurious place.

Interested in working there? My father invested a lot in this place and he wanted me to only hire reliable people."

Mira lowered her head at the end of her speech and said in a low voice why she had made the offer. She was acting like an innocent and weak girl all of a sudden. She was like a little puppy struggling with his father and needing Eren's strong arms to help her in this situation.

"Actually, I am currently in my recovery period. When will you open the venue?"

"There is still more than a week. There is nothing you need to do there before all the necessary documents and belongings are prepared. It's a place about classic wealthy customers and selling stuff anyway. It will be a piece of cake for you."

Eren thought unhurriedly for a minute. Meanwhile, he didn't notice that Mira was approaching him with half-steps.

Mira was very confused.

Has he grown taller? Why does it seem so powerful and dangerous?

Also those arms and neck. His beard and chin are nice too. I want to ruffle his hair. I wonder if he's still with that stupid girl? I hate that bitch."

Although Eren does not know, Mira and her lover Melisa were two good friends who grew up in the same neighborhood. They had a falling out later on, and so whenever this boss saw him, he remembered his girlfriend.

But actually, the way he works and his seamless work has always been appreciated. Even the issue that he had a fight on the phone a month ago was noticed later and resolved instantly.

Even though Eren didn't know it, he was an excellent and irreplaceable employee for Mira.

"Before I accept, I have a question. Will my salary be the same?"

Mira took a step back like a caught thug while staring at Eren's thoughtful face and body. "Ehem. Why would you get the same salary?"

"Oh, are our salaries better because I'll be working in a more luxurious place? Fantastic."

That's when Mira realized that she had explained something wrong.

"You do realize you're going to be the manager of this shop, right?"

"Manager? Not just an employee, but a manager!"

Next chapter