
C26 °•○● Mel?

Will I survive?

Did Nimbo and Mel act fast enough?

When the door is closed from the outside, will the teleportation process inside the door be canceled?


Eren teleported to Earth with these three questions in his mind.

For a moment he thought Emily had appeared next to him as he felt what Mel had done in the last few seconds. Probably the mighty hunter had caught up and carried him at the last second, right?

It never crossed his mind that a 13-year-old elf "like Mel" would carry him through a dangerous passage she never knew existed.

When Eren's eyes opened, he felt like someone was slapping him.

As he looked around, a person who seemed both familiar and unfamiliar appeared before him. Little Mel had her face so close to Eren's that they both shouted.

Eren, who lost all his sleep with amazement and fear, tried to stand up immediately.

"Did we make it? Are we on Earth...?" After Eren asked the question, he noticed the blank look on the girl's face. Except for Emily, no one knew about Earth.

But even as Mel was baffled about what was going on, she helped Eren to his feet.

"Is this your house?"

Eren nodded and headed towards the large wall cabinet in the bedroom. Mel put her arm around his neck to help him walk. Eren put his right arm on her shoulder and all her upper body. In this way and with different positions, Mel was half-carrying half helping this sluggish person.

Mel surveyed the room in surprise as Eren opened the closet and picked something decent out of the clothes inside. As far as Little Elf could see, everything here was very detailed and eye-catching.

Seeing the beauty of the classical landscape painting on the wall, she gasped with admiration.

"Do you live in the Realm of the Gods... Is this the upper world?"

If Eren had the energy to laugh, he'd already be rolling on the floor laughing.

"No. This is a different planet from your world. But it's not as high-end as you might think. It's just different."

Finally, when Eren found the cotton underwear he missed so much, he freed his arm from Mel's and put his back to the wall and began to undress. He had skipped a detail again, as he was trying to remember the location of the nearest hospital at that moment.

Despite her outward appearance, Mel was still a child, and it was the first time she'd seen a man's body naked except for her brother. Crimson Mel watched as Eren stripped completely down to all of his underwear and put on clean clothes.

She didn't avert her eyes and even looked at Eren's lower region with curiosity.

When Eren finally got dressed, he approached Mel and put his right arm around her neck as if nothing was wrong.

But just as Eren was at the bedroom door, something seemed to come to mind. Then he looked at blushing Mel with a low voice. "The elf clothes you're wearing will take a lot of attention."

He grabbed one of his standard T-shirts and a comfortable pair of sweatpants from his closet and handed them to Mel. He also handed her a pair of short, comfortable socks that he liked to wear.

"For you to wear on your feet. Do the same as I just did.

Oh, also try to be quick, I'm not feeling well at all. We need to get to the hospital immediately."

Confused and embarrassed, the girl looked at the clothes she was holding and the sick man she had just seen naked. Then she started to take off her clothes like a robot.

She left the bra she had been using for a year and took off all her leather and wool clothes without hesitation. Then, just like Eren, she threw away those under her. She was naked except for her underwear and her sweet bra.

Her flawless skin, beautiful and big breasts that would make even adult women jealous, and lastly her shining green hair falling on her thin waist and plump butt.

She had such a beautiful body that she looked like a shining forest succubus.

Mel liked the outfits as she dressed quickly. She could feel how skillfully they were made.

But when it was her turn to put on socks, she just stood there with the socks in her hands. While Eren was dressing, she had focused on his body, not how he was dressed. In fact, Mel had no idea when he wore the socks on his feet.

Eren couldn't take it any longer and motioned to Mel to the bed.

"Get on top."

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw her climbing on all fours as if trying to lie down.

"Stand up and put your feet up for me one by one."

The surprised girl stood up again and put her feet up in Eren's warm hands. She knew Eren wasn't thinking or doing anything wrong, she knew. She knew, but she kept imagining other things in her own mind.

Also, watching Eren put on black socks on her feet made Mel even more excited. The curious girl, who is normally very talkative and likes to ask questions, hardly spoke for the next few minutes.

The elf girl, blushing even more and forgetting to speak with excitement, walked wherever Eren was headed.

Even the strange and impressive things inside the house couldn't stop her beating heart and excitement at that moment. One time, Eren took a bottle of cold water from a strange device and drank from a plastic bottle, but Mel didn't care what she saw. They weren't as impressive as this wounded but calm man.

At that moment, her entire mind was focused on the masculine scent emanating from Eren's body and his muscular body touching her own.

A few minutes later, Eren took the keys to his house, his father's old car, and his wallet. He took his phone, which did not turn on because he had no charge, but the road to the health center was very short. With the cable in the car and in such a short time, the phone could never get enough of its charge.

"Don't talk to anyone but me when you're outside. Because I know how to speak the Elvish language, but the language used outside is completely different. They'll think you're not from this world or that you're crazy."

"Okay, Eren."

Her voice was so low and sweet that Eren had to pause for a few seconds to stare at her crimson face. He thought that Mel was frightened and too tired of carrying him.

She looks red all over. She must be very tired physically. I will definitely buy her gifts...

"I know I couldn't thank you for being in a hurry right now. But if it wasn't for what you did, I might have died. I owe you, Mel."

She didn't expect to hear those words from the red lips of a sincere man ten inches away. This innocent and naive girl was excited and happier than she had ever expected. Her heart was beating like the wings of a little butterfly.

The door opened and she saw the outside world for the first time with the heartbeat she felt all over her chest.

The amazement of being in a new world and walking by touching Eren made her experience many strange feelings at the same time.

As they walked out the door and walked to the car in the garden, Mel saw at least dozens of things she'd seen for the first time. Feeling safe thanks to Eren's scent and presence, she brought her head closer to his body.

Not everything she saw was beautiful.

Not every strangeness she saw made her feel curious or impressed. Often what she saw gave her strange and complex signals.

That's why she felt for the first time that she was away from home and family at the same time seeing a different "sky.

It looked the same. But also different with weird buildings and frightening machines under it.


Mel tightened her grip on Eren's arm. She was now officially carrying Eren herself. Even if this injured man didn't walk, Mel would probably have kept them going.

When they approached the car and got into it, Eren had to explain a lot to the girl. The least important among them was that the place they were going to was for treatment purposes.

The most important thing, however, was something that Mel was sure to fear.


Before starting the car, he bent down in front of the bewildered Mel and fastened her seatbelt in a distance almost face-to-face contact. He didn't notice a blushing face.

His whole mind was covered with thoughts on the "I don't want to die" theme.

"Hold on tight, you can hold my right arm if you get scared."

Seconds later, as the car started, Mel quickly grabbed Eren's right arm with both hands. She leaned back in her seat with all her might, worried by the sound of this metal beast.

"Do you think our destination is skilled enough to heal the wolf bite disease? Even Lady Amber only had a low-level healing ability. And sometimes even her skill didn't work."

Eren just smiled. He gave Mel a sideways glance as he drove to the small health center in the neighborhood of his family home.

"Maybe my world doesn't have anything like the Evon Universe and System. Or we may not have mana either. But we also have things we're good at. After I heal, I'll show you a lot of places. Then you'll see the capacity of this world with your own eyes..."

Mel turned her head forward, embarrassed by Eren's gaze. As her fear waned, she began to find the journey fascinating.

Looking at buildings, people, and shops everywhere, she didn't understand much of what she saw. Even the ones she understood were quickly erased by the new weird stuff.

When they reached the health center and Eren urgently started to grapple with the serum and needles. Everything felt so unreal as Mel watched the doctors and nurses do their things. There was a wild and complicated world out of the window.

It felt like a nightmare as well as terrifying.

In the emergency room, she noticed for the first time that exotic colors and strange people were staring at her as if they were going to eat her. There were no elves here. Seeing the patients and male staff looking at her with desire made her want to hide somewhere...

It was the most impressive and special day in Mel's life.

She waited for hours next to Eren, who was lying half asleep with serums in the emergency observation room.

She never spoke to anyone and tried not to attract attention.

While Eren was sleeping, the nervous girl touched Eren's right arm, which had a pipe running through it. She then did something that took away all her fears.

She took Eren's hand.

And in the hours before Eren woke up, Mel never let go of this hand.

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