
The first meeting

It has been 6 years since I've been reborn and I've lived with this thing between my legs for 6 years. Did I mention I was a female? I AM A FEMALE. The first few years I cried every time I saw what was between my leg, but now I'm used to it. I'm even manlier than my older 'brother' and I found out that we are very rich, meaning that I will live a very good life. While on that topic, I've been spoiled nonstop by my family members for being the youngest, now I've become very fat. I have to blame my self-control, the food is really good here. I have just been eating meat after meat, I felt invisible tears coming, see! I'm manlier than my older 'brother'.

Also, I am very excited about this, so drum roll!... Magic exists here. Can you believe it? Magic is the very thing I looked up to since I was a child, I couldn't believe I was going to be able to experience it. Tomorrow I'm going to the academy to get my magic power appraised, then I will know what kind of power I have. 

To explain the elements, the most basic are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Dark, and light. The elements further divide into the rarer ones... for the earth, it divides down to plant and metal. Water divides down to ice and mist, etc. I wouldn't be able to explain all of it since I have other things I wanna go over and that is the existence of other races. Beast-mans and elves! I haven't met any yet but I will!...in the future.

I might have an addiction to the fluffy tails of animals, while on that topic I miss my dogs. I had 3 dogs before I died, their names were Piggy, Little white, and Princess. Piggy was a fat dog, Little white was not even white at all, and Princess was my dad's retired police dog. Thinking about the past I started to get a little sad. I can't go back to the past now, can I?

While lost in my thoughts my father came back home. He looked quite depressed and tired, his usual ' I'm home' yell wasn't there. " Papa?" I called out, " Son.." Father was on the verge of tears as he reached out to me. For as long as I could remember whenever he had problems he would come and talk to me, which is why I know a lot of classified information regarding the royal family and other nobles. Did I mention that my father was the Duke and he was in charge of guarding the country?

As Father sat me down in his office he began to speak, " Papa's been having trouble with this case given to me by the king. It is about... well this began about 3 weeks ago a nobleman suddenly fell down and his blood began to pour out from his body and when I say 'pour' I mean all his blood came out from his body after a few minutes he was just a dried corpse. After the first noble a few other nobles were affected too. Papa doesn't know what's going on. Could it be a new disease? Could it be a demon? If Papa doesn't solve it by tomorrow's court session this case will become a national emergency and if other nations find out they will take advantage of us. Papa is so stressed." Father slumped down in his chair. It was unlike his usual confident self, I wish I could do something to help him out.

Blood? I thought, this reminds me of what I saw on TV one time. "Papa?"

"Yes?" Father said dejectedly.

" I have an answer?" I said

" You do? Why don't you tell me so I can tell the king" Father tried playing along with me.

" Forbidden spell?"

" Oh how smart, but Papa already checked it out. There isn't any record of a forbidden spell like that."

" Papa a new forbidden spell?"

My father stopped breathing for a few moments, he breathed in sharply, he looked through all the documents he could find about forbidden spells but didn't consider someone creating a new one since it was a difficult task to achieve. " What kind of elements would it be associated with?" He looked at me with bright eyes.

"Water?" I said curiously.

" Why water and not dark? " Father asked me confused.

" Papa...uhh blood is made of part water" I looked at him, acting like an idiot.

" How do you know that?" Father asked.

Oh, shoot! Time to act cute, " I heard it from the doc...tor? Papa, I love you!" I went to hug my father.

Father forgot what he was trying to ask for a moment. " Papa loves you too my little genius."He suddenly turns to the side, "Wolf!"

Suddenly Father's shadow guard popped up, " Go gather the doctors and Spell Architecture for an emergency meeting," Father said, then the shadow guard bowed and disappeared. That was my first time seeing my Father shadow guard and the guard seemed scary?

I stayed with my father for the meeting, I wanted to know more about the case. The meeting continued for a long time and so I fell asleep and I knew that my father didn't carry me back to my bed. Was it the aura? It was probably his shadow guard that brought me back to my room. I dreamt of chocolate, ice cream, and cake that night.

Our MC's like a little detective isn't she?

Sansansenpaicreators' thoughts