
I farm in the wizarding world

Rovi traversed time and found herself masquerading as a commoner pretending to be a noble lady for enrollment. She was on the verge of being exposed, facing the scorn and insults of the entire school faculty and students, ultimately ending up hanged on the gallows at the marketplace. Rovi: What's there to fear? Isn't it just pretending to be a noble? Coming from the 21st century, she could out-noble the nobles themselves! When the noble ladies attempted to test her with expensive spices, Rovi glanced casually: "Isn't this just seasoning commonly found in Western cuisine? Like who hasn't had it?" Mocking her for being a commoner who couldn't afford anything, Rovi smiled faintly: "Isn't that just basic math? She learned trigonometry in junior high!" And when they claimed she lacked wealth, she casually produced a whole bolt of silk fabric made into pajamas, while effortlessly crafting another box of silk handkerchiefs, tossing one out after another. Saying she wasn't nobility because she lacked a title deed? Ha, she earned money by day, farmed by night, attending school while cultivating acres of fertile land. The vast expanse of the New World belonged solely to her; she founded her own nation and bestowed titles upon herself! Finally, her identity was exposed by an old acquaintance, and the Church intended to pass judgment on her, presenting as evidence her lack of a noble title—the absence of her ennoblement decree in the Fog Kingdom.

Daoist9Oel9K · Urban
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6 Chs

 Chapter 5: Isn't It Just a Junior High School Math Problem?

Professor Mike was a tolerant teacher. Although he noticed the discord between the two, he had no intention of intervening. In the eyes of an elderly person, the squabbling between children is naive and laughable. As for whether Luo Wei could answer the question, he didn't hold out much hope, because this problem was indeed difficult for them, and it would be normal if they couldn't solve it. "Luo Wei, are you willing to answer this question?" Professor Mike had already prepared to be rejected.

Luo Wei had already calculated the answer in her heart and stood up when she heard him ask. "The answer is the square root of three, which is about 1.7 inches."

"I don't want to... Wait, hold on," Professor Mike's eyes were getting brighter, "Say that again, what did you say your answer is?"

Vina almost laughed out loud. What square root? This could also be considered an answer? She pitied looking at Luo Wei. Wouldn't arithmetic still be confusing, and now she's answering randomly. This time, Professor Mike must be angry.

Luo Wei's attention was not on Vina. She answered earnestly, "My answer is the square root of three, which is about 1.7 inches." To be honest, she was nervous too, because she didn't know how far mathematics had developed in this world. But there was square root in Europe during the Middle Ages. The readings varied from region to region, and "the square root of a number" was the most common way to represent it. She used this method instead of square root three.

Professor Mike's eyes were getting brighter: "Do you understand trigonometric numbers and square root numbers?"

It seemed that her answer was correct, Luo Wei let out a sigh of relief, humbly saying, "I've learned a little bit, I haven't forgotten."

"My child, you are very modest." Professor Mike praised, "I have taught many students before, but most of them couldn't figure it out, they would just draw pictures obediently."

Luo Wei didn't know how to respond, so she maintained a smile. Professor Mike looked more and more satisfied with her: "Good child, sit down." He then looked at everyone else, "Luo Wei's answer is correct. Is there anyone else who has solved it?"

Vina was full of disbelief. Why did Luo Wei know the answer? She hadn't even moved her pen. She wasn't willing to give up: "Professor, aren't you going to ask Luo Wei how she figured it out? I didn't see her use the sandbox to calculate at all." Hearing her say that, the classmates all stretched their necks to look at Luo Wei's sandbox.

"Really, is she doing mental calculations? That's amazing!"

"Luo Wei must be a genius!"

"She is from a noble family..."

Vina gritted her teeth in frustration. She wanted them to doubt her, not praise her! Professor Mike looked disappointed at Vina and called Luo Wei over. "Good child, can you tell everyone your thought process?"

Luo Wei nodded confidently: "First, calculate the distance from the center of the star to each angle, then calculate the vertical distance from the intersection point of the diagonal of the square to the edge, which is also the radius of the largest circle in the square. Then calculate the ratio between the two, and based on the proportion, determine the length of the line segment after shrinking the star."

There was a rustling sound in the classroom as the students frantically drew on the sandbox.

Half of the people showed a look of realization, and half of them were in pain, clutching their heads. In the end, many people looked blank. The method was known, but how to calculate the distance from the center of the star to each angle?

Seeing this, Professor Mike smiled mischievously: "Can't calculate it? That's good. This question was never intended to make you solve it. I just wanted to introduce the mathematical knowledge that will be discussed next."

"Trigonometric numbers and square root numbers."

Students: !!!! !!!

They looked at Professor Mike with grievances. "Professor, you are too mean!"

Professor Mike laughed heartily: "Kids, please sit properly, I'm going to continue teaching." The students sat upright, took out small wooden sticks, and seriously looked at the board. Vina also sat down with a sullen face. She didn't understand why Luo Wei, a commoner, knew so much. Could she really be a noble?

After class, Luo Wei left the classroom, followed by a small tail. After walking a distance, she turned around无奈ly, "Vina, what do you want?"

Vina looked at her with complex eyes, "Are you really a noble? Which country are you from, and what title does your family have?"

Luo Wei's expression was cold, "Vina, asking like this is impolite."

"Shut up!" Vina's face showed a trace of resentment, obviously recalling what she said to her yesterday. Luo Wei no longer paid attention to her and walked towards the cafeteria. The midday sun was dazzling, a group of vibrant young men and women chatted and laughed as they crossed the shaded path, heading towards the college dining hall.

"Clatter -"

Coins spilled onto the ground, part of them rolled down the slanted road into the grass.

"Ah!" The girl panicked and bent down to pick up the coins, frantically wiping sweat off her forehead in the crowd. "Sorry, please get out of the way, my coins fell... Please lift your feet, my coins have been stepped on... Thank you, I'm really sorry..."

A coin rolled to Luo Wei's foot and she stopped it with her foot. She looked at the girl and picked up the coin, walking forward, "Your..."

"Oh, am I blocking your way? I'm sorry, I'm not doing it on purpose." Seeing a flash of opulent skirt, the girl hurriedly made way, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

Luo Wei pursed her lips, handing out the coin, "I just want to say, here's your coin."

The girl suddenly widened her eyes in shock, looking at her. After recognizing the girl's face, Luo Wei also froze for a moment. In the memory of the original main character seven days into the future, this was the only person who gave her water to drink while she was hanging on the city wall. And those commoners, although they were commoners, shouted to kill her.

Luo Wei's eyes darkened, she came back to her senses, and reached out again, "Don't worry, I'll help you."

"Don't worry," the girl quickly wiped her hands on her clothes, politely taking the coin with both hands, "Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome," Luo Wei squatted down, "I'll help you pick them up."

"No need, it's dirty," the girl urgently blocked her, "I'll do it myself."

"It's okay, it's fine if it gets dirty." Luo Wei picked up the weeds in the grass, glancing at her, she asked, "What's wrong?"

The girl shook her head embarrassedly, "N-nothing, I just met such a noble and kind lady like you for the first time."

Luo Wei's movements paused, she handed over the copper coin, "My name is Luo Wei," she extended her hand to her, "Temny, can we become friends?"

"Of course!" Temny held out her hand to support her, her eyes sparkling, "As long as you don't mind me!"

Luo Wei... She meant a handshake, not to help her up. Well, it seems that shaking hands is not prevalent among commoners. "Are you done counting, have you picked up everything?"

Temny counted, and her face finally showed a smile. She thanked Luo Wei gratefully, "Thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to collect enough money to rent a horse."

"Rent a horse?"

Temny nodded, "I'm a middle-level magic apprentice, and there is an entrance exam in two days. I need to take a horsemanship test, and I can't buy a horse, so I have to rent one."

"Horsemanship class, doesn't the college provide horses for students for free?" Luo Wei inwardly groaned, because she didn