

"Don't think too much, your last brain cell will be dead." Sebastian commented. He stroked her head and amused himself sinking get frowning while thinking. How could he not understand what her eyes meant? 

Sarael came out of her thought and scowled at him, smacking his hands away she huffed crossing her arms. 

"Who you calling dumb huh?" She pouted like a child, giving more amusement to him. Smiling wickedly Sebastian couldn't help but go closer to her and whispered,"My girlfriend." 

Sarael gasped filling his warm breath on her skin. Also his words stirred a lot of emotions in her heart. Sarael pushed him away to stop herself from melting from his advancement. What a smooth talker he is! 

"6 feet distance!" She yelped trying to keep her composure. Sarael shook her head continuously to not get bewitch by him. She was still angry at him. Yes, angry.