
Chapter 50: Arc 1 END

Both sides were at a standstill waiting for each to move

Jean stepped up and said, "Why is the Fatui acting so openly? Do you not fear any repercussions!?"

Signora laughed, "And what can you do? Mondstadt has no power to defy us. Now… hand over the Gnosis before you hurt yourselves."

"The answer is still no." I said not budging

Signora sent an ice spear at me and I destroyed it using my blade. I went at her before being stopped by a wave of extreme cold freezing the ground. The two Fatui agents appeared once again attacking Lumine and Amber. The four fought each other in a stalemate. I jumped toward Signora and brought down my blade on her but was blocked by a barrier.

Signora looked at me impressed, "I have to say you are pretty strong, but… You're still green." Signora sent an ice blast at me sending me toward the cathedral's walls freezing me in place with only my head free.

She walked up to Venti and Jean intercepted her, but Signora only sent a wave of ice freezing their feet in place. Ignoring Jean she was in front of Venti

"Absentee archon of Mondstadt… How impotent you have become…"

Venti still was resisting and said, "That smirk you wear looks out of place. Did you steal it from your master's face?"

Signora was getting irritated by Venti's nonsense, "Should have held your tongue." She dug her hand into Venti's chest and pulled out a golden chess piece similar to a bishop piece. Venti slumped to the floor unconscious

Lumine and Amber tried to help Venti but were held down by the pyro agents

Signora looked at the Gnosis "So. This is a Gnosis? Wouldn't be caught dead wearing this ugly thing in public. Well, we have what we came here for. Let's leave before more come."

Jean looked at Signora furious, "You won't get away with this!"

Signora only smirked and disappeared with the Cicin mages.

The Cathedral noticed the commotion and saw our states. They broke the ice trapping setting me free. The nuns brought us inside the church to heal us. Other than feeling cold and a few bruises we were fine. Jean went ahead to the Knights of Favonius headquarters to discuss what to do about the Fatui.

"Are you okay?" asked Lumine

"Yeah… just a bit cold."

'So that was a harbinger… I need to get stronger so I can fight them on equal terms.' I thought of increasing my training

"How is Amber?"

"She only passed out. She was not harmed too much." said Lumine

"That's good… Hey, where is Venti?"

Barbara came to us, "Are you asking about your friend? He said he was going to The Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero. He was strange, my healing powers had almost no effect on him… It was the first time I've encountered such a patient."

"Thank you, Barbara. Want to go find him Lumine?" Lumine nodded

"Please take care of Amber. If she wakes up tell her I have some business to take care of. Sorry, I could not be with her."

Barbara nodded, "Um, I will relay it to her."

Lumine, Paimon, and I went to Windrise to find Venti. When we arrived we found Venti standing on the base of the tree

"The wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smells… Haha, I said the exact same thing the last time. *sigh* Why do I only say these things when I'm down on my luck?" said Venti

"So... what is a Gnosis?" asked Lumine

"Ah, so you noticed. *sigh* This isn't something I'm meant to discuss with ordinary people. But I suppose I can let you in on the secret. As you know, Visions are external magical foci that only a small minority of people possess. They use these Visions to channel elemental power. In truth, every wielder of a Vision is one who can attain godhood and ascend to Celestia. We call such people allogenes.

"Allogenes? Paimon's never heard of them before."

"Hehe, that's because this is a secret that only archons are privy to. We don't need primitive tools like Visions. Instead, each archon has an internal magical focus that resonates directly with Celestia itself... known as a Gnosis."

"What about the thing hanging off your hip?" said Lumine

"Eh-he. It's just a glowing glass ball I carry around to avoid suspicion."

Lumine deadpan, "Huh…"

"So who was that nasty woman who sent Paimon flying and stole your Gnosis?"

"Her name is Signora, No. 8 of the harbingers."

"That was Signora!?" Paimon was shocked

"Yes, she and the rest of the harbingers have been given god-like executive authority by the Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya, and with it, strength surpassing that of other mortals."

"The Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya? Isn't that…" Paimon realized

"Indeed. She is one of The Seven, the Tsaritsa who reigns from the Zapolyarny Palace, and the one person that the Fatui Harbingers all answer to."

"The Seven don't always get along well, but still — I never thought that she would plot to steal another archon's Gnosis…"

"What sort of god is the Tsaritsa?" Lumines asked

"Ah... How should I put this?" Venti was contemplating

"Five hundred years ago, I knew her well. But I can't say the same is true now. You see, a certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago, and after that, she cut off all ties with me. But we can save the discussion of the Cryo Archon and the Fatui for another day. Traveler, if you seek the rest of The Seven, many difficulties lie ahead of you still. You should head for Mondstadt's neighboring nation of Liyue. The Geo Archon who reigns there, unlike me, administrates his entire region personally. He only descends once every year to give his divine predictions, which set the direction for Liyue for the rest of that year.

"Even so, it sounds like he works much harder than a certain someone." said Paimon

"Eh-he? ...In any case, this year's Rite of Descension is soon to begin. If you miss it, you'll just have to wait another year."

Paimon panicked, "WHAT!? Why didn't you tell us before? Well then bye. Lumine, we're going!"

As they were about to leave Venti stopped them, "One moment, Windborne Outlander."

"You mean me?" said Lumine

"Agreed. Lumine, as you set off on your journey once again, you must remember that the journey itself has meaning. The birds of Teyvat, the songs, and the cities, the Tsaritsa, her Fatui, and the monsters... they all are part of your journey. The destination is not everything. So before you reach the end, keep your eyes open. Use the chance to take in the world around you…"


"And you, the masked hero."

"Huh? Me?" I was confused

"There are many things that don't belong to this world. They will spread and wreak havoc when left unchecked. I don't know who they are or where they come from but… with you here I'm sure everything will be alright. So Jun, keep following your path and remember you have friends to help you along the way."

I was shocked, I guess there was a reason why I was here. With the recent events happening, something is happening in Teyvat. Perhaps that is why I'm here… the world needs a hero no… A Kamen Rider

I looked up at Venti with great resolve, "Yes, I will Venti."

"Great. So that's that for the Anemo Archon's admonishments! Back to Venti Time!"

And Venti went back to his usual playful self.


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