

Anger clouded him and his judgement as he punched the wall as hard as he could, over and over and over again, angry tears racing down his cheeks, bloodstained knuckles leaving marks on the wall. He punched it some more and then hit it with the side of his fist, his anger quickly shifting to sadness. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did he have to be so stupid. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed and kicked the wall. Did he really think he wouldn't get rejected? Someone as perfect as the one he desired, loving someone like him? Please. His life wasn't a movie, and he knew it. No happy endings for him. He swiped at his eyes, getting pissed at himself for tearing up. "IDIOT!" He screamed, and punched the wall once more. His knuckles throbbed, his head did as well, but nothing worse than his heart. He could practically feel it breaking, shattering into pieces that were impossible to put back together no matter what. "Fucking stupid piece of shit... you thought you wouldn't be rejected? REALLY?! And now you've ruined whatever friendship you had with..." He couldn't even utter his lovers name. It hurt too much. He rested his back against the wall and slid down it, choking back sobs. Some whimpers slipped past his lips, and he scolded himself mentally for it. Weak. He hugged his knees to his chest as he bit his lip, hard, making it bleed. And when the pain and the need to sob reached its limit, he finally let it all out. Heart wrenching sobs and whimpers made their way out of his mouth, making him gasp for air every few seconds. When was the last time he had cried this hard? He shut his eyes tightly, yet tears still slipped out. The desperation, the pain, you could see it all. You could see how much everything hurt him. You could see all the problems that had piled up crashing down on top of him. The weight on his shoulders became worse, and so did his cries. His call for help was louder now than ever before, but no one was around to hear it. All of his heart was in his lovers hands, but they threw it to the floor. They stomped on it, ran over it with a car, set it on fire, threw it from the top of a building, and suffocated it. He was suffocating. "I-I can't... live. Not like this." Yet, he knew this pain was just the beginning. So many more years of torture ahead of him. Doubt he'd survive. He banged his head against the wall, not too hard but not too gently, and let more tears fall from his eyes. His heart was broken, and it was too late. His life may not be a movie, but it sure as hell would end like one. Soon.

Save me.

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