
A summary of my displeasure #HAREM MC


Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you've had the displeasure of reading a few of them. If not, here I'll summarize some reasons why I think this genre sucks a lot.

1. They're all the fucking same. Seriously. It's like they're made by the same guy. They're clones, maybe with a few differences here and there, but overall extremely similar. Hell, here's how most of them go. The words they always use are in bold: "Hi, I'm weak protagonist from the Moon Fang Lightning sect! Oh no, everyone bullies me, including that piece of shit from that piece of shit noble family! Hey, is that an ancient treasure? Wow, I've awakened some mystical and incredibly OP power that no one can rival! I'll become the strongest being in the world when I open the 9th layer and reach the Heavenly God Fist Realm. I'll surpass everyone with my secret cultivation technique!".

2. The plot is either boring, half assed or simply stupid. There's your typical beginning, when your protagonist awakens their secret ancient power and starts to surpass everyone; you have the usual tournament arc; you have the arc where one of the top noble families are found to be traitors and are destroyed; there's the arc where they have to find' some treasure in a dungeon... The worst part is they seem to go on forever. Like, seriously, hundreds and hundreds of chapters and the story is still going on.

3. The characters suck. The protagonist is one of two ways: 1) A nice guy, who doesn't like killing and advocates for justice; 2) Your usual "badass™" that beats the shit out of anyone who disrespects him and lacks morals except when it comes to his friends. Then there's the ones that always appear:

1) The harem. The girls that the protagonist will want to fuck and vice-versa.

2) The best friend (or group of friends).

3) The powerful sect leader that works as an early goal to surpass.

4) The evil, enemy sect leader that is a monster and an overall asshole.

5) The son/nephew/little brother of the evil sect leader who works as a punching bag for the protagonist to show off.

6) The emperor/king/ruler and his posse.

The only one I found slightly pallatable is Tales of Demons and Gods. And that's simply because the series has some uniqueness to it. For starters, there's no "layers", no "7th layer master!" or any of that shit. Then there's the demon beasts, that give the fights some freshness. Besides that, yeah, you still have shit like the harem or the stupidly overpowered protagonist.

2ND SUMMARY:- MY HONEST OPINION ( If you don't agree with me fuck off for all i care)



















read the next chapter to find out Lol..

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