
Killing Never Feels Good

Seoul, South Korea

"The weather was really pleasant, so pleasant that I wanted to take leave and go on holiday, but my boss said no, so here I am giving you the weather report" the newscaster grunts.

The young man watching the report was totally dumbfounded, since it was raining outside and switched the channel. The young man's name is Yu Gi Wan. He lived in a middle sized single bedroom flat of a rather good looking apartment. 

Gi Wan sighed, resuming a live stream of a Player vs Player (PvP) game on his tablet. 

"I told him not to rush, just trusting his skills. What if his rank drops too much and he loses the ability to participate in duo battles with me?"

Said Gi Wan watching a live stream of a PvP game he just started to watch again.

"Ew… what is this uncomfortable feeling?"

He sat back, still watching the stream and hums, "Guess I'll exercise for a bit."

He set his tablet on the floor, positioning himself over the tablet and started doing push-ups, still watching it. He had a rather muscular body, for someone who hadn't left his room in over a year.

Suddenly there was a loud rumbling and the whole room shook violently as if a huge earthquake was occuring.

"What the hell?" he said aloud.

His expression was full of disinterest, like he was completely unbothered by the shaking. He was still watching the stream when a blue light lit up from the outside of his door.

He looked up, still not particularly phased, "I don't remember having blue lights."

He felt like something was wrong, got up, and walked to the hall. His tablet was still in hand, playing the stream. Upon looking into the hall, his eyes widened, as he experienced true shock for the first time. After he saw what was there in the hall his expressionless eyes widened for the first time.

"What?" Gi Wan questioned, while making a doubtful expression. He looked down the hallway and What he saw was a blue light swirling in the air in large circles. He felt a weird aura coming from it.

A loud, fierce shout came from within the portal.

A green creature that was about 4 feet tall with long ears came out of the light. It was also holding a rather sharp sword, which it began to swing at Gi Wan.

A loud and fierce roar came from within the portal.

The creature swung its sword vertically and Gi Wan swiftly shifted to his right, trying to quickly analyze the situation he was in.

He didn't want to admit it, because it interrupted his peaceful daily life, but he had to accept it now. The creature in front of him looked really close to the goblins he saw in anime.


The goblin kept on slashing while Gi Wan surprisingly and expertly dodged all of them. He grit his teeth and dodged another slash from the goblin. He dashed towards it, closing the distance, and slammed its head hard with his tablet.

The goblin flew back, dropping its sword. Gi Wan caught the sword and quickly stabbed the goblin with it.


Blue-green blood came out from the goblin's corpse, spraying him. He wiped the splattered blood off his face and remembered scenes of kids with blood all over their bodies, and two small hands holding a knife.

He looked at the sword in his hands and tsked, unamused.

"Killing never feels okay."

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