
I didn't choose system

Vikram was a normal soldier if you consider a person normal who treats the real world like an RPG game. And the problem is that he does not even know this, a person who considers the value of death to be equal to a stone on the road, his own and others equally. But this man was martyred in one of his missions. The world where he lives had around a population of eight billion, but leaving all of them somehow this guy transmigrated to another world. Into the body of another guy who has his own shit to handle. And as things could not get any worse, he also came to know that this so-called New World is the same as his favorite novel. So in simple words, this story is about a f***** up guy and his f***** up life, and about how he may be able to come out of this cycle of f***** up life. •••••••••••••••• This is my first novel. I am not a native English speaker so I am going to have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. so give me criticism as much as you can give. if you like it or not at last please put a review so I can make sure whether I should stop working on this novel or not.

CreatorKratos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


"I want a special type of needle made entirely of mana stone; it should be about a dozen inches long, and its diameter should be reduced as much as possible by your capability."

"Do you have the mana stone that's going to be required for creating this?"

Putting my hand in my pocket, I pull out two yellow-coloured Mana stones and set them on the counter. As soon as I do so, the shopkeeper and the man with the bushy beard both have their mouths and eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Where did you get it?"

"Is this the same thing I'm thinking?"

They both shouted out at the same time.

Ignoring the cries of both of them, I set the blade on the counter and also gave them the order for sharpening it.

"Can you do it or not?"

"Of course, I can. Just give me an hour."

Saying this, the vigorous man went to the working place of the shop.

And then, after an hour, Eren left that shop by tying the needle made of stone and his sword in a less attention-grabbing cloth. The work of these people was not the best in Eren's view, but it's still workable for him to go on for now.

Unlike every evening's sky, today's sky is dark and seems lifeless, and the temperature in Baroni is below the normal level, which normally does not happen on these summer days. But Eren ignores all these things like everyone else and arrives at the Baron's mansion, where he finds Charlie standing at the front door, dressed as usual in his dishevelled outfit.

There is a broad smile on his face, from which no one can tell how broken this person is from the inside.

"So does this nameless somebody have the honour to know where the prince has been missing since morning?"

"I am a prince; are you not exaggerating my existence?"

I just showed him the things I was holding in my hands.


"So you're doing something weird with the mana stone I gave you." "Come on, you're already too late."

Assuming to myself how easily Charlie could sense things made of mana stone, well, at least he could not sense that the mana stone I used is not the mana stone given by him. We both crossed the main gate.

"So I didn't know that I was so important that even the head butler had to wait for me to return from outside."

"Well, kiddo, I wasn't waiting for you; I just found you coming from your trip at the same time as I was coming back to the mansion from my weekly stroll."

"And can this prince find out what excursion it is?"

"Oh! You already know how terrible it can be if a beast accidentally escapes the 'cold forest's ' magical boundary range; therefore, I have to make this trip at least once per week to find out exactly whether or not everything is in order or not.

And to some extent, I'm waiting for you here too because I had to give this to you."

Charlie took an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Isn't it strange, uncle, that you are a butler, a watchman, the brother-in-law of a baron, and also an alcoholic? You have to agree that the Baron must have appointed his butler after a lot of searching."

After opening the envelope, I read it and found out that this is just information about Charlie's friends.

I gave the envelope back to Charlie.

"I don't think I need it anymore."

he looks at me for a second and then he put his hand on my head. With a soft voice that I can't imagine Charlie could able produce he asked.

"What do you want to do with your life?"

Hey, why am I reminded of that scene from an old Bollywood movie in which a father tries to teach his incompetent son how to run his own business, but his son is wasting his life chasing girls and taking drugs, hearing this question? I don't think that my condition is at that point.

"I just want to live my life in a way that doesn't make me regret my whole life when I am on my deathbed."

"Noble words, kid, but the reality is not going to be that easy. It probably ends up being far different than what you envision it to be, so make sure that you don't take too many wrong turns on your way through this so-called "no regret at the end of life" of yours. In the end, just don't end up like me."

He told me all this with a pained smile on his face that disappeared in an instant, which made me shake my head as we parted ways and went down another trail.

wrong turns, huh?

starting to think of Chali's phrase, I reach my room and start waiting for tonight.


At night, a boy with golden brown hair is sitting in a meditation posture on a bed placed inside a beautifully decorated room.

"Let began"

I took out the stones that I kept in my bag and started putting them into my mouth one by one. Most of the stones I have now are low-rank and red.

[Are you sure you can do it properly?]

I asked Gnosis the same question for the hundredth time.

I held my three stolen high potion bottles in front of me.

After Gnosis put all the information about the pure mana heart in my head, I found out that I only have five ways in which I can position my own mana heart in my body.

And among them, in the current situation, using the resources that I have, I can only perform one of those five methods.

And obviously, the method I am going to perform is the most dangerous and difficult one.

Taking out the needle made in the best blacksmith's shop, I place its sharp end on the left side of my chest, under which my heart rests.

[Gnosis reduce my feelings of fear and pain to a great extent, and put all your work aside and only concentrates on placing as much as mana possible from my body to my heart as we have planned.]

Taking a deep breath, I inserted the needle through my chest into my heart.

No blood came out, and I didn't feel any pain, but I know I'm going to die.



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CreatorKratoscreators' thoughts