
the first meeting ;

-In the Airport-


Jenny : i will miss you so much , ouff !!! , ….. i don't want to go , Dad !!!!

Her father : hurry up !!! The plane will take off !!! go go.. goodbye Darling

Her mother: My daughter (she hugged her daughter so tightly) I will miss you,

Jenny: Well okay, I do not want to cry, I'll go now

Her mother: You will find your uncle and his wife at the airport in Korea.

jenny: Mum !!!, but I 'm going to miss you a lot … I really want to stay here in America i don't want to go back to korea ,

Her father: Enough childish acts, you have to know your country and your native language so you have to study there , and don't worry i will send you a good teacher to learn you korean, naughty girl !!

jenny: Well, okay, dad

Her mother: Do not quarrel with your uncle, and be polite with them okay !!

jenny: Well, okay, do not worry, trust me, (hugged them), I love you so much

Her father: take care and be careful sweety , don't play there , i will have my eyes on you , Bye bye.

Jenny : Ooh …bye my mother… bye father, bye my beloved America.

*In the girl's bedroom*


Mira: Unni…UNNI !!! , WAKE UP !!!!

Hi Ra: Why? FOR GOD'S SAKE ….leave me alone …

Mira: unni, you will regret !!

Hi Ra: Why ? you are talking as that Kai is in front of the house

Mira: Well …. It is …. That's right.

Hi Ra (jumped up) : WHat? Reallyyyy ?? Where ? (she rushed to the balcony) wooww he is SOOO HANDSOME.

Mira: hufff can you low your voice .. he will hear you,

Hi Ra: Do I see what you see now? Or am I dreaming? did Kai entered our house ???

Mira: what are you talking about? OUR house !!! really?

Hi Ra: hurry up let's see what's going on ?

Mira: Yaah, are you going down like this ??

Hi Ra: It doesn't matter, let's go .

When they arrived , they heard :

Kai: Haha, thank you, aunty

Hi Ra's mother: Haha, I really missed you, I have not seen you since you was seven years old, Seung raised you well to become a man with good manners.

Kai: Haha (putting his hand behind his neck) I think so (he feels shy)

Hi Ra: ahem … ahemm

Her mother: Uh, did you wake up you two ? late , as usually, uh i forgot , my son, I will let you know these are my two daughters, Hai Ra and Mira, SAY hi to our guest !!

Hi Ra + Mira: Anionghaaseeooo( =hi with rspect )

Kai: Oh  HI, I know you (refers to Hai Ra) you are studying at my university ?? Am i wrong ?

Hi Ra: You know me? REALLY??

Kai: Yup ….Why are you so surprised?

Her mother: No nothing She's just a shy girl (and hit her on the back)

Hi Ra: ayy it hurts, MUM.

Her mother: Do not speak like this (softly).

Mira: Oh Oh, we were happy to meet you

Kai: Uh uh me too, so … i will go now,

Her mother: Uh, thank you, son, and tell your mother thanks for the pancakes, and tell her that I missed her a lot and I want to see her.

Kai: Ooh, I'll tell her, goodbye Aunty (with respect lanners ) .

*When he went *

Hai Ra: OH MY GOD …IS THAT A DREAM !!!! (jumping) OPPA Kai knows me , i cannot believe it !!!

Her mother: YAAAAH you will not get shy even in front of your mother YAAHH You naughty girl ?? (went to hit her )

Mira: He's the boy of her dreams ha ha ha ha, she's deeply in love with him Mum haha

Hi Ra: Oh, but mum, how do you know him ? I adooooooore himm.. (she looked surprised ...)

--At the same time--

Kai : (he heard the scream and came back quickly): What? Hah what 's going on here ? (He stood before them but they did not see him).

Mira: euhh, but what are you doing here?

Kay: I'm the boy of your dream .. ?? seriously!!

Hi Ra: wha…whaaa…WHAT ?

Her mother: Uh, this is so embarrassing. Go to your room …hurry up .. NOOOOW

Mira: okay , go go unnie


Hi Ra: I'm going to did di…did he hear …us , wha ...what will my position be at university? I'm dead, nooo..

Mira: Uh, Ayash, is he arrogant? [Ayash=SHIT]

Hi Ra (I looked at her with fear): Yes, oh my God, this is ... this is sooo …. ouff


Kai (coming out of their house): What the hell is that ? What is going on with this family? Ha ha ha .. and what !!  i am her dream boy? Why? And how did I not know? And how did she loves me and she never talked to me even once? Hahaha they are kidding, hahaha no no no no, but .. Aiiiiish, i will talk to her tomorrow., but why do i want to know that ? what is that !!! ouff …Whatever… I DON'T CARE


When Jenny arrived at the airport, she started looking for her uncle but it was useless. She was having so many heavy bags.

jenny: Ooof I'm so tired…. Now i do think that it's a lot of luggage, hahaha … OMG where is my uncle? Aishshchsh he's tooooo late ..

At that instant There was a young man passing by her and found her carrying many bags.

Person: Hello, do you want help ??

Jenny: Yaa, I have no idea, I cannot understand what he's talking. Sorry, I do not speak Korean.

Person: Really? Well, hello, do you need help? (He said it in English)

Jenny: Uuuh no no thanks.

The person carried her luggages and said "show me your way I'l help you".

Jenny: But ...

Person: By the way,my name is .. Myung Soo

Jenny: Uh, this is embarrassing (and then she said) and I'm Jenny.

Myung: nice to meet you , but what did you put in your bags that it is sooooo heavy ? !!!!!!

Jenny: Haha (laughs shyly) Just clothes,

Myung: WHAT !!? All these are JUST clothes?

Jenny: Haha yup (shy) I'm sorry I do not want to tire you more than that, let's stop here and I'll look for my uncle,

Myung: As you wish,  i feel very tired hahaha

Jenny: Hahaha.

Myung: So how old are you?

Jenny: Haha 19 and you?

Myung: Aah 25, can you give me your number?

Jenny: Oooooh, there he is , my uncle, thank you (I greet him in a respectful manners) Thank you,

Myung: oo (shy) It's okay, I was honored to meet you pretty girl,

Jenny: Haha, thank you byeee


Jenny: UNCLE !!! (she hugged him)

Uncle: Oh, you have became prettier then the last year

His wife: ooo sp pretty, She resembles her mother a lot,

Jenny ashamed: Ooh thank you,

Then they went home. The hause was sooo big, when you first enter the hause you will find a beautiful large garden with a swimming pool, so many tall trees and beautiful flowers.

Jenny: Wow, it's a such wonderful and beautiful house, look at this garden, SOOOOO WOW, I like it I like it (jumping)

her uncle's wife : hahaha you're sooo kind baby

jenny: First I want to swim omg.

Her uncle's wife: Nooo firstly, let me show you your room Jenny: oooo (sad) okaaay

Her uncle's wife: you're totally like your mother, how sweet (she hold her from her neck) let's go

Jenny: haha (Shy) thank youu aunt.

When she saw the room, she didn't like it at all.

Jennyin herself: what the hell with the color ..it's not beautiful at all…. And I want a big table, and this carpet, that's not my style....  Aishash

her uncle's wife: so what do you think

Jenny: honestly, I didn't like the color and this carpet.

her uncle's wife: really! Ooh soory baby

Jenny: noo that's okay, I'm fine. That's not a problem i can adapt.

her uncle: come on let's go, jenny take a reset, probably you're tired from travelling

Jenny: Yeah soo yeah. Thanks uncle.

--- after an hour, they heard jenny screaming in her room, they were so shaken so they rushed to her room.

Uncle: what's happened? Are you okay?

Jenny: Aiiishshsh, Nothing good happens to me since i get of the plane !!! nothing is going right, this closet is so small it can not fit my clothes, look, the half of my clothers are outside the closet, what to do? (crying)

Her uncle's wife: Aaa, it's my fault,

Jenny: Iashishsh .. I need all these clothes,

Her uncle's wife: Well, tomorrow we'll go shopping and buy whatever you want, what do you think??

Jenny: Really?? Oh thank you, I really love you (she hugged her )

Her uncle: Haha and another problem is dissolved


Hi Ra: Oooh, I'm sooo embarrassed

Mira: (imitate her) Oh I can not believe it's Kai Oba Oba Ooh

Hi Ra: Yaaah (she hited her)

Her mother: you idiots, what are you doing now? I think that you two need some other hit, come here.

Hi Ra: mum she is the one who begin,

Mira: Mum don't believe her haha

Hi Ra: …(:p)… mummy I'm going to study now, Bye bye.

Her mother: ooh take care.

-At the street-

Hi Ra raged out of the house quickly and ran into a person

Hi Ra: Uh, Ihishsh (did not look) I'm sorry, what is happening to me today ??!!

Kay: Yaaah

Hi Ra (stopped): This is the sound.. of Kai Oppa… oh my god?

Kay: Yahah, aren't you willing to look at me !!?

Hi Ra: (Turned) why? what are you doing here? It's not the time for you to be at university ?

Kai: I was waiting for you,

Hi Ra: Why?

Kay: I wanted to ask you

Hi Ra herself: No, no, he is going to embarrass me

Kai: What do you mean 'the boy of your dreams.'

Hi Ra: No No My sister was just kidding

Kai: Oh really? Unfortunately,( he started walking)

Hi Ra: Unfortunately? (she wonder What does he mean?)

Kai: (Smiling) it is late for university

Hi Ra: (she looked at her phone) Aishshish is still 5 minutes , get out of my way (she screamed strongly)

Kai: (Kai looked surprised) what is going on with this girl !!!!?

Hi Ra: (she started running and pass by him) This is the day of my funeral ouuufff

Kay: Hey, wait for me and me too have a class to attend

Hi Ra: (she stopped abruptly , came back to him and grabbed his hand and they started running ) let's go

Kai: Yah, are you crazyyy?

Hi Ra: Just run … run

Kay: Hahahah (looking at her hand holding his hand) I think that it is the best day you will ever have ..Haha

Hi Ra: why?

Kay: You're holding the hand of your crush

Hi Ra: Yaaah, this is not the time for your jokes

Kai: Hahaha ... what's your name again?


Kai: HI Ra? Emmm so  'hi ra loves Kai Oppa' (screaming)

Hi Ra: what !!!? No I'm not (she stopped)

(he Grabbed her hand and running )

Kai: Hahaha why did you stop. ?

(She looked at  him and get away with dreams:

I .. I do not believe this, Kai Oppa grabs my hand, it is him who grapped my hand ..i mean it' not MEE. I'm so happy (talking with herself )

When they reached the university,

Hi Ra hurried to the lecture hall

Kay: Yaaahah, you will not tell me goodbye ?

Hi Ra: Please do not do this here, okay?

Kay: whyy … did you get shy !!!?

Hi Ra: no o it's just ouuff …bye

Kai: at 10 :00  I'll be in the park in front of the runway, I want you there

Hi Ra talking to herself:. Did he tell me now that .. he want me to meet him? Is he going crazy? No no no i don't care

She entered the lecture

Hi Ra: I'm sorry I'm sorry for the late ,

Professor: what?

Hi Ra (she looked and found the room empty): Why no one is here?

Professor: Did you forget that we're studying at eight and half? Hahah sit down and wait for your friends hira

Hi Ra: Ooh (looked at the window and she found him looking at her): Why is he doing this today? Did he drink something in the morning !!? (she saw him bid farewell to her and say softly, "Do not forget at 10 :00," and then he went away)

Hi Ra: Wah ..


At that time jenny went out with her uncle's wife to buy what she need. Then they went back to the house and began to stick the wallpaper together …they had a lot of fun. Jenny liked her uncle's wife more it was the same for the woman she liked jenny as a daughter to whom she did not have.


At 10 :00

Hi Ra: sira … do you think that he meant when he said meet me at ten.. Do i go ?

Sera: Of course, go go .. (pushing her )

Hi Ra: I .. I really think he's kidding with me, or wants to make fun of me,

Sera: Of course no, just go  .. FIGHTING !!!

Hi Ra: I'm scared…..

Sera: I'll slap you if you do not go NOW !!!!

Hi Ra: Well okay, aaa, my heart is going insane


I arrived at the place and found him standing with his friends. and when he noticed her presence he said:

Kay: Uh, guys i have to go now, I'll call you later ..

Jinhu: why? You have a DATE !!?

Kai: Hahaha .. No no,

Jinhu: Well, do not be late

Kay: okay i will find you at the university's restaurant

Kay: (He hit the ground hard by his foot) So Hai-ra came to the appointement … emm ,traaaa

Hi Ra: Ah, why did you tell me to come here?

Kay: Umm .. Well, come with me

Hi Ra: Why?

Kai: okay ..let's  sit here on the bench first.

Hi Ra: Well, ( "this is a dream, I'm not believing")

Kay: Well, I'm who?

Hi Ra: What?

Kay: I mean .. Um, I'm who for you?

Hi Ra: B..buh?

Kay: Aishish .. Well, I'm .. emm just tell me what do you think of me ? I mean this.. yeah that's it

Hey Ra: uh you are arrogant ..emm.. arrogant ..arrogant and selfish boy , and i didn't understand what is happening to you now !!!

Kai: Am I really this?

Hi Ra: emm what do you think !(you mean yes)

Kay: Ayash. How can you tell this to your dreams boy? HAHAHAHA

Hi Ra: Hey, I'm warning you, do not repeat that word again ..Especially at university.

Kay: Well, well ... friends?

Hi Ra: Who?

Kai: We, i mean you and me ?

Hi Ra: Aaa (in itself "Yaa my God will be over me") Oh well friends

Kai: I'll forget what I heard this morning because I do not want it

Hi Ra: ooh, okay

Suddenly his face turned red.

Hi Ra: what's up with you ..your  cheeks are turning red?

Kay: Since we're friends, I'll tell you something

Hi Ra: Ahaha okay feel free to talk about it with me

Kai: I like a girl,

Hi Ra: WH…AT?!!!!!! ….emm . i just mean really !!

Kay: Ooh, I really love her a lot , I do not know what happens to me while being with her . she is just an angel in my eyes  (close his eyes)

Hi Ra: (she felt like she would cry) h ... really? where is she? Is she that  beautiful ? introduce me to her

Kay: I do not want that, I just told you because I can no longer hold this secret anymore

Hi Ra: okay if that's it i hope that you feel better when you shared your secret with me ..emm i think i have to go

Kai: why !!? I still want to talk ..

Hi Ra: bye..bye

She left him and went running to the bathroom

Kai (smiling): woww she really likes me oh my god , Haha

-in the bathroom-

Hi Ra: Unni (by phone) I'm in the bathroom

Sera: what's happen? omg … I'm coming,


Sera: wwhy are you crying my dear what happened to you…did he tell you something awfull,  I will kill him( turning to leave )

Hi Ra: wait wait you crazy girl …it's just ..emm he told me that he loves a girl

Sera: Really? Uh uh , do not cry my love, eff(hugged her )

Hi Ra: I'm so unlucky

Sera: Enough, there are so many handsome boys, hhh so don't cry

Hi Ra: But my heart loved him only,

Sera: Auushshsh ..

Hi Ra: From today, I'll try to forget him and get over him,

Sera: That's the best thing my darling .. Come on enough.. do not cry


The next day

At jenny ;

She went out with her auntie in a luxury car to show jenny the beauty of the streets of Korea.

Her uncle's wife (auntie): Jenny Did you like Korea?

Jenny: Yeah !!, but I have to learn korean that i can adapt to this country.

Her uncle's wife: We'll bring you a teacher for that it's not a problem. Your father told us this, uh, now that we mention this topic .. there's someone I'm thinking that he can fit the role.

Jenny: Really? When he will come?

Her auntie: Well, I'll call him now and ask him when he could be free because he come back from Japan yesterday

Jenny: Oh, well, I'm excited.. to begin learning hhh

After a long day.. they went back to the house and Jenny went straight to her room.

-At night-

*Knocking jenny's door*

Her aunie: My love, the teacher who will teach you Korean is here. Please enter!!

Jenny: Okay (she hurried to see him)

Myung: You , jenny??

Jenny: youuuuuu !!?

it's my first novel i hope that you like it

please comment so that i can progress

thanks to all

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