
CH.0001 - Prologue

CH.0001 - Prologue

Place: Planet Earth

"So you finally decided to show your face you ugly lizard."

"Hahaha, it has been yea... no, centuries before someone addresses this emperor rudely. Kid... you are speaking big words in comparison with your size."

"Rudely?... Ah, I just said what I saw. Wait... perhaps, are you thinking you are good-looking? I don't want to disappoint you but I'm sure in all the lizard lineages in the universe there aren't any uglier-looking lizards than you. I bet you are still single, right?"

"Ugly?!... All the lizard lineages?!... In the universe?!... Hahahahaha!!! Kid, today no one can save you from this emperor's hands. This emperor will make you wish you were never born. You can be sure about that. Die!!!"

"Hahaha, you came from a long way to conquer earth. As a host, let me entertain you. Come, let me see the might of grand lizard lineage."

--- Rawwrr

Three days later;

"Kid, I give you my praise. You are the first person who can fight three days and nights with this emperor and still breathe in the last ten thousand years.

But you can't harm this emperor's magnificent body with a human-made weapon."

"Don't be so sure ugly lizard. You are talking like the victory already in your palms. Till now it is just warm up. Let me show you the true power of a world protector."

"""Origin Sword! Awake And Answer Your Master's Call! Release The Second Weapon Seal!"""


"Haha, kid everything is useless against this emperor. Do you think you can win against this emperor just your tiny toy in your hand power up a little?

"Toy? A little? Let me see if you can say the same words again in a while.

Also who said that I only have one 'toy'?

Ugly lizard, you will see that earth is not a place you can do whatever you want."

""" Unforgiving Fire! Unbounduble Air! Unconsumable Water! Unbreakable Earth!

I Order You As A Protector Of Earth! Listen to My Call And Release Your Power!

Gather With Light Of Justice And Rage Of Darkness Inside Me!

Reshape My Power With Guidance Of Chaos! Seven Element Diagram! Activate!"""

"Stubborn kid! You and your toys. Just die!!!"

One month later;

"Hahaha, ugly lizard. I thought you want to conquer earth but now I see you decided to run away to where you come with your tail between your legs."

"Disrespectful kid! This emperor admits that underestimated you. But this place that is an intersection point of space gates is not like your world. Apparently, you did plenty of preparation on your planet for this emperor but now all is useless.

By letting this emperor withdraw to the intersection point of space gates you lost this battle. In this place, no preparation can help you.

I wonder how will you fight this emperor without your that troublesome diagrams. Or do you think you can win against this emperor with a human-made junk? Even if you released the seventh seal or whatnot it isn't enough to go against this emperor.

But this emperor will reward your hard work and keep your unworthy weapon for insignia of victory. Of course, after killing you. Hahahahahaha!"

"Hımm, don't you think it is too early to rejoice, ugly lizard?"

"""Origin Sword! Awake And Answer Your Master's Call! Release The Eight Weapon Seal!"""


"""Release The Ninth Weapon Seal!"""


"""Release Last Weapon Seal! Origin Sword Origin Form!"""


"Ugly lizard, how about a new bout?"

"Impossible! How can a man-made weapon release an aura that makes even this emperor startle? Kid! Die! Die! Die!"

One year later;

"Haaa, haaa, haaa. Kid, this emperor really made a big mistake to underestimate you. How about calling this time a tie? Both of us know that our power nearly equals each other. The outcome doesn't change how much we fi..."

"Don't talk nonsense ugly lizard. A tie. Both of us know that after gaining your power back first thing you do is attack earth again. And this time with an ally or a weapon that guarantees your victory. In the end, the earth will be the one facing a crisis.

Do you think you can deceive me with your tiny lizard brain?

But on the other hand, looks like you are at your limit assuming you make such an offer."

"Don't be a cocky kid. This emperor also knows that you are at your limit. If we continue the fighting our cultivation base will be crippled. Or do you aim for mutual harm?"

"Mutual harm? You are not wrong, I suppose. But my aim isn't to harm you. It is to destroy you."

"Watch your mouth kid. You are talking like you can kill this emperor."

"Hahaha, I will not kill you but obliterate you. Ugly lizard, do you know what that is?"

"Hahahahaha, kid you don't think a tiny or kill no obliterate this emperor, do you?"

"""Chaos Orb! Activate!"""


"What is happening? What did you do kid? There is no way a tiny orb release this kind of pressure.

You didn't even use any magic words like other diagrams. Impossible!"

"Impossible? Ugly lizard, do you think I did nothing when you are sending your minions to earth for years to make chaos and destruction.

For over a century, countless research and experiment I create this Chaos Orb using millions of magic words. Just for today.

At the outside of this intersection point of space gates, this Chaos Orb might be a useless toy but in here, he he! In this place where thousands of space gates control the space stream to make doors, what will happen if space gates lose the control of space stream?"

"Impossible! Kid, don't you realize that you will also die with me?"

"I am very well aware of what I am doing. As much as I dislike it, your lizard lineage has tough skin. If we fight on the earth I wouldn't kill you even if could win against you.

But here the situation is different. In a while, gates will lose their control, and this place will fill with a chaotic space stream and create a space vortex. A vortex neither I nor YOU can survive.

You better get ready ugly lizard. Since you came to earth, I will be sure you will stay on earth."

[No! Impossible! No! This emperor can't die. This emperor is immortal. I... I... I have to run!]

"What are you thinking ugly lizard? I suggest you don't try to escape. Chaos Orb is a diagram orb that I created more than a hundred years toil. It just doesn't disturb gates' control and also uses some space stream to protect itself and immobilize objects around it.

Even if it is just using a tiny bit of space stream both of us know that it isn't something you can deal with!"

"Kid, aren't you the world protector of the earth? After you die who will protect the earth from attacks? This emperor gives you his word. If you stop this toy this emperor never go against the earth."

"Hahaha, do you think I will be fooled by your empty promises ugly lizard? Like I said before, do you think I did nothing last centuries? Countless diagrams which are placed around the earth are enough for centuries-long protection.

Besides, after space gates were destroyed I don't think they even come here.

Even if they come with traveling in space by the time they arrive, a new world protector will have already grown up under the protection of my diagrams.

Don't waste your breath ugly lizard. YOU who are the most dangerous being for the earth ever; must take your last breath.

Also... It is already too late. Goodbye."


In those moments when no human being is aware of the danger in they are in and the sacrifice for them; above the thousands of kilometers of earth that can't be seen by normal people; in the middle of a space vortex that is destroying and obliterating anything within in; two silhouettes buried into darkness silently; one with scared face another one with smiling face.


Place: New World - (#####)

--- Cough, cough, cough

A teenager vomited the water in his lungs reflexively with the burning pain in his lungs and windpipe.

If you looked at a person's eyes in the same situation as this young man, you could see the pain of burning lungs, fear of near-death by drowning, and the happiness of being alive despite everything.

But when you looked at this teenager who has almost popping out eyeballs, all you could see is an emotion of perplexity.

"How? Where is this place? Where am I? I... was dead! When I was fighting with that ugly liza..."


Teenager began screaming with his head in his hands when an unbearable pain hit him in his head. It was clear from the grinding sound that he grit his teeth that he was in a lot of pain.

[What is going on? I feel like my head will blow up! These memories in my brain don't belong to me but also feel like they belong to me! If it goes like that my soul will be damaged and I will live the rest of my life being an idiot.]


When the young man pressed his hands to his head more strongly he began to tremble because of increasing pain.

[Calm down! Calm down! I need to calm down! Remember! If I remember correctly, the space vortex swallowed and obliterated me and that ugly lizard. I should have been dea...

No, I remember some things else. Yes, my body was obliterated but my soul protected and saved itself and it drifted to a broken space door. After that...]


[After that my soul traveled within space path until to reach the exit door. And after that to survive it settled in a most suitable shell nearby. In other words the body I am using right now. No. It would be more accurate to say a corpse. Looking at the situation, the old owner of this body should be drowned. Otherwise, there is no way my soul that is weakened by space travel could settle in a body with another soul in it.

So right now I... am still living... and... arrived another world?!!!]

I need your power stones, guys.

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