
I cultivate for 1 Billion Years to be a Harem Emperor

Author: dwaram31
Ongoing · 1.8K Views
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What is I cultivate for 1 Billion Years to be a Harem Emperor

Read I cultivate for 1 Billion Years to be a Harem Emperor novel written by the author dwaram31 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Her dream man

"Bridget, you want us to put stones on my bed and lie on it!, then not fall asleep till 1 o'clock,all for a silly belief?." Tina almost laughed.Seems like she made a mistake inviting her crazy friend for a sleepover. "It isn't just a silly belief Tina.People say it actually works." Bridget frowned at Tina then continued."If we do it Tina,we would dream of our future husbands,isn't it intriguing!,whether it works or not,there's no harm in trying." "My back?." Tina raised a brow at her. "Don't worry, we would go to a spa for massage!,c'mon Tina,aren't you curious?." Bridget held her smile knowing Tina would give in soon. "Fine,I'll do it,I am curious" Bridget was right!. "yay!" She gave Tina a big hug,Tina returned it smiling widely. ...... "Would you drop your phone Tina..." Bridget whined as she looked at the 'so busy on her phone' Tina. "I'll drop it now, just one more video please" Tina pleaded as she shifted uncomfortably on her bed of stones.she wondered how Bridget was looking so comfortable. She was prepared to switch off her phone when a video of the CEO of Ray's enterprises popped up.It was a simple unaware video of him holding a glass of water,trying to loose his tie while speaking with his board members in a meeting.His personal secretary standing beside him and his guards behind.But to Tina it wasn't a simple video,it was the most elegant video she has ever watched,His every move perfect,His body perfect,face so perfect.How come she never knew of him,she wondered as she read more about him.Tina thought he was the most handsome human she has ever seen.Surprisingly she wished he would be her future husband,it would be nice she thought.But she knew deep down it was impossible.With a very pretty secretary next to him,What would make him fall in love with a girl like her?.she sighed sadly.She turned off her phone, glanced at Bridget who was fast asleep,adjusted herself then follow suit and slept. Dreaming of nothing but him.

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