
Snowflake Lie I

I told my sister to wait at my room,

Going out right now would definitely be high-profile enough to have her being eyed on since she wasn't wearing a uniform nor was a teacher.

With some mutual understanding and another uncomfortable hug, a declaration that she resolved herself wait patiently for me to come back.

That's right she trust me deeply, but that's all more the reason why i have this tingling pain in my heart that i don't share the same sentiment as her.

Anyways, i followed the bastard teacher to the Prime Nexus which is the name for a spacious hallway that looked almost like a luxurious futuristic mall - except it leads to different classes and faculty rooms.

I observe some of the students that were passingby - some that were just chatting, eating snacks and messaging back at home while others are studying by groups in discovering the potential of their class.

It seems that i've missed a lot after that 'slightly embarassing' mishaps of rememberance of my past life -

 I continued to observe as we stroll forward to the homeroom teacher when i noticed something interesting.


I peek through a window on the room to my right.

There was a "half and half hair" orange and green girl in the simulated training space that was practicing her skills - which enligented my memory of the skill i intially had.

" System, what does 'Erudite' do? "

[ You can leave a voicemail after this *beep* - as the system is not available during this time. ]

" What are you, an old answerphone? just answer me already! "

I take it back, this system was lazy and not beneficial at all! - Where can i find a refund for this system settings?

[Erudite]: Observe the target and mimic the characteristics to create a skill that can be improved upon, it will create a personalized weaker variant than the original source of the mimicked target. 

" What about that one? "

I observed a billiance green aura coming from the half-half girl, it probably means she is using a skill -

Experimenting with my skill wouldn't be too impolite, right?


[ Observed: < jormungandr's blessing > ]

[ Scanning int stat...success! ]

[ Requirement: 80% of mana pool ]

< Assimilate? >


It took a moment notice before he continue walking and assessing the information he had gotten.

" Huh, so that's about 16 mana in total? That's way too expensive for a skill! "

Aldritch eyes twitched in despairity as if inflation had hit home and hurt his wallet to an unpararelled level of beyond irreparably.

"Hey, system can i get a refund using this skill? "

[ No, you may not - don't be an irresponsible stalker and just accept the responsibility you have brought upon yourself. ]

Aldritch would be spitting profanities and an absurd amount of unwholesome dictionary choices of words internally and outwardly -

Anyhow he is currently trying to be professionally appearance-wise for the sake of his family and not tarnish his image any longer.

" Okay fine, i don't want to waste this cooldown - just assimilate the skill, it won't be bad to attempt it for the first time. "

As soon Aldritch spoke those words of confirmation - as if his entire reality shattered into the voidless and unspeakable darkness,

The entire perceptive field of view could only distinguish merel glitching dark hue and frankly ominious crimson interface with his surrounding only covered in the atmosphere of the bottomless ocean.

A phenomenon of immeasurable end or beginning to this sea of abyss, that what he thought the moment he was put in this place.

==Assimilated ==

Venom Guard [ Red Grade E ]

[ Consume 1 point of agility for 0,5 DEF stat for each consumed. ]

[ Description: The user is able to tap into the power of antibiotics against harmful poison and increase the resistance to physical attacks - the user will be slowed after usage. ]

Gigantism [ Red Grade E ]

[ Upon activation - Gain 5 points of vitality and strength stats. ]

[ Duration for 10 minutes. ]

[ Description: The User can tap into their gigantic potential to increase their lifeline and strength while expanding in mass size. Once the duration expire - suffers from exhaustion and decrease in the same incremental in stats. ]

Yig's curse [ Red Grade E ]

[ Cost 1 mana point per minute upon activation. ]

[ Description: The User can decide to coat a specific part of the body in a madness-inducing poison that can penetrate steel and bone structure. (The potency of the poison is constrast to the entity's Dexterity) ]


"By the evil gods - this is a jackpot, ahahaha!"

Aldritch mused in his own thoughts, he wasn't disappointed at all - Infact he could fully committed to the fact that he chose correctly!

This is definitely a winning path to take as earliest as possible, but now he have to choose between these 3 options would be fitting the most?

For starters, he had to summarized on what he find neccessary and acquire the skill that proposed to be most useful for him that works with his current build.

[Venom Guard] is an interesting defensive option, considering he doesn't have any defensive capabilities currently and he is considered weak in terms of over-all defensive stats.

He casted his gaze away from it instantly as it doesn't suit him at all and the scaling is unapalling for his weak self - Sacrificing agility for a short term defense is too fatal, if he desired to be a leader that doesn't become a deadweight the moment he appeared on the battle.

The second skill made Aldritch contemplated a little more before regrettably just shunned it.

[Gigantism] While it's a berserk skill as the name suggest - it make the user gigantic and herculean strength for a limited amount of time.

He could see it works well in a clutching scenario - that is if he want to put himself in that situation.

" That won't do, if i need to have a failsafe skill at my first battle - that would means i'll be relying more on my enemies being dumber,

"Come what may and being saved by plot, if this was a fictional story. "

Aldritch knew that in this world from what he had seen before, doesn't give mercy or leave it up to luck to save him -

He has to be merticulous and handle it without any incidents.

His gaze landed on the final skill, while it doesn't seems too impressive - nevertheless it was worth the Erudite usage.

 [Yig's Curse], A kill-move that scales with one of his big contributing stat is worth taking and it can only get stronger in time - this also lines with his philosophy of ending it as fast as possible.

He had a feeling this might be more impressive than to judge it prematurely, after all -

He wasn't a fool to not recognized a "named" skill after a mythological snake.


After picking [ Yig's Curse ] and regaining his conciousness - he realized he was already at the door where the homeroom teacher would reside before.

He cautiously sneak a glance beside him and saw the asshole teacher had walking away, as if he had been done with the troublemaker that had been send to the principal.

He took a deep breath - facing the door and attempt to knock a bit.


*Thud* *Thud*

The woman who was sitting on an office chair or accurately to say an old oak chair that has been masterfully weaved by magic to make the oakwood into a wild and comfortable chair.

Her long ears perked at the knock and spoke with the expected confidence.

" Come in - i have been expecting you, novice Leucogna "

The door creaked as a slender and pale apparition-like figure walks through my door -

With his keen-sight observing the voguish tree-like constructed room.

His demeaner and face matched the rumors that the woman has researched on him - ' A ghost of mystery '

"Take a seat, novice Leucogna - it must have been sudden for me to call upon you, my apologies in advance."

" As the homeroom teacher, it's my duty to distinguish the welfare of my students, you see. "

The young ghost in question did not appear to be affected by any of my comments, it seems he did not have any expectation in the first place - A perculiar student, that's my impression of him.

" I am fine - thank you, miss Stellaria. "

Responded the ghastly youngster while sitting comfortably as i advised him to do while staring at me directly without freting on being hesitant.

" Would you like some dew to drink? It's on me - as a celebration for your quick recovery. "

I invited the polite young man as he seems to be respectful for our first meeting officially in this academy - It's charming to say the least.

" No thanks - i will need to meet my family soon, they must be sick worried about me. "

Excused the young man as his tone give off a vibe of no interest in exchanging some pleasantries with me.

" Very well, keeping you here would be rude otherwise - "

" Don't worry i will be asking you some questions and all you have to do is to answer them truthfully, That's not too difficult right? "

" Sure. "

He nodded while observing the poker face i've put on with delicate years of experience - It may seems carefree but the question may shock him.

" Have you ever been given a 'Relevation' perhaps? "

" . . . "

Second chapter of the surprise batch, here we go!

Let's start with the fact that our MC finally used his first skill! A proud moment to celebrate verily indeed.

Erudite is a skill i personally adored and designed with a lot in mind, while i like giving MC some op skills as with any other authors, he is still weak for now. That why this skill is perfect for me!

And the UI that was happening during it was a creative decision and a tease on the nature of the system - Perhaps beneath that SoL demeaner, there is some nefarious intent behind it? Who knows, i'm not a fortune teller. I'm just a crow.

Ah, i rambled too much again! See you on the final chapter batch folks!

Caw Caw - Let's finish this with a bang.

SnowCrowcreators' thoughts
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