
chapter three

On the way to the parking lot we are met by at least 40 to 30 undead we all decided to not engage them so we dont lose anyone.

"what the hell do we do now" John said

"we got to get to one of those cars" xia said

I thought it would be better to just walk so that's what I said will do they all agreed especially when I told them thats we would die if we go into there.

"we need to get more weapons. So were is the closet gun and knife store in the city" john asked

"its 3 to 4 blocks from here but we should be able to make it." I said

we start to head that way when the ring voice which I decided to call jerry because why not. said that the undead are mutating and that there are now undead animals and to pay attention to them.

"who the hell said that" sixia asked. now I figured that nobody else could hear the ring so I was surprised when they could.

"oh that's my ring. say hello jerry." I said

"hello I am a multi storage device that allows the user to store anything they want if its not the undead or human or pets I forgot to mention that as well. I am also how hyman or who y'all call kokoto is allowed to live in the past to settle his wish." jerry said

"you were not supposed to say all that I just said for you to say hello!" I yelled

"never mind that. I'm guessing you are the one he wanted to save the most sixia?" jerry asked

"what the hell is the ring voice or jerry talking about?" sixia asked.

"I'm from the future and you died and I wished that I could save everyone I came across or at least you. and I woke up in my bed before the undead came."

"thats some freaky friday shit" john said

"we got to go someone could have heard me yell." I said

"yea your right" xia said we made are way to the shop and the door was wide open so I unsheathed my katana and walked in looking for any undead. there turned out to be nothing there only a few knifes and a handgun I never messed with handguns before in my past life but I did not trust anyone else not to kill themselves with it so I kept it figureing I might do some target practice later.

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