
It was your fault

Patrick could see the horror on Kent's face.

("Of course he would know!") Patrick thought in his head.

Kent: "Did something happen at your home?"

Patrick: "No, nothing."

Kent: ("Oh no, I have neglected my best friend too much, and now I am sure he had been turned into a demon. I am such a bad best friend. I wonder if he has eaten someone?")

In the class, Kent couldn't calmed down the whole time. He was nervous if Patrick would suddenly go rampant and kill people in the school.

Teacher: "Mr. Li!"

Kent: "Ah, you called me?"

Teacher: "Is there anyone else here with the surname Li?"

Kent: "Then it's me."

The teacher pointed to the board, on which was written:

"H2O + CO2 => ?"

He asked: "Mr. Li, what will we have when we water and carbon dioxide together?"

Kent: "Uh, it's..."

The teacher raised his eyebrow.

Patrick whispered: "H2CO3"

Kent: "It's H2CO3, sir!"

Teacher: "Good!"

Kent: "Thanks, man. Had you not helped me, I would have been doomed."

Patrick: "Like you said, we are BFF for eternity."

Kent: ("Patrick, I have profited from you too much, yet I haven't paid you anything back.")



Both Patrick and Kent looked over and they saw Victoria, she had accidentally dropped the glass tub and some of the glass pieces cut her.

Teacher: "Are you ok?"

Victoria: "I am cut!"

Teacher: "Go to the medical room to look at your wounds. I will have someone to clean the mess."

Victoria: : "Yes, teacher!"

("Oh no!") a thought appeared in Kent's head. He turned around and looked at Patrick, and he saw his best friend kept gazing at Victoria's wounds.

"Earth to Patrick!" said Kent.

Patrick showed no reaction but kept gazing at the fresh cut on Victoria.

Kai stood up, he intended to go find the cleaner to clean the broken glasses, suddenly, Kent stood up as well.

"Kai, you should be here to calm down everyone, I and Patrick will go find the cleaner."

Kai pulled Patrick away hurriedly and left the class through another door, different from which Victoria was going out.

"Where do you think you are going? Come back here!" demanded the teacher.

"'Calm the class down', but there is no panic here." said Kai.

Kent pulled Patrick to the toilet furthest possible.

"Calm down, Pat!" said Kent "Go wash your face and calm down!"

Patrick looked at Kent.

Startled by Patrick's look, Kent stepped back and pulled out a bunch of paper talisman.

Patrick rolled his eyes and said: "You are the one who need to calm down."

Kent: "Me!!! If I hadn't pulled you away, you might have dashed to Victoria and eat her flesh plus drink her blood, you de..."

Kent immediately stopped when he realized he was going to use that word.

Patrick: "You underestimated my resistance."

Kent: "That's a relief if your resist...What!!!..."

Patrick: "..."

Patrick grew his nails long. His left sclera turned black.

Kent gulped, but he realized his throat was too dried for him to gulp. The hand holding the paper talismans was shaking. He was waiting for Patrick to attack.

"Attack him!" said Dyrroth inside Patrick's head.

"Use lava from your throat to toast him." roared Thamuz.

Ignoring the two demons, Patrick pointed at Kent, saying: "It's all your fault!"

Kent was shocked, he did not expect this.

Kent: "What?!!"

Patrick: "Remember the luggage of the three men in black you took?"

Kent: "Huh, what's about that?"

Patrick: "It turned out the machine inside it was of an weird technology, inside it a demon was being imprisoned."

"Huh? Are you talking about me?" said Dyrroth inside Patrick's mind.

Kent: "So you are saying that demon turned you?"

Patrick: "Yeah, and it's your fault!"

Kent: "How was it my fault? Shouldn't it be your fault since you mess with it? "

Patrick: "But you mistook the luggage, and it created an opportunity for me to press the button."

Kent: "But how could you blame me? The two luggage just looked too similar."

Patrick: "It was your fault for not taking notice. Didn't your mom teach you to be careful with your luggage?"

Kent: "I...I...uhm..."

Patrick: "Can't argue, right?"

Kent: "Then did you work with that demon?"

Patrick: : "Technically, yes!"

Kent: "How could you lie to me? You said you didn't do anything evil, right?"

Patrick: "It's true. I worked with that demon but I don't do anything evil. I did not deceive you."

Kent: "I do not smell blood on you, so I believe you...for now."

However, Kent still held the paper talisman firmly in his hand.

Patrick: "Alright, now take responsibility."

Kent: "WHAT!"

Patrick: "It's your fault originally, so you must take responsibility, which includes protect me from other Taoists, help me hide my secret,..."



At the public airport of Dawn kingdom,

The three brothers in black got off the plane.

2nd bro: "Ugh, I hate those police!"

3rd bro: "And the sun too."

Big bro: "Stop complaining..."

Suddenly, all of them received a telepathy from their progenitor, De Vil.

De Vil: "You three, find the Abyssal Demon progenitor for me."

Big bro: "Wait, what! But we already have an ongoing mission."

But there was no reply.

2nd bro: "Tch, 2 missions at the same time!"

3rd bro: "Ugh!"


Patrick and Kent then returned to the class. The Chemistry teacher was mad but only admonished them and then let them go back to their seat.

Kai, seeing them go back, asked:

"Where is the cleaner?"

Patrick: "Uh, we didn't see him."

Kai: "Ugh, ok, let me go find him."

Then Kai turned to look at Kent.

Kai: "What happened?"

Kent: "Nothing!"

When Kent went back to his seat, Kai went to find the cleaner.

("His face somehow makes me feel deja vu.") thought Kai.

Next chapter