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[Chapter 90 Comments]

[Vanadhi_Lucia: Oh, Ansthor can turns into Shadow? Is he a Ghost/Dark type, then? Then just Blast him with a Fairy Type Moves. Here, I will give…read more.]

[Danx_72: I think some comment who can be "inappropriate" can't reach Mr. Theo...?]

Helvenia Kingdom. 

"What did you say? Aurora was kidnapped?!" A roar resounded across the castle, carrying anger and disappointment.

Ansthor was kneeling in front of two elves. The angry one was a male elf, looking like a man in his late twenties. He had a thin frame, but his shout earlier carried a tremendous amount of essence that shook the entire castle.

Beside him was a female elf, looking similar to his age. She had a gentle but sad expression as though she had been hit hard by the news.

They were none other than Aurora's parents, the current king and queen of the Helvenia Kingdom. 

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