

Hawaii, Two Months Later

With Anini beach as the backdrop and gentle lapping of waves filling the air, the aisle was decorated with rose petals covering the entire path and big flower vases kept along the path, adding a magnificent view to this Hawaii wedding.

On either side of the aisle, were white long chairs decorated with flowers and flowy satin, long curtains, folded in the shape of beautiful ribbons.

The entire place followed the theme of white and purple, adding a dreamy charm to this place

Erica was sitting in her room, dressed in a long white satin, flowy backless dress, with a fitted bodice through the waist flowing to the ground.

Seated in front of the big dressing mirror, while a stylist was setting her hair, Erica was a tad bit nervous.

Not because she was having cold feet, but because she wished everything to go well as it was a very important day of her life.

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