
awakening after death

**The year 2024**

**waiting for the traffic signal to become green to cross the road**

**3-2-1-0 (green signal )**

**evening time in between 4:30-5:pm **

[Athp] "it's a very peaceful day," (with a happy face and calm expression to see these guys smiling and enjoying.)

[John] **(d-rank) in nature arrogance always try to please his ego and self-esteem by bullying someone weaker than him**: "the way you are looking like them it looks like you are the one who protected them.... sigggggghhh."

"you looser don't hope too much and don't ever think looser like you will be awakened."

[Mia] **looking at john**: "stop, we are friends and don't say something like that harsh"

[Athp ] "I know, I can't protect them but seeing those children are playing and everyone so happy despite the situation of the current world they seem to be very relaxing now."

-----cycling on-road and the sunlight coming from trees----

[Athp] *thinking* "I hope it will stay like that forever"

**in front of coffee shop**

**Athp and his friends parking his cycle**

[Athp] *thinking* "this month also I am a failure I am not able to do anything till now my mom's health is not good these days but she still working to support my dreams I am the worst son ever I don't when I will make my parents happy"

[waiter] "here is your coffee sir with chicken fried"

[Athp] *thinking* "well at least I am still alive as a non-awakened human life is very tuff.

You like an insect to those awoken's eye that they can crush any time they want"

****boooooooommmmmm lightning ****

**crowd are shouting run run its a gate broke**

[John] " now what happened what a gate broke this time,"

**with frightening expression**

[john] "those are the ddd.... demon wolfs is a c-rank monster it's a c-rank gate! run but... but his legs not working"

[Mia] (take Athp on her shoulder and starts running but it's a c-rank demon wolf which is special characteristic is high in agility and smell it can track down its prey from long distance.)

[mia] "ahhh....."

*the sudden blast*

--the owner of the coffee shop blasted the gas cylinders to get rid of the demon wolfs--

**Athp got separated from mia**

[Athp] "my whole body crumbling with pain it's so hard to bear this pain..."

**Athp turns his head and saw his best friend mia get eaten by the demon wolf**

[athp] "why why why....."

[Athp] "I wish I had the power to save those people. In the end, I was dying like a loser, not able to do anything for my family. and here dying like a loser and while my best friend got eaten while saving me. I wanted to become awaken and change my destiny. even if I am not able to become a awaken I hope next life I will try my best to overcome my mistakes..."

**demon wolf came and eat put his claw in Athp's chest Athp dies**

**************************************************************************************************************year 2017****************************************

**sister of Athp shouting** "it's not even one month left for the exam see him he is still sleeping I don't know when he becomes serious, hey wake up or there will be no breakfast"

[athp] "what's happening I am not dead yet wait.... my sister why she is here I thought she is in the USA"

*** looking the house***

(it's the same house 4 years ago am I dreaming? no, it's too real to be a dream that means I came back to the past)

******looking at the calendar******

**It May 2017**

**************story intro of the events that changes world*************

**gate**(the portal that links our worlds to link different small isolated worlds) first it's appeared in 2019 but the government kept this confidential.

after the gate broke in the middle of the school because of that many humans died due to that the government made the situation public.

after that across the world, gates are opening, and if the gate is not cleared within one month then the gate will break and the monsters will come out of it...

due to the high magical density humans are started awakening.

we called them awakened.

awakened choose to become the hunter some of them also don't choose to become a hunter and choose a bodyguard job because it's less dangerous than going in gate or hunting monsters, some also become tv celebrities.


[Athp] "my head is hurting ..."

** *ding* you have awakened.....**

[athp] "what it's like the system I heard in novels. but I never heard of an awakened have system before. and why this time where gates not even started to pop up"

***athp try to touch the system and that time his sister came***

[sister] what are you doing you, idiot?

[Athp] "what can't you see that?"

[sister] "seeing what? now get off from the bed and go take a shower you stink uuuaaaaakkkk so gross"

**Athp under the shower learning about the system**

[Athp] "so I can operate it from my mind I just have to think about the system and its popup and also can see all its options with single thoughts"

***messages pop up from system and mc open the SMS***


| congratulations on gaining authority over |

| 'fire' |

| *current proficiency 0%* |

| the more proficiency increase the more |

| you have better control over fire |


[Athp] "wait a minute I just died from burning on fire."

****mc thoughts of status window****


name = athp level =1

class = none hp = 127

job = none mp = 17

title = none

elements = fire


strength = 3 attack = 7

agility =1 sences = 4

stamina =1

vaitality =5

intelligence =2


unallocated points =11



exclusive skills

rank -L : amborious ~> (after duying host goes in past to the moment he

regreats most and he will gain authority of the element from which he died)

rank -s : copy~> (can copy any ablity of the targeted ablity users)

rank -b : heal ( can heal anyone within certain degree.*using souls can be



[athp] "what..........."

**got surprised seeing his skills**

------------------------------------------end of chapter one----------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------thank you for reading--------------------------------------------