
I can cultivate everything! time to make everyone Otaku!

dragon_king_18 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

new ability and world traveler package

[ congratulations to host for upgrading system 7 times ]

' alright! system tell me your new function's '

[ host has unlocked shop , energy Doungen , ability shop , energy gathering generator , costume shop, cloning , energy universe ]

' system tell me about sub space coffin, costume shop, cloning, and energy universe? '

[ host sub shape coffin is a ability for going in a sub space when host is only on less then 5% health, costume shop is for host to buy costume which boost hosts stats, cloning is used to create your clone which are only 50% equal to you but can grow and be manipulated by your will in appearance and status, energy universe is a sub space where only by the permission of host can things go in OR out ]

'hmm..ok open world traveler package!'

[ host has opened world traveler package and received infinite inventory storage, system upgrade token, world traveler patch token ]

'system what's world traveler patch token ?'

[ host world traveler patch token will give system access to all the world's items and ability ]

I don't understand a thing

' whatever! system use! system upgrade token ,world traveler patch token , superme energy point generator, infinite inventory storage token and luck booster! '

[ system is now at stage 8 and has a world traveler slot in shop, ability shop , costume shop ]

[ host your energy points generator is now superme energy point generator! ]

[ host now you have infinite inventory storage space in inventory! ]

[ host your luck is increased by 10,000 points ]

[ host can now draw lucky draw from new function's ]

' hell ya! now this is nice ! I don't know why but lucky draw is much more cooler then everything till now lol '

breath out *

'system show me lucky draw! '

a blue screen appeared with a rectangleuer shape I icon on which word draw is written with 100 energy points on the side of it .

' hmm I still don't know about the consumption of points so let's put it for later! system give me mentality upgrader pill and tell me how to use it '

[ host just has to think about what kind of mentality host wishes to have and than eat the pill. and to get the pill just imagine taking out pill from a bag ]

I did the process and a black pill of 2 CM diameter was on my hand it's kinda cool that I can do something like this out of the blue but if we think about the whole situation the ya it's all to Strange any way I should eat the pill and get going .

swallows the pill *



' I don't feel anything different did that pill not work '

[ don't worry host the pill has done its deed, it's just that to make host comfortable that host don't feel anything different ]

' it's kinda scary how you explain it but anyways tell me about my stats how do I put point and tell me about how I buy stuff '

[ yes host! to add points just click on the status host wants to rise and because of system being at stage 8 host needs only 2 energy points for 1 stats point ]

[ and for the shop you can buy stuff form energy points ]