
Rivalry Ignites

Just as Johan was about to leave the congregation of nervous contestants, a forceful voice echoed from behind, halting his steps. "Johan!" it called, resonating with a bitter note of resentment.

Turning around, Johan found himself face-to-face with Reis, a youthful yet hardened Card Master known for his extraordinary talents. His piercing eyes were laden with disdain, his strong jaw clenched. His place at second had left him brooding, like a storm cloud ready to pour.

"Reis," Johan replied, 'What's with this high and mighty attitude? Just because he's a prodigy doesn't mean he's the star of a melodrama.' Johan thought, rolling his eyes internally.

"I demand an explanation, Johan. How is it that someone like you managed to surpass me?" Reis's voice was cold, filled with accusation. "Did you use some sort of underhanded trick?"

Johan let out a low chuckle, not missing the envious undertone in Reis's voice. 'So this is what a sore loser sounds like?' he mused, trying hard to keep a straight face.

"I fought. I won. It's as simple as that, Reis," Johan retorted, his tone casual, almost dismissive. "No tricks, no cheating, just a game well played. You should try it sometime."

"You think you're so clever, don't you?" Reis spat, his eyes blazing with a fire that mirrored the volcanic terrain they had just left. "This isn't about survival or adaptability. It's about power, and you've somehow cheated your way to the top."

'Cheated? Now that's rich.' Johan thought, his amused smirk never leaving his face. He took a moment, looking Reis straight in the eyes before responding, "It's about using what you have to get what you want. In my case, I used my brains, not my reputation."

His words were like a match thrown into a pool of gasoline. Reis's face twisted further, his anger escalating to the point of eruption. "You think you're so smart? Well, let's see how well you do in the third test! I swear, Johan, I will defeat you," he growled, making his declaration known to everyone within earshot.

Johan let out a chuckle, thoroughly enjoying the scene unfolding before him. "That sounds like a challenge, Reis. I hope you won't disappoint me," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 'Looks like I've made myself an arch-rival. Well, at least things won't be boring,'

Reis's face twisted in anger, the sting of Johan's words hitting their mark. He was ready to say something else, but Johan turned his back to him and walked away, leaving Reis to stew in his bitter defeat. 'Guess he's not used to coming in second,' Johan thought, a smirk playing on his lips.

The exchange had caught the attention of the others nearby, their murmurs creating a low buzz around them. Eyes darted back and forth between Johan and Reis, a sense of excitement stirring in the air. The third test, it seemed, would be more than a battle against deadly monsters; it would be a duel between the two top scorers.

'Well, that escalated quickly.' Johan thought, watching as Reis stomped away, his threats still hanging in the air. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. This was going to be more complicated than he had initially thought.

The pressure was on, not just from the upcoming test but also from the personal challenge thrown down by Reis. Johan wasn't naive; he knew that he had stirred up a hornet's nest by claiming the top spot. However, he couldn't afford to back down now.

He was committed to proving his worth, not just to Reis, but to everyone else who doubted him. 'Bring it on.' He thought, a determined smile playing on his lips as he turned his attention back to his preparations.

As the dust from the confrontation between Johan and Reis settled, the murmurs and whispers amongst the other contestants grew louder. Attention shifted from the upcoming third test to the background of the now-infamous Reis.

"Did you know?" someone whispered, "Reis is a scion of the Dark Knight Sword Guild."

"The Dark Knight Sword Guild? That's one of the top three guilds in Silver City, isn't it?" another contestant replied, eyes wide with surprise.

"Indeed. Their power and influence are unmatched," chimed in another, her voice filled with a mix of fear and respect, "They have a history spanning a hundred years and are backed by an enormous inheritance."

A small hush fell over the group as they digested this piece of information. It certainly explained Reis's confidence and aura of superiority. But that wasn't all.

"He's the heir, the one who will lead the guild in the future," the first contestant continued, "They are known as the 'Asura Family' in Silver City. And his father, he's the guild master of the Dark Knight Sword Guild."

Gasps echoed around the room as the contestants grappled with the gravity of this revelation. And just when they thought it couldn't get more intimidating, the final blow was dealt.

"His grandfather," another voice whispered, low and ominous, "is a Tier 5 Card Master. A figure who could establish his own Gold-ranked guild if he so desired."

A heavy silence fell. A sense of understanding seemed to pass through them. Johan's calm reaction to Reis's threats and accusations took on a new light. His rivalry with Reis was more than just a battle between top scorers; it was a face-off between a humble contestant and a member of a high-ranking guild family.

The gossip and speculation rippled through the crowd, tension climbing higher with each passing minute. Eyes darted to Johan, a look of newfound respect and, for some, apprehension painted on their faces. Up until now, they'd all assumed Johan was just another contestant, albeit one with a knack for surprising victories. But, standing up to someone like Reis, the prodigal son of the 'Asura Family', that was a different game altogether.

"Hmph, looks like the third test won't be as boring as I thought," a burly contestant muttered, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," his companion agreed, a grin spreading on his face. "It'll be a spectacle. The quiet outsider versus the guild prince. Who wouldn't want to watch that?"

Despite the excitement brewing in the crowd, Johan remained unaffected. 'All these big names and titles,' he thought to himself, 'they don't mean a thing in this competition. Here, only strength and wit can keep you alive.'

An unexpected calm washed over him. He wasn't the type to be swayed by status or prestige. He'd grown up on the streets, honing his skills and instincts for survival. He'd been underestimated, overlooked, and dismissed before. Reis and his family's reputation made no difference to him.

'Bring it on, Asura Prince,' Johan thought, a smirk playing on his lips. 'This is my battlefield.'

And with that, he strolled off to prepare for the third test, leaving behind a room buzzing with anticipation, anxiety, and the promise of an unforgettable showdown.

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