
I can copy talent

In the Dawning Age, where humans and beasts share the dominion, the air crackles with anticipation. Aspirants yearn to awaken extraordinary talents, etching their names in the annals of warrior legend. Amongst them stands Ye Tian, ostracized for his dormant core – a mark of weakness in this era of power. But destiny whispers a different tale. A chance encounter unlocks the forbidden knowledge of the Copycat, a talent outlawed for its unorthodox power. With a mere touch, Ye Tian can steal the very essence of another's abilities, martial or beastly. A coveted swordsmanship? A mythical beast's regenerative prowess? All are within his grasp. Yet, the power is a double-edged blade. Each stolen talent bleeds into Ye Tian's mind, a symphony of alien memories and instincts threatening to drown his own identity. He must master the art of harmonizing these fragments, weaving them into a tapestry of unmatched power. But covetous eyes watch from the shadows. Powerful factions lust after the Copycat's forbidden potential, willing to unleash chaos to claim it. Ye Tian faces a brutal choice: succumb to the voices in his head, become a puppet wielding borrowed brilliance, or transcend the limitations, forging his own path as a legend whispered in hushed tones – the Weaver of Talents.

Adolf_nigler · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 7: Participate In The Trial [First Update]

"Student Ye Tian, ​​do you really want to sign up for the trial? Although you can participate in the trial as long as you reach the martial apprentice level, it is best not to join the martial apprentice without 500 jins of strength, otherwise it will be easy to die in the trial. "

Yue Cheng, the teacher of the Fifth Academy, looked at Ye Tian in front of him and discouraged.

He has seen several students like Ye Tian. He always thought that he was lucky and would get the blood of beasts, but he didn't think about it. Even if there were no beasts in that small wild area, some powerful beasts were enough to kill big beasts. Some warriors are already, and the students who have just become warriors are like ants in front of powerful beasts, unless they rely on the number of people or powerful weapons.

"Teacher, I have already formed a group, depending on the number of people, I should hope to get a good harvest!"

Ye Tian said so on purpose.

"Well, it's your own business anyway, but if you sign up, you need to sign a life and death contract. Once the contract is signed, even if you die in Xiaoye District, our Fifth Academy will not make any compensation!" Teacher Yuecheng reminded .

"I know!"

Ye Tian signed the contract very calmly.

"Ten days later, come to the academy's No. 5 martial arts training ground before 8:00 in the morning, and a teacher will take you there!" Teacher Yuecheng urged.

"is teacher!"

Ye Tian replied.

Successfully signed up, Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to waste the next ten days. Although he was confident in his own strength, his strength was still weak after all, and he still needed to make some preparations.

Such as buying weapons and equipment.

In this era, there is no control over weapons. Anyone can carry weapons at any time, and weapons are also divided into several levels. For example, weapons made of ordinary steel are called ordinary weapons, and weapons made of some Yuanli materials are very suitable for martial artists. Power flow, such weapons are called Yuan soldiers.

Ye Tian can't afford Yuan soldiers, and there is no need to buy Yuan soldiers. The quality of general Yuan soldiers is similar to that of ordinary weapons, but it has more Yuan force characteristics.

After going to a weapon shop, Ye Tian bought a knife made of fine iron, a bow and arrows and some arrows.

These weapons cost Ye Tian 5,000 yuan, and this is his entire year's expenses.

Originally, Ye Tian only had 20,000 yuan, and now there is only 15,000 yuan left, but it is necessary to buy these weapons.

In an instant, ten days passed.

Ye Tian didn't mention the trial to his younger sister Ye Yu, but told her that the academy organized an event that would take three days and would come back in three days.

Ye Yu naturally didn't think too much, otherwise Ye Tian would definitely not be allowed to go to the Xiaoye District for a trial.


The Fifth Academy, the fifth training ground.

When Ye Tian came, he saw nearly 100 students, obviously not all of them.

It is estimated that there are at least 150 students participating in the trial, or even more.

"It seems that the blood of beasts is too attractive, it is hope for students who are not very talented!" Ye Tian secretly said in his heart.

"Ye Tian, ​​aren't you coming?"

Zhang Bao's voice came.

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Bao and said lightly, "I didn't say it, I just didn't want to form a team!"

"Could it be that you found a master to take you?" Zhang Bao was shocked.

Ye Tian didn't speak and kept silent, while Zhang Bao's eyes became envious, apparently thinking that Ye Tian had found a master, so he didn't want to form a team with them.

For Zhang Bao's thinking, Ye Tian did not explain, and the misunderstanding was better.

After waiting for about half an hour, almost all the students came. There were about 160 students.

The talents of these 160 students are basically second-class talents, and they are basically very old, and there are even students in their twenties.

There are very few young apprentices like Ye Tian, ​​after all, youth means low strength.

So many students may come and many people will not be able to come back, but in this era without strength, they will die at any time, such as the Yinyue Sable incident some time ago, many ordinary people have been affected, it can be said that disaster comes from home .

Only strength is everything!

"Get in the car when everyone is here!"

A teacher shouted to the students.


Several buses similar to the previous life appeared in front of many students.

The first time all the students saw a car, it was only in textbooks that they could see this kind of pre-apocalyptic car.

"Teacher, the rules of heaven and earth have not changed drastically now, aren't the cars from a hundred years ago unusable?" a student asked curiously.

"This is the newly researched bus, powered by Yuanli, and it is the technology that the senior management of the Linhai Base acquired from a large base. It has just been opened, and only warriors are eligible to buy a bus. I believe that soon you can be on the street. I saw all kinds of cars!" The teacher replied.

"A car powered by Yuanli!"

A group of students suddenly realized.

Some of them have also heard of such Yuanli equipment, but they did not expect that the Linhai base also has it.

A group of students got on the bus, and the bus drove towards the outside of the base.

An hour later, the bus passed a city gate and headed for the wild.

When they entered the field, many students were a little flustered.

There are many fierce beasts in the wild, and these warriors have no resistance at all in the face of the beasts.

"Don't worry, not long ago, the big figures in the Linhai Base cleaned up this field. There will be no beasts in a radius of three miles, and our destination is a small wild area one mile away." The teacher smiled.

Hearing what the teacher said, the students breathed a sigh of relief.

Moreover, there are more than ten teachers in several cars protecting them, and each teacher is a martial artist, so the safety can be guaranteed.

Before long, a valley appeared in front of everyone.

"This valley is our destination."

The teacher introduced.

There are many buses at the entrance of the valley, which are the cars of other colleges.

"It's a student of the Fifth Academy, haha, this rubbish academy also sent people, do you want to wipe out the entire army?"

"I don't think the students of the Fifth Academy have ever seen blood, right? Somewhere like our First Academy, the teachers have captured wild beasts and even weak beasts for us to practice. Our combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of the students of the Fifth Academy. Yes, I guess they might cry when they see a beast!"

"Although the students of the Fifth Academy are not good, the dean of the Fifth Academy is a big man at the Linhai Base. Let's not ridicule. Offending the dean of the Fifth Academy, we have nothing to eat!"

These mocking students are naturally the students of the First Academy. As for the students of other academies, they are not much better than the Fifth Academy, so they are not qualified to ridicule.

"Damn, these First Academy students are too arrogant!"

Many students of the Fifth Academy said angrily.

But they only dared to talk about it, but they didn't dare to really ask the students of the First Academy for theories. They also knew the gap between themselves and the other party.

After getting off.

Ye Tian stared at the students of the First Academy with a burning gaze——

"The talents of the students in the First Academy are at least elementary. Maybe they will meet middle-level talents. My copy talent can be copied again, this time maybe I can copy a good talent!"