
I can bring anything from fiction to the real world

Brian was watching anime one day when all of a sudden.................

killer_beee12344 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Aftermath 2

I can walk the boy said, His mum had his voice then looked behind, What's wrong Jack she came in a panic, Mum I can walk, What are yous saying, She was confused, He then stood up from his car a little he was little bit Wably but he did his mom was shocked,

She started crying how is this possible, Jack just pointed at me, He gave some bean and it worked the woman looked at me then gave me a hug thank you, My son lost his mobility when he was 5 due to a car accident, People then started gathering around us

Am glad I could help I said, But can we you two not tell anybody I then handed them two bags of senzu beans give this to any friend relative or anyone and it will cure them but it can't resurrect the dead so I will be on my way,

As I was walking the lady stopped me, Who are you she asked, I just gave her a smile and told her God sent me you don't have to know my name, more and more people started gathering

But I was already gone, I walked away with a smile, I then went home. When I reached my bedroom. And went on my laptop. I went to the move chronicles, I paused when I so the crystal, Then a pain hit my head I then fainted, I woke up the next morning, with my hand still in my laptop

I removed I then wanted to see if it worked, I looked at a pen that was on the side of my bed and raised my hand, The pen came and flew in my hand, I was happy you guys might think that I am getting powers to be overpowered but actually I thought this through

First I gained immortality because I didn't want to die while getting the two serums, I took the virus first because it was more dangerous than the super solder serum, and finally the crystal well I just thought of power now