
The End? Or A New Beginning? Part 2/2

"You Fucking SHIT! YOU Think You Know ME?" He did not used the blades but hit Nathan on the face with his fist.



His strike was fast and the blow was hard enough that it broke Nathan's facial bones and teeth.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT?" He looked at Nathan's disfigured face hatefully and striked again.






Nathan wanted to retaliate but he could not move. His nose and other bones was broken in the first strike. It was so painful that he wanted to shout but before any voices could come out from his mouth the second hit landed and his broken teeth and blood got stuck in his throat. He started coughing, but even this was not possible in front of the barrage of punches.





Like Nathan's words triggered something in the intruder, he crushed him madly with all his strength. Strike, Strike And Strike.

Nathan can not remember how many times he got hit in his face, chest, and throat, all he could remember was pain. This was first time he was experiencing pain to this extent.

There was something wrong though. He should have been lost his consciousness long ago. On the contrary however, Nathan's pain receptors enhanced and as a result the pain he felt intensified several folds.

'It's a skill!'

A torturing skill to be exact. That was Nathan's last straight thought as he could not think anymore and got beaten up by this man.

"I'll Beat You To Death, You!… I'll Gonna Make Sure You Feel Every Second Of Pain Till Your Death!"

His hands were like a machine, never stopping for a rest. A few moments later, Nathan was brutally beaten.

Nathan's skull was splintered into pieces. His brain was splattered around. His head or what remains of it and his face was beyond recognition, like meat paste. Nathan was beyond dead at this point.

"KHUFF... HUFF... KHUFU" The killer was breathing heavily, and like before there was wheezing noise coming from his throat.

"fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!!!" He shouted in frustration.

"I have to quickly wrap this up"

He got up from the dead body. He was thinking fast.

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

It was supposed to be an easy job, interrogate him and retrieve the book, after that kill him and make it look like a suicide.

He did these kind of jobs too many times to count in the past. It was a piece of cake for him. But everything went wrong from the moment he lost his sanity.

He hated the word "TRASH". It was a forbidden word in his dictionary. And he hated to the death, those who called him that.

His superhuman hearing picked up the sounds of sirens of police cars from few blocks away. The police were very fast to respond these days.

This was a lower-middle-class neighborhood where everyone knew each other, apartment's thin walls were not able to block noises from traveling from one lodgings to another. Someone must have called the police after hearing all the commotion the killer had caused in this apartment.

He snapped back and moved fast, he first mysteriously took out a beaker like glass bottle which was filled with some kind of white liquid from an unknown place and sprinkled the white liquid at Nathan's body. After that he started to search the apartment.

He was moving very fast in the apartment in search for the book. It was just a last ditch effort. How could someone would hide an important thing like that in his home?

After ransacking the apartment, to his disbelief he found the book in a secret compartment under the study table in matter of seconds.

"Huh! A fool indeed!" He mocked Nathan's stupidity. If Nathan had know that a Practitioner can sense things around them like a radar then he definitely would not have hide it here at his house.

He took out some small boxes in his hands out of thin air just like before and started throwing them in every rooms. At this moment Nathan's body was almost melted like a burning candle and turned into some disgusting flued.

"In your next life don't even dare to messing with me. If you got any of course. Khee-khee-kheee!" His weird laugh echoed in the apartment as he left through the window.

He climbed towards the roof instead of going down. Even a cat's climbing skills would be nothing in front of the agility he was showing. He climbed from 4th floor to the 7th in few seconds and after reaching on the rooftop he snapped his finger while smiling.

Then he turned towards the emergency exit on the roof and strolled towards it leisurely but only after he heard a muffled explosion from the below.


Two patrol cars had arrived at the building's main entrance at this moment. Even before the police officers opened the doors of their cars, they heard some screams.




Dangerous flames were visible on the 4th floor of the building from the outside. And this fire was getting bigger with every second.

"In no way this fire could be an accident!"

Andrew King, the officers who was driving the first car said to his blond partner as they came out from both side and looked at the flames.

He had an African American origin, with solid build and 6'9 foot height he was a "giant". Even at the age of 38 he was way more strong than any young adults.

"Yep, it's no accident!"

Herald Clayton also proclaimed with a stern expression. As they were experienced and have seen all kinds of situations, they did not lose their sense of judgement. They had faced many accidents and crimes together in the past and knew what kind of situation this was.

"A cover up!" They both looked at each other at the same time.

The police had received a call from a resident of this building. According to her, someone was getting killed here inside an apartment on the 4th floor.

Of course they did not have believed it to be true. They speculated that at most this could be an assault or robbery case or maybe both because the police response were very rapid these days.

And on top of that, the sentences were very hardened thanks to the new reforms. Because of this the crime rates had decreased a lot let alone a big crime like "murder".

As they came out of their car, the second car also reached them and a pair of young and energetic male and female officers got off from it. Herald Clayton rushed towards his own car as he said in loud and clear voice.

"It's more than likely a cover up! An attempt to destroy the evidence or a distraction for safely escaping or maybe both"

Herald started to instruct them very quickly.

"Call for backups! DL-3!" Herald said to his partner and Andrew started to contact The Control Centre.

"Jason and Yuri! You two go cover the emergency exit and the back of the building. Me and Andrew will look out the front and the sides"

He ordered them very quickly in very grave tone before they could say anything. Jason was about to ask 'What the fuck happened!' but Herald resumed his sentence.

"Do not let go of any suspicious person and if you find someone, contact me immediately! Should you two face any dangers, retreat! Remember! Do not take any unnecessary risks, Safety First!"

Herald have been working as a senior officer since decades and he was the most experienced person of all the present officers. So he took the charge and ordered other officers while he bring out the bullet proof vests, machine guns and other equipments from the car.

He had already put on his gears even before he completed his orders. Jason and Yuri were perplexed from watching him behaving like this.

'Relax! It's just a fire! What's wrong with you?'

'Aren't we supposed to help the civilians get to the safety first?'

Jason and Yuri wanted to say these words but Herald did not gave them any chances and scolded them sternly.

"Shut your mouths and do as I ordered! Be Quick!" Herald yelled as he dashed towards the entrance of the building.

Their expression hardened by his tone but Andrew also gave them a signal to comply as he also had almost got ready and was fasteninging the vest.

Herald and Andrew were known as the "black-&-white knights". They were very famous for their boldness, insights and achievements. The reason why they did not got any promotions were a mystery to many but every newcomers look up to them and wants to learn from them.

Although they regarded them as a role model but no officers liked to being treated like this from someone same rank as them but they could only reluctantly put on their gears and sprint towards the back of the building.

Crowds of people were getting out from all the exists senselessly, yelling, crying and pushing each other.

"What the fuck was wrong with him!" Jason cursed as they reached their destination. After seeing the situation of the residents he yelled in his thunderous voice.


There was a lot of decline in the pushing and shoving. The public had gotten lot more calmer after hearing mentioning "Police".

"I don't know what happened to him either! Herald is a very calm and level-headed person. Maybe he suspect that some dangerous criminal is responsible for this fire?"

Yuri replied to Jason as they were watching the crowd very carefully for anyone suspicious. Despite they did not liked how Herald had treated them. They knew that he would not have acted like this if nothing was up.

On the other side Herald and Andrew had relatively calmed the crowd but even at this moment the entire building was reverberating from the shouts and screams and the whole area had flung into a chaos.

"Andrew! I'm going to see what can I get from that apartment, you look out here" Herald told Andrew and dashed inside the building while pushing people aside forcefully.

"Fucking IDIOT!" Andrew cursed him as he ground his teeth.

He knew better than anyone else what was happening. Andrew was one of the witnesses of a tragic calamity that had changed hundreds of people's lives. A fire where Herald had lost his world, his wife Margaret. She was burned alive with more than 50 other people in a cafe.

On top of that Herald and Andrew were just outside the cafe when it happening. In few seconds the fire increased so much that no one could go inside or came outside of it. It was totally illogical and as of this day, they could not found any reasonable explanation.

Margaret was waiting for Herald and Andrew with her best friend. Andrew insisted Margaret to bring her friend Louis, so they could know each other and see if anything happens between them. it was a happy occasion but like most of the tragic stories, the fate had planned a very different path for them.

When Herald and Andrew arrived at the scene, the fire have already got strong to the extreme. At that moment Herald jumped into the burning cafe without thinking for a moment but the firefighters with the help of the police forcefully knocked him down.

Andrew had long since moved on. He later married a girl and had three children but for Herald it was like he had lost everything. If not for his belief, Herald would have died from despair long ago.

When Herald found out about some ridiculous stories from the people who witnessed everything from the beginning, he got sure that something fishy was going on here.

Herald believed that the incident was work of some extremely skilled and secretive group. A group possessing high level technology and advanced weapons that are still after decades, not known them.

Witnesses reported that the cafe suddenly caught up in flames like a silent explosion and they did not heard any screams nor they saw anyone struggling to get out of the burning cafe. And even more astonishing was the fact that the higher ups did not permitted City Police to do any investigation. They said that this incident was way out of their leagues.

Herald cursed the investigators for declaring it an accident and launched his own investigations. During these years, Herald and Andrew was responsible for uprooting and destroying many of the biggest and famous syndicates and gangs. But he was still looking into that matter and maybe this was the only reason that Herald still had his sanity.


After some time...

Inside a SUV that was parked few blokes away from Nathan's appartment.

"Boss, something went wrong"

The person sitting on the backseat of the SUV spoked into the phone. He was the same person who had killed Nathan few minutes ago. But his image was of an old man with gentle features, starkly different from what he looked like in front of Nathan.

The police outside of the building were just some ordinary people in his eyes so how could they have stopped him? He got away like an air and they did not even noticed. Now here he was, reporting to someone on the phone safe and sound.

"An accident happened and the target was gone before I could gain any info from him"

He signaled the driver to drive the SUV and continued on the phone as the they drove past the buildings smothely.

"He already knew about the Awakening and Practitioners. I don't know how but he broke out from my bindings and ambushed me. I had no choice but to take his life for saving my own"

His hands were shaking a little as he lied about the events that had happened not too long ago.

"Yes-yes I got the book Sir!"

"I got it, I'll send you the detailed report"

He hunged up and clenched his fist as he "fuck" ... cursed. Then he looked at the driver and shouted.



"Special officer uh… D-1 Right?"

The Police Chief stood up from his chair and extended his hands as he greeted an officer with a weird code name from an unknown department.


D-1 replied coldly and sat on the seat opposite to the police chief, straight up ignoring his hands that the police chief extended towards him.

It was really embarrassing situation for the Police Chief as this was happening to him for the first time since he was appointed at this office.

"I want to know about the details of my inquiry"

The Police Chief could only retract his hand with an embarrassed smile. He was really angry about the said person's behavior but... He could just be angry inside. In no way he would kick his job.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Samuel Clark and its an honor to meet one of our country's unknown heroes"

Samuel bowed down a little to express his respect. He did not mentioned his position or his family background and introduced himself with just his name.

"Nice meeting Mr. Samuel"

There was recognition in the eyes of D-1 and coldness in his tone has reduced a lot. He liked, how Samuel controlled his anger and diverted it to something completely opposite.

"keep working hard. You have a great career ahead of you. So, now on to the business. What you have got for me?"

As D-1 said those words Samuel's eyes flashed with happiness and he said very quickly.

"We couldn't find any body or any signs of struggle in the apartment. Everything was burnt badly and even if there was any evidence it should have been destroyed​ in the fire. But one of the residents of that building heard screams and sound of beating in that apartment and called the police..."

Samuel described the accident and disappearance of Nathan with great detail like his life was depend on it.

"We are still searching for that boy Nathan. He has many trials ongoing in the court and as he was out on bail with restricted movement, we would have been alerted by the tracker if he had tried anything. But so far there's no clue whatsoever! It's like... Like he just, disappeared into the thin air!"

Samuel explained further as he gave D-1 some documents. D-1 flipped through some documents and said.

"Who was behind the lawsuits against Nathan?"

D-1 asked without looking up as he kept reading the files.

"Th-there were more than dozens-"

Samuel stuttered because of this unexpected question. This was a "taboo" that he could not break if want to live a happy life.

"The truth!"

D-1's tone had a warning in it. Samuel felt his throat dried up and he had a difficulty in breathing. The pressure was unbearable for him.

"S-sir! There are no proofs that-"

"You don't have to be scared. I'm not here officially. Trust me, it's just a friendly discussion. Tell me what you know."

Despite his words were gentle and friendly, his voice was very cold, polar opposite to what anyone could call a "friendly discussion".

"Th-the Black-Tech Corporation, i heard that the BTC was behind it-but it's just a hearsay without any proof of course"

Samuel had to give in and started saying what he knew.

'It's not even an official visit and he can move those big shots for his personal use! What kind of background did he have?'

Samuel exclaimed in his mind as he drenched in cold sweat.

"In how many cases BTC involved directly in the court?" D-1 asked another question.

"Six cases were filed against Nathan Wallace from the BTC"

"Thanks for your cooperation. This is my card, give me a call if you find anything about Nathan Wallace and I'm taking these copies with me."

D-1 threw a shining golden card on the desk as he stood up and left the office taking all the case files with him.

"Not even a proper farewell eh?"

Samuel took a long sigh of relief and pressed a button on the side of the table and called his secretary.

"Bring the strongest one sweetheart, I need some stress relief"

He took of his finger from the button and murmured.

"Sigh... There's no place for likes of me between the battle of titans!"

He took long breath of air as he waited for his poison to burn away his sense of inferiority.


At a cafe near the beach...

D-1 was sitting in a corner, thinking about the contents of files he got today.

He took out his phone and contacted someone.

"It's D-1. Note it. Nathan Wallace resident of apartment 410, R&T Apartments Complex, Ring Road, South District..."

"Send a Tracker, contact me immediately if they found his whereabouts"

"Understood Sir" A female voice answered him.

He disconnected the call and took a long puff of the cigarette.

"I'm sorry my friend, I hope I'm not too late. I'll fulfil my promise to you, no matter what I have to do" He said to himself.

"And If your son isn't alive, then I'll find out who is responsible for all of this and bring their heads to you!… that's the least I can do. But first..."

He looked outside from the window of the cafe in deep thoughts.

Couple of tables away from D-1, there was a huge black man scolding a blond man who had bandages covering his hands and part of his face.

"Believe me Herald! If you do this kind of lunacy in the future I'll transfer myself to somewhere else! What was you even thinking..."

The bandaged blond man was just sitting there lowering his head without saying a word. Suddenly he lifted his head like he realized something.

"That flame!... Was the same as the last one!"

"Eh?" Andrew stopped in the middle of his ramblings. "What do you mean?"

Herald did not answered Andrew. He was thinking about a man named Nathan Wallace! He was the only clue Herald have found in so many years!

He looked outside towards the couples walking on the beach hand in hand. Remembering his times with Margaret as they used to come here to watch the sunset he got a little emotional.

"I have to find him!"

"I have to find him!"

D-1 and Herald declared at the same time. Not knowing what fate had stored for them.

On the beach people were playing with their families and friends, some were just sitting there alone by themselves as they watched the sun.

The sun was setting on the horizon shining it's last rays on this side of the planet and creating a mesmerizing and breathtaking scene. It was giving an impression of a star sinking in the ocean, like it wanted to remind it's spectators that nothing is eternal in this world. In a few moments the sun was gone, taking away all it's light and warmth.

What remained was only darkness and the coldness of the night!

Next chapter