
Surviving and arriving

In a small closed place, a young boy or to be exact, a small kid who's about 1 year old is looking outside the small window in front of him with bitterness and sadness that a kid at his age should not have, feeling his future full darkness, but, what no one knows is that the young boy is inhabited by an adult soul that does not belong to this universe, a soul that had experienced a lifetime of memories and more, a soul who witnessed the destruction of its world and the death of its parent, wife, children and the entire universe, yet for some unknown reasons it or he found himself in the body of small kid who's laying in a small 'spaceship', but he didn't have any happy emotion because of 'surviving', his heart is empty and full of despair for loosing his entire family and home, small bead of tears started coming out as he remembered the confused look on his daughter and son who were playing before the end of the world, the smile of his beloved wife as she hugged him while the fire that engulfed earth burned them to ash and his father who apologized for not doing better for scolding and yelling at him out of love for him.


My name is Jack Ming, a chinese american man who lived in new york and married there, I was a detective who opened his own office, I didn't make much but I earned enough money so that my family can live without worry, I supported my father and took care of him, until the disaster struct, it was september 2035, I was at home with my family having a nice time, My wife was making lunch while I was sitting outside watching the kids playing in the pool, but moment later the sky turned bright red, as fire started burning it, I was shocked, in a hurry I turned my head and looked at my petrified wife who also reacted fast and came beside me looking up watching this apocalyptic scene, I was going to run to the kids but I felt my wife tight hug, I looked at her in confusion only to see her shocking her head as if telling me that there is no need, at that moment for some reason I knew that there is no way I can hide or survive, and in fact this thought flashed in everyone's mind, so I embraced her back tightly as I heard my father apologising to me in the last moments about how harsh he was and why he scolded me when I was young out of his love for me, in return I just smiled at him, looking back silently at the fire that is getting closer and closer to me, until it burned me to ash, the only good thing is that I felt no pain.


Back to the small spaceship, Jack looked at the stars in confusion trying to understand how he appeared here, how he got smaller, 'did I reincarnate or reborn', just as Jack was trying to understand his situation, he heard a sound coming from his head.

???: "Jack can you hear me"

Jacks' heart almost jumped from his chest as he yelled in his mind: "Who.. who's talking to me", unfortunately, only baby shouts were heard from his mouth.

???: "Thank goodness the connection is on"

???: "Hello Jack my name is Selvy, I am gonna be your guide and partner from now on, so is there any question ".

when Jack heard her he snapped out from his daze and fright and said: "who are you? and where am I?"

Selvy: "wow wow cowboy slow down, I will answer all your questions. So for the first one, I told you I am your guide and partner that live and die with you, as for the second one, you're in a spaceship heading toward earth as we speak"

Jack yelled back in his mind: "No I don't mean this, what I want to say is if you are some kind of life form or a parasite, explain your origin"

there was a brief silence before Selvy answered: "Jack listen carefully, I am the spirit of the system that came with you, at the moment your universe collided with another universe they blew up..."

before she could finish Jack interrupt: "wait, do you mean that my universe exploded"

Selvy said with some anger: "please don't interrupt me, and yes your universe had indeed been blown up, you can think of a universe as a bubble, once two bubbles come in contact with each other there are two scenes, the first one is that they fuse and grow bigger or the second one, explode, and this is what happened to your universe"

Jack's eyes turned sharp as he said: "if what you said is true then tell me who was the one who kept pushing them too hard, and don't b*sh*t me here, because according to what you said if the universe is like a bubble then even if it comes in contact with another one it won't explode or fuse unless there was a third party putting pressure on them or pushing them"

Selvy said with some embarrassment: "I never thought you would notice this, but you are right, there was a third party"

Jack's heart sunk when he heard this, but then he was relieved as Selvy said: "But don't worry he's already dead without even a soul left to reborn"

Jack went silence as he kept thinking of what she said, a few seconds later Jack sighed at his world luck and said with some hope: "then tell me what do you mean by the system, are you what I think you are"

Selvy said with some smirk: "yes, I am indeed a system but not like the one you think of, I was born like this according to your childhood novel memories, as for how different, it is because of who I was before."

Jack: "what do you mean??"

Selvy: "you can understand that I was an innate artifact that was born in chaos, a network point to be exact, I connect to every universe that exist in chaos, no matter how big or small that universe is, once it is born I connect it with other ones, this is so that it can grow faster as they share information and experiences, and the universe will transform this information into an idea or enlightenment to human beings, and these human turn them into legend, myth, movies, animation, and manga according to how advanced the world is."

Jack coldly said: "you still don't want to explain how you fused with me, don't think of me a kid who would forget important thing because of a moment of excitement, so stop bullsh*ting and speak straight"

Selvy felt the anger of Jack and sighed as she said: "ok..ok, my main body was discovered by the man who blew up his universe and yours, before that he wanted to refine me, I explained to him about chaos and other universes, and even told him about the danger fusing to universes, but he didn't listen and insisted on fusing the two, unfortunately, he didn't make it and turned into ash, as for you now, I am a system who can travel to any world you can think of, but you can only go randomly, and there are some other functions I have that you can only unlock in the future"

hearing the explanation Jack felt very unwilling, unlucky and lucky at the same time, complex emotion made his young mind and heart tired.

He took a deep breath and said: "Ok I understand, then tell me where am I exactly? and who am I?"

Selvy: "because we fused I chose for you a strong body and an identity that you will like a lot, as for the place, we are in, it is a fused universe but 90% of it is Marvel/DC as for others it is for you to discover".

Jack was shocked at the same time he almost understood his identity.

Jack: "you mean that I am superman Clark Kent".

Selvy said disapproval and some pride: "no..no you are not, you are the twin brother of superman, I have made some changes in your biological mother Lara's egg so that she can have a twin instead of one son, and of course I added some of your genetics which is good for you. So if you looked at your left, you will find your brother Clark sleeping in another spaceship".

Jack was speechless and he said with some confusing: "wait, why did Jor-El build two spaceships instead of one"

Selvy: "oh, that's also because of my intervention, I understand you don't want to change your brother destiny line, so I did this, although Jor-El made it so that the two spaceships can land on the same location, I changed the setting when we took off. "

Jack was relieved because he indeed didn't want to have too much contact with Clark in his early life, until he grows up so that he won't influence him and change his character, in the end, he was a cold detective when he faces criminals.

Jack: "you did a good job, Selvy, now where did you sit the landing location"

Selvy felt happy and said with some naughtiness: "of course I did it, as for the location it's a secret, I won't tell you so don't bother yourself."

Jack shook his head helplessly in his imagination and said: "ok..ok..."

When he wanted to say something Selvy said in a hurry: "Jack I still have to tell you that when the universe exploded for some reason when I saved you, the conciseness of the universe of the warrior who made this accident sent you almost all the knowledge of the humans it had as an apology, and it is a lot, and this is a universe where science and cultivation stand at the top of all creatures, so get ready because It will take a lot of time with your baby mind to accept them, and this time is the best time to start the fusion."

Jack went silence when he heard Selvy, moments later he said: "then start the fusing and tell me how much time until I reach earth"

Selvy: "Jack according to this speed it will take you one year to reach earth and this is good because in the process of accepting the information you will fall into a deep sleep so that you won't hurt your brain, and you won't accept all the information but only a small part of it as it is gigantic"

When she finished Jack started feeling sleepy as he felt a flux of information flooding his brain.

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