
Chapter 3 Second Mutation in the Police Station

A sense of danger!

His sixth sense told him that something in the police station was staring at him!

The moment he entered the police station, he fell into danger. If he took a few steps forward, he would definitely be attacked.

He didn’t like this feeling, but it did send him an alarm. He was still weak for the moment, not invincible.

The apocalypse was much more dangerous than he had imagined. He must not let his guard down.

At the thought of this, he ordered the zombies to charge!

He would like to see the frightening mystery in the darkness.



The zombie inside roared incessantly, seeming to be provoked by West’s intrusion.

In the blink of an eye, the heads of several zombies in the frontline were cut off by "lightning".

At this moment, West also saw the face of the unknown. It was a zombie reduced to its skin and bones.

The one that West bit was a golden zombie, but the furious one in the front was covered in a blue light mist, like "lightning" at night.

It was so fast! Within a moment, "lightning" had already killed more than 10 zombies, and was approaching West.

Facing the fierce "lightning", West also had a plan. His zombies were more than just those in front of him.

Along the way, he kept collecting the zombies. Those killed by "lightning" were just a spearhead team.

Behind West, an army of countless zombies lined up, which brought him great leverage.

As soon as he gave his command, the zombies rushed forward fearlessly. The ground was shaking, and the whole town was quivering slightly.

The roars of the zombies spread throughout the town. All the surviving humans buried their heads deep into the pillows with their eyes full of fear.

My God! What happened downtown? Was it a war?

The momentum of the battle made people feel terrified. No one dared to check what had happened.

They were curious about what had happened in the center of the town.

The major initiator behind this was also shocked. "Lightning" was far more dangerous than he had expected. Skinny as it might seem, it was far more powerful than ordinary zombies.

The dead bodies in the police station had been piled up into a few hills. But the "lightning" was also covered with scars.

In the end, under the siege of the zombie legion, the lightning died of exhaustion before it reached West.

After repeatedly confirming that the “lightning” had died, West walked towards this extremely powerful zombie with great care.

Because of the exhaustion of energy, there was no blue light mist on the body of “lightning”. However, a trace of blue light mist could still be found inside its broken head.

West was completely fascinated by the blue light mist. His mouth began watering. To eat or not to eat?

He decided to be conservative and let his underling take the lead.

A short but muscular zombie was luckily chosen by West.

It took a deep breath of blue mist following West’s order.

A few seconds later, the short zombie underwent a tremendous change. Black grease firstly spilled from his body, emitting a disgusting stench.

Then several blue stripes appeared on the surface of its body. West could feel that it was becoming stronger.

It inherited some attributes of “lightning”.

It moved much faster than ordinary zombies, and it could move a distance for an instant time. However, this ability did not last long. After using the ability of instant movement, it would be dispirited soon.

After the change, this zombie could obviously follow more instructions, like “Waving the Knife”, and “Shoot”.

After going through so many difficulties in the apocalypse, the West desperately wanted to become stronger.

Only by becoming stronger could one survive the apocalypse.

He wouldn't miss this second chance of mutation.

At the thought of this, he began to absorb the remaining blue energy.

When West woke up, it was already noon. He found that it took him a much shorter time to wake up this time.

After absorbing the “lightning”, he mastered the ability to move instantly, as fast as lightning.

His body changed again. His skin was so tough that even a knife could not cut through it but only leave a red scratch.

Besides that, there were no strange changes in his appearance except a blue tint in his eyes, which couldn’t be noticed if one didn’t pay attention.

The most surprising discoveries in the police station were some compressed food, and…lots of ordnance!

It could be confiscated by the police but haven’t been destroyed yet before the zombie crisis.

There are sniper rifles, modified submachine guns, grenades, and smoke bombs…

These weapons are enough to arm dozens of people!

He took the silver Desert Eagle and put it into the holster.

He also put on a tactical vest and a bulletproof vest, just in case.

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