
Vol2-Chapter 6-Capital

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.




I am basing the story on the manga so that you know


*Previous chapter*

"I refuse! This capitalist world, I demand freedom of expression!" Satoru starts complaining about working while being dragged on the floor by Vanessa.

Everyone just watches as their vice-captain is dragged away by his friend. They all sweat a drop at the sight of their vice-captain's behavior.

"If that's your vice-captain, though he's an idiot, he's someone trustworthy and quite powerful," Yami says these words as he walks toward the bathroom.

A while later, Vanessa returns to the living room, quite content, and sits down to drink.

"Why do you look so happy, Vanessa?"

"Simple. After this idiot didn't return for a long time and seeing him complain about work, it makes me happy, hehe."

Everyone stays silent, witnessing Vanessa enjoying Satoru's suffering, unsure of what to say as this is a new experience for them.


*Next day*

"OOOHHHH but what delicious food, I've never tried this before, what is this, it's too sweet, this is delicious!!!!"

"Oh boy, you woke up, once again, good job, and again, you're a mess."

"Good morning, Captain Yami, yum yum."

"Finish eating all that and head to the Magic Knights headquarters and give them a report."

"Eh??" Asta turns to look at his captain with a confused expression while still chewing the meat Charmy prepared - "Isn't Vice Captain Satoru supposed to do it?"

"You're right, Asta, but that idiot never does his job." Yami takes a puff of his cigar and then releases all the smoke - "He always finds a way to dodge work. Anyway, go to the capital and give the report, simple and straightforward."

"Captain, Captain, I want to go to the capital too." Yami turns to his left to see Luck standing with a smile on his face while looking at his captain - "No, you'll just cause trouble, but you'll go on a combat mission with Magna." When Luck heard about his mission, he went straight to Magna to discuss the mission and, above all, to fight with him.


*In the capital of the kingdom*

"OOOhhh wow, how beautiful!!!"

"Hey, want to keep calm, you're going to embarrass us." Just minutes after arriving in the capital, Asta was amazed at how big and cute the capital looked. He started looking around to satisfy his curiosity, while Noelle, who was beside him, was both embarrassed and excited.

'Alone with Asta,' a small blush appeared on Noelle's cheeks just thinking about this phrase. She turns to look at Asta, who is still looking at the buildings quite excitedly - "I can't believe it, all these houses are enormous. Look, Noelle, the size of this house is big enough for a very comfortable family to live in."

"Oh." Before Asta could continue looking at the houses, he found three familiar figures - "But if it isn't the members of the Golden Dawn, Yunoooooo." Asta runs towards the three Golden Dawn members who stopped after hearing a shout from a familiar person, so they turned around, waved, and started chatting among themselves. While they were talking on a tower behind them, two people were standing.

The first person was standing, looking through a window at the young people chatting, and the second person was sitting in a chair, using it as a rocking chair - "So, what do you think of this year's rookies?" Satoru turns to look at the Magic Emperor who was watching the young people - "They have good potential, and this year, William and Yami really chose some good rookies." Julius smiles.

"Yes, they're good, but they're like coal, they need to be polished to become diamonds, especially that noisy dwarf and the tall emo guy, they have a bright future."

"I also think so, but the future will tell." Julius turns around and leaves the room to go down and greet the young people - "Yes, the future." Satoru murmurs this last part in a quite low tone, stops playing with the chair, and simply watches as Julius leaves the tower - "Someday, Lucius, someday." Satoru gets up from the chair and leaves the tower.

After Satoru left the tower, he walked around the capital of the kingdom, bought some food and other things, then returned to where the rookies were, and just before he arrived, a scream loud enough to break anyone's eardrums was heard - "Tch, I thought you guys already met, and it seems you're just talking about how to be the Magic Emperor. Dah, I'm going to the castle, I'll wait for you there." And he walked away while chewing on a strawberry bread.


*Kingdom Castle*

"But how interesting, today we're going to be promoted in rank, don't you think, sister?"

"Totally true, brother. It's normal for nobles like us to rise in rank."

"Oh, I can't believe it! I'll be promoted, and my captain is with me, how exciting!"

"Brother, today I'll be promoted, and I'll show you what I'm capable of."

"Calm down, Leo, you still have a long way to go, but you're doing well."

While everyone was discussing and talking about the day's event, they all stopped and turned towards the door of the room because it slammed open. The person responsible was a tall figure in black attire, white hair, a black bandage over their eyes, and a bag of bread in their left hand. Satoru entered the room as if nothing happened and walked towards Charlotte.

"But who is this person to enter as if nothing?"

"What a lack of respect."

"He must be a commoner by the way he entered."

"Hey, who the hell are you?!"

Everyone was talking to Satoru to find out who he was and why he entered the room like that, but Satoru ignored them and simply continued his way. He soon reached his destination and stood in front of the captain of the Blue Rose Order - "Hey, long time, Charlotte, how are you?" Satoru greeted Charlotte while showing a smile.

"Hey, who are you to talk to my ca-"

"Long time, Satoru." Charlotte replied to Satoru in a cold manner, surprising everyone, as everyone knows Charlotte doesn't speak to just any man, except for the captains. But seeing her respond to Satoru left everyone confused.

"Hehehe, still as cold as ever. That way, you won't win her heart, hehe."

'Win her heart,' this is what all the people in the room thought.

"Aaaahhh, Satoru, don't say that in front of everyone." Charlotte, upon hearing Satoru's words, was quite surprised, but she didn't show it. She maintained a calm and serious face, but inside, she was embarrassed that Satoru said that - "Relax, it's nothing. In the end, I was going to help you, don't you remember? Hehe." Satoru puts his arm around her neck.

"Ppsshh, by the way, this is yours." Satoru turns to the side and leaves the bread bag he had to take out a photo from his bag and discreetly hands it to Charlotte, but everyone could see that it was a photo, although they couldn't see what was inside. Charlotte takes the photo out of curiosity, and when she sees it, her face immediately turns red, and she hides the photo so no one can see it.

Everyone could see Charlotte's expression, but they didn't know why, and they were too curious - "Thanks for the photo." Charlotte sincerely thanks Satoru for the gift, but she was too embarrassed, and the redness on her face was evident, arousing even more curiosity from the others.

"Captain, what's in there that makes you react like that?" Sol, seeing his captain's unusual reaction, also became curious - "N-Nothing, it's nothing." Charlotte immediately hides the photo as a more precious possession. Everyone knew they wouldn't get anything out of Charlotte, so they turned to look at Satoru, who was sitting in a chair that wasn't there before and didn't know where he got it.

"It's a secret between comrades, sshh." Satoru could see that everyone was curious, so he decided not to say anything. But soon, the door opens again, this time calmly, and there appeared the Magic Emperor Julius, accompanied by the new rookies.

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's start with the Valor ceremony." Julius was in the center of the room and announced to everyone.

"Oh, but if it isn't the dwarf, the emo, the tsundere princess, the four eyes, and Mimosa." Satoru smiles at seeing the rookies, so he gets up from his chair to walk towards their direction - 'Why does everyone have offensive nicknames, and Mimosa is the only normal one?' Everyone thought at the same time after hearing how Satoru named them.

"Vice Captain Satoru, what are you doing here?" Asta was excited to be with the Magic Emperor but was surprised to see Satoru also in the room. But then he received a hit on his head - "Ouch."

"What kind of question is that, dwarf? I'm here as a representative of the order. Why else would I be here?"

"I don't know, maybe to escape work, as Vanessa said." Noelle immediately answered because she would know the reason why he's here, as Vanessa talked a lot to her about Satoru, his tastes, clothes, power, attitude, and his relationship. When Satoru heard Noelle's answer, he wanted to refute but found no flaws in her logic, so he stayed silent.

"You got away, tsundere princess, you got away."

"Who are you calling tsundere princess?"

"Alright, calm down, everyone. Let's start the ceremony. Satoru, you can stay for the rank promotion ceremony and the banquet." Julius intervened immediately to end the fight and start the event.

"All right." Satoru accepted Julius's invitation, although he was going to stay anyway even if he wasn't invited - "Well, let's get started once and for all."


<Author: Here is a new chapter. I apologize for uploading the chapter late, but that's how it is. probably won't be able to upload chapters week or two because have certain events and issues, will continue with story, so don't worry.>

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