
How Can People Who Travel Through Worlds Not Copy Books?

Wang Yu's words not only surprised Mo Qingkuang but also left everyone around in a daze. 

Just a moment ago, tensions were high, and it seemed like a physical confrontation was imminent. But now, it seemed like they were shifting to a battle of words. 

It's worth noting that the Wang family not only excelled in literature but also had a legacy in martial arts. Wang's father even possessed martial prowess at the level of a Martial King. 

While Wang Yu's martial talent wasn't exceptional, he had received training. 

In fact, not just the Wang family, but throughout the Tianxuan Empire, even candidates for the literary exam had some level of martial training. 

To put it bluntly, in the martial arts-respecting Tianhan Continent, only those with low talent would primarily focus on literary pursuits. 

Mo Qingkuang was somewhat bewildered by Wang Yu's words, "Young Master Wang, I hardly know any big words. You, the literary champion, asking me for literary advice is putting me in a difficult position." 

Wang Yu inwardly sneered. Putting you in a difficult position? Weren't you just causing trouble for me earlier? 

Maintaining a pleasant demeanour, Wang Yu replied, "Young Master Mo, don't be modest. Your Mo family was once a prestigious clan in Tianxuan, and I believe your family's education is no less than ours." 

Many felt that Wang Yu's words were somewhat excessive. 

Mo Qingkuang was the martial arts champion, and there was no mention of any outstanding literary talent. Why would a literary champion like Wang Yu seek literary advice from the martial arts champion? Why not roll up your sleeves and fight him instead? 

Tang Yu was the first to speak up for Mo Qingkuang, "Wang Yu, you're going too far. He is a martial artist!" 

"Yes, Mo Qingkuang is dedicated to martial arts. How could he be skilled in poetry?" The martial arts candidates echoed. 

At this point, the inherent contradiction between literary and martial arts became the prerequisite for their mutual animosity. 

On the other side, the literary candidates suddenly united. Whether they were aware of Wang Yu's true abilities or not, since the martial arts candidates were ganging up on the literary champion if they didn't support him, wouldn't they be seen as spineless? 

"What you're saying isn't right. Just because we haven't heard of Young Master Mo's literary talents doesn't mean he lacks them. He is a great hero who upholds the dignity of our Tianxuan. Proficiency in both literary and martial arts must be only natural for him!" 

Flattering remarks came first, as the tongues of literary people were always sharp. 

Wang Yu smiled, pleased with the support from the literary candidates. He waved his hand, "It's not inappropriate for us who specialize in literary exams to seek literary advice from Young Master Mo." 

He strolled to the window and pushed it open gently. "How about this? Outside the window is the Scholar's Lake, and this season is the best time for lotus blossoms. It's a beautiful sight in our capital, and many poems praising lotus flowers have spread from the Lu Ming Banquet. Today, let's compose a poem about lotus flowers, shall we?" 

"Excellent!" The literary candidates nodded in agreement, pushing open the windows. They swayed and shook their heads, seemingly immersed in the beauty of the blooming lotus flowers. 

Mo Qingkuang looked utterly bewildered. 'What? Is this how the matter is settled? I haven't agreed yet!' 

"Young Master Wang, I really don't know!" Mo Qingkuang's face was dark, feeling extremely aggrieved. 

Seeing this, the martial artists felt something was amiss and began seeking help from the dean, Zheng Tao. "Dean Zheng, look..." 

Zheng Tao was also somewhat helpless. He could be sure that Wang Yu suddenly taking the initiative instead of being passive was definitely the work of Hua Ge. 

Just as he was about to speak up, Hua Ge quietly interrupted, "This kid is arrogant and ambitious. He's currently in the limelight and needs proper polishing. Don't stop him. I'm helping you out, brother." 

Hearing this, Zheng Tao couldn't help but ponder. 

Mo Qingkuang's remarkable talent was undeniable, but his attitude towards others lacked sincerity. 

Today's public apprenticeship, and his recent extortionate demands from the Ninth Princess, all indicated his selfish nature. Indeed, there was a need for him to be polished. 

So, Zheng Tao cleared his throat, ignoring the pleading expression on his own protege Mo Qingkuang's face. 

With a serious tone, he said, "Back in the day, I was also one of the top scorers in the literary exam, and Director Hua was also among the top scorers in the martial exam. You must understand that proficiency in both literary and martial arts is the right path. Being solely focused on martial arts makes one merely a warrior, just as being solely focused on literature makes one merely a pedant." 

Zheng Tao's words shocked the martial arts candidates. Even their own academy's dean wasn't siding with them? 

Even if what you said is true, not everyone can be as talented in both literary and martial arts as you three of the Golden Generation! 

For ordinary people, excelling in one field is already difficult enough. To excel in both literary and martial arts requires exceptional talent! 

Wang Yu was delighted to hear this. It seemed that Dean Zheng had already reached an understanding with Dean Hua. 

With a smile, he said, "Dean Zheng has spoken. Proficiency in both literary and martial arts! Moreover, Young Master Mo is Dean Zheng's disciple. Dean Zheng must understand him well. If even Dean Zheng has confidence in him, shouldn't we, as his peers, have confidence in him too?" 

Wang Yu's words were well-founded, leaving the martial arts candidates with no room for rebuttal. 

Meanwhile, Han Yan'er's expression suddenly became somewhat unnatural. 

Initially, she felt a sense of satisfaction seeing Mo Qingkuang being put in his place. But now, forcing Mo Qingkuang into a literary battle with Wang Yu made her inexplicably worried. 

She knew Mo Qingkuang's true abilities. Where was there any literary talent to speak of? 

Mo Qingkuang also felt somewhat helpless at this moment, resenting Zheng Tao, the master he had just acknowledged. 

"Ancestor, what should I do?" After much thought, he realized he could still rely on his old ancestor Mo Fan and quickly asked for advice. 

Mo Fan was currently studying the new reward he obtained for winning the martial exam, one of which was a clue to his resurrection. 

It was a secret technique called the 'Soul Nourishing Scripture,' which focused on preparing for possession. 

Hearing Mo Qingkuang's call, Mo Fan couldn't help but sneer, "So, are we competing in poetry now? No worries!" 

'After all, the only thing for which I'm the top expert in this whole world is writing novels...' 

As a modern young man who had received nine years of compulsory education and had extensive experience in writing web novels, Mo Fan had quite a bit of knowledge. In the world of web novels, there was an unwritten rule: if you don't write poetry when you time travel, you're letting down this glorious identity! 

How long had he waited for this day to come? 

Mo Qingkuang heard this and felt reassured. Indeed, he could rely on his ancestor. 

Next, it was time to show off his acting skills. 

Blushing, he pretended to toughen up and said, "Since that's the case, please, Young Master Wang, lead the way and set an example for us." 

Seeing that the bait was taken, Wang Yu couldn't help but smile involuntarily. 

He had chosen the lotus flowers in the Scholar's Lake downstairs as the topic for a reason. 

If he were asked to compose on the spot, he wouldn't be able to. However, he had recently come across a poem praising lotus flowers on his grandfather's desk, freshly written and likely unknown to others. 

He could use this poem and would only get a small beating later from his grandfather. With his grandfather doting on him, he wouldn't be too harsh. 

With this 'Ode to Lotus Flowers,' his reputation would surely spread far and wide. 

He could already imagine that in the future, people would praise the 'Ode to Lotus Flowers' he composed at the Lu Ming Banquet. 

'Mo Qingkuang, the great hero, you are destined to be my stepping stone!' 

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