

*Cough* *Cough*

Elvis could feel a tight pain in his chest, he was struggling for air and for some reason he couldn't breathe.

His eyes violently burst open, only to see a huge crater on his chest, preventing him from breathing properly.

Elvis violently pushed off the stone, coughing more.

But his coughs didn't last long, he was drawn to something else, something floating in his vision.

At first he thought it was the sentient intelligence guarding the tower, but no, this seemed different.

It was like a transparent, green holographic screen, that obstructed his vision irrespective of where he turned his head, and it was constantly blinking.

He focused more on it and a VR like RPG system appeared before him.

[You have unread messages]

Hmm, Elvis stared at the floating icon for quite some time, it was a bit strange and didn't look like Xlorkan technology.

The Xlorkans were obsessed with the azure color, they believed it signified technological advancement but here he was seeing something green.

'Open messages.' Elvis said in his mind, he had been exposed to advanced technology for over two years, he knew go it worked well.

[Congratulations, you have been granted the cosmic system]

[Race detected]

[Mutated human]

[Reversing mutation]

[Race updated]


With those words, Elvis' eyes popped out of their sockets, if he lost his mutation then how would he ascend the rift tower?

Sure he had a crappy mutation that only made him 8* more developed than a human in every aspect, it was just the bare minimum for ascending, but still it was all he had.

"No, no, no, no, I don't have the money for cybernetic enhancements." Elvis said with anger written all over his face.

Mutation was significantly cheaper than cybernetics, and each individual could only get mutated once, some failed their mutations and became wild beasts.

But there was something that didn't quite sit right with Elvis, if he lost his mutation then how come he was still in the rift tower.

The rift tower exuded ralium energy, which would crush normal humans who stepped in there, so if he was no longer mutated, then that meant something else was happening, and he had to keep reading to find out.

[With this system, host can surpass all mutants, host can grow stronger, host's growth is not stagnant and can grow Limitlessly.]

Elvis' eyes widened on seeing this, there was something about this that was intriguing to him.

Mutants were classified under certain rankings and they could never surpass those rankings.

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

If a person's mutation was a grade 7 mutation, then they would only be able to enhance that mutation to the peak of grade 7, and no matter what they did they couldn't go past grade 7.

Elvis in fact was a grade 6 mutant, and one could not have their mutations reversed.

[The way this system works is simple, complete quests/ ascend /kill descendes, gain EXP, level up, gain stat points, become stronger, repeat.]

Elvis smirked at that, it seemed the system was straightforward, and if all it needed from him was to kill descenders, ascend and complete a few quests then he would be happy to do so.

[Now that the host is all caught up with the system, stat points will now be displayed.]

[Note: the effects of your mutation wasn't reversed.]

[Name: Madu Elvis



Race: Human.

HP: 10/10

Cosmic ranking: Grade 0 being.

Ascenders ranking: F rank ascender

Level ascended:0






Stat points: 0



[HP: Vitality measurement, shows how healthy you are.]

[Cosmic ranking: This is where you stand among every species in the world, at the very bottom, grade 0]

[Ascenders ranking: You are still an F rank ascender, kill more descenders, climb more levels of the tower and increase your rank.]

[Level ascended: Each level you complete will be recorded here.]

[Strength -Intellligence: Basic stats]

[Stat points: With these you can increase your basic stats.]

[Skills: you currently have one skill from the system.]

[Skill: Dash LVL.1]

[Doubles speed for 1 minute]

[Can be used five times before cool down of 2 minutes.]

[EXP: Simply shows how experienced you are, resets at each level.]

Elvis was mainly drawn to the basic stats, it was clearly stated that the effects of his mutation couldn't be reversed, if it was so, then that meant this systems way of evaluating power was crazy.

He was about seven times better than a normal human, and that was only one point for the system, so if he wasn't mutated in the first place and had only been a regular human then his stat points would be 1/7.

Elvis decided not to dwell on this for too long, it was time to get out of here, there was no one here.

It was now his memory decided to kick in,from what he remembered those dog descenders were tearing him apart because of Sally.

Remembering Sally made his blood boil but he ignored, she would whoop his ass without difficulty, it was best to wait until he got strong enough.

"I would like to leave please." Elvis said out loud, expecting the sentient intelligence to respond.

And just like he hoped, the beautiful azure lady appeared in his point of view.

"My savior, I am surprised to see you alive, it seems the hacker spared you." The sentient intelligence said.

"Savior Keh?" Elvis responded strangely, when did all this begin?

"You must be confused, please go home and rest." The sentient Intelligence said, opening a portal out of the rift tower.

"Make sure to have yourself checked out, I think that Sentient being fried one or two circuits." Elvis said walking away.

"I do not use circuits savior, circuits are for human machines, I am a sentient intelligence made by the Xlorkan race." The sentient intelligence said.

"Omo Sha, I'll be back." Elvis said walking out of the rift tower, he needed to find people to ascend with him.

Next chapter