
I Became The Mafia Lord's Bodyguard

[WARNING!!! R-18 content] "you know what is more intresting?" the cruel man cocked his head as his lips curled in to a sinister smile,"watching your prey spend the rest of life looking over it's shoulder. fearing the next second maybe the last..." he grinned as he watched her squirm under his gaze, her doe like eyes brimming with frightened tears. his rough fingers dug into her jaw, "I may let you go now but the next time I see you it will be your last." his eyes hardened as he threatened her. ...... when Valentina Volcova wakes up after her failed boxing match, what has her fearing isn't not her injured leg but the eerie visions she began to see. she began to question her sanity because those memories are not hers but a woman named Juliet who is somehow connected to her. until she bumps into the villian from Juliet's past. the man wrapped in crisp suits with imperious green eyes that of a lethal snake and graceful steps that of a predator. a selfish man with a sinister smile who will not hesitate to use innocent pawns in his dangerous games with a laugh. a silent puppeteer in the shadows with the world in his palm, he was an evil entity that gods should have never created.

AZURA_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


As the horizon pulled the sun to its depths, it shone its animated rays on the burning clouds that were obscuring the luminous azure sky.

somewhere under the same sky, a young girl was skipping her way towards the stable behind her estate.

her read hair looked as if they were balls of fire in the dim sunlight. if not for her moving so fast, she would have been invisible under the trees full of red leaves indicating the end of summer and onset of a frigus winter.

twigs and branches snapped under her feet she struggled through the wild plants.

a big smile bloomed on her lips as she spotted Madonna - her white mare - gobbling down the fresh grass in front of her. the girl threw a glance behind her before quickening her pace. if her fathers and brothers knew that she didn't listen to them and stayed in her room as they said but instead climb out of the window and refused their orders, she will be reprimanded and seriously punished. maybe they will lock her up in her room again.

she was always alone. now more than ever when her two elder sisters ran away last week who never talked to her. the looks her big brothers threw her way had her blood run cold. only Remo, her only younger brother, didn't snarl in repugnance at her presence.

just like herself, he was also a son of a mistress so maybe he felt her?

but recently he would vanish for hours and days. he said that papa told him that he is a young man now and he has his duties that he must complete.

how come he was a young man and she was fourteen and still a little girl when Remo was just eleven? she couldn't understand that!

homeschooled and locked in her room most of her life, she was extremely demure and naive of her age.

she thought if she could spend this lonesome evening with her dear mare, the only thing her father ever let her keep, it would be worth the wrath she will face later.

when her mare sees her approaching, she gives a cheerful Neigh.

"well, well, well...what's my dear doing?" the girl chirped at the Horse lovingly As she rummaged through a nearby basket and fished out some apples. the mare immediately galloped towards her and the girl began to feed her one by one.

"I think it's enough for now."

she wondered audibly.

"now come on. let's run into the sunset," she smiled lightly suddenly remembering her late nanny's words

"if you will be a good girl, a prince will come someday and whisk you away into the sunset." she mimicked Nd then her eyes lit up as she caressed her mare's mane and continued, "but no prince came so we both can run away."

she stepped ahead to mount her mare but a sight had her stood rooted on the spot.

her lips quivered and a tear slipped down her rosy cheek.

There was a long gash on her thigh. although it had stopped bleeding it looked like it had been a day or two since she was hurt and it has already begun to get infectious.

no one treated her mare.

no one cared for her but how can they neglect an innocent animal?

then she remembered how her older brother once threatend that he would cut off her mare's leg if she didn't behave. she clenched her fists as another tear rolled down her cheek in exasperation.

she has never felt this terrible before.

she heard a snicker and her head snapped to her left.

there, midst the overgrown grass pasture stood the ugly stableman with evil eyes and wild mustache. he stared her up and down with a look that made her insides churn.

"tut-tut you mare is gonna die," he said in a fake worried tone.

"Why didn't you treat her?" she whispered as calmly as she could while trying to gulp down the growing lump in her throat.

"Woah! look at that little missy trying to boss around." he howled with laughter, "well, listen then. I don't work for some pu*sy and her pu*sy horse."

she was completely okay with messing with her but it was very very mauvais of him to hurt her mare.

A very dark and convoluted thought fracted her pure mind and she strode towards him. her mind went blank with an emotion, a subservient girl like her never felt before.

she saw red.

the idiotic man slightly bends down giving the girl perfect opportunity as she snatched the sickle from his hand and before he could react she sliced it across his neck from ear to ear.

she did exactly how she remembered years ago her papa did to a woman.

the little girl was breathing fast as she watched with sick fascination as a line appeared on his skin, then it turned red and blood began to gush out of his open skin like a broken spray can.

"y-you..." he began to gurgle on his blood as his knees bend and his weight crashed to the ground. she crouched down beside his wasting body and gazed into his dark pupils as the life drained out of his eyes.

her body felt light from the rubatosis and her hands shook from the adrenaline that rushed in her veins.

for the first time in her life, the sweetness of volition seeped into her and she felt good rather than being repulsed by the gruesome sight in front of her.

as the sun vanished completely into the horizon, the cold wind blew towards the girl, making the flying hair stick to the thick crimson liquid dripping down her cheek.

she has secretly seen Remo entering his room with bloody clothes and hands. he never seemed repugnant with it, now she got that why.

"Juliet?" her body stiffened and she snapped out of her reverie as the adrenaline began to wear out.

she turned her head towards her papa, who stood outside the stable with a dozen men. some were her brothers but Remo wasn't there, those annoying underbosses who will spit on the ground when they spot her, some soldati, and...some big outlandish men armed from head to toe.

she had never seen before. their smirks and agog expressions vexed her.

among them, she briefly caught the eye of a well-built blond man dressed in a sharp black suit that was vivid contrast against his pale skin. a strange tattoo creeped out of his collar and onto his neck.

her nanny told her once that to never trust a blonde-headed man. they are evil and villainous.

"what are you doing here? didn't I told you to get ready and that you had to meet someone?" a vein popped in his jaw. her papa wasn't pleased with her.

what will he do? will he slap her around or drag her by the hair?

the men could only see the girl's redhead and eyes as she kneeled in the grass pasture.

"fine," there was no trace of malevolence anymore and her voice was little and shaky as she pulled herself to her feet.

everyone was appalled at the sight that greets them. the girl was covered in blood with a bloody sickle in her hand. her riding pants were so soaked that blood dripped from them. they had been killing, maiming, and torturing for their whole life but this scene made them uncomfortable

"what the hell did she do? did this brat butcher some chick?" one of her older brothers yelled.

movement from the left catches her attention and she walks towards her injured mare ignoring everyone.

she knew she messed up big this time and she would be punished one way or other. she grimaced at the thought to be locked in that insect ridden dark cellar without food wasn't appealing at all.

"look," she pointed her index finger towards the man murdered in cold blood, "I taught him a lesson for you. I will not let anyone mess with what's mine," she said aloud and a hush fell upon the stable.

she peeked through her thick lashes at her mortified dad and brothers who were rooted to the spot due to her sudden dauntlessness and confidence, and finally met the blond Russian's imperious grey eyes. he tucked one hand into his pant's pocket as his lips slowly curled into an amused smirk.

he looked sinister.

her heart skipped a beat maybe it's sensed some danger as a rough hand grasped her forearm and began to forcibly drag her out of the stable.

for the first time in her life, Juliet crossed the line of viridity and stepped somewhere dark from there was no coming back.