
I Became The Lycan King's Mate

"I have two souls in my body, he is my shadow, and I am his sun. However, we both agreed to protect you from all dangers in this world, even if it costs our dead” • • • Ruby Barnette, a werewolf who was born mute, was rejected by the alpha after the Moon Goddess announced her as the Luna. Not long after that, Ruby was also kicked out by her family because she was considered a stain that damaged the Barnette Family's name. When Ruby was threatened with being homeless, the Lycan King of the Veritas Kingdom, Matthew Harrelle, came to the front gate of Barnette’s Mansion and asked Ruby to be his mate. Matthew Harelle was known as the Lycan King who was violent and cruel. Rumor has it that he could kill his soldiers on a rampage. Some say that Matthew has killed his parents. Because of these rumors, many women would rather die than become Matthew's mate. However, Ruby willingly accepted Matthew's offer because she had no other place to live, and living as a beggar was risking her life. She was also willing to give birth to an heir to Matthew as long as Matthew would cure her insane mother. Unexpectedly, it turns out that there was a secret behind Matthew's personality. The Lycan King, famous for being as cold as winter, also has a personality that could beat the sun's warmth. After getting to knew him better, the abandoned werewolf would soon find that she was in love with the cruel Lycan. What was Matthew’s real reason to chose Ruby as his mate? Was it possible for Ruby, who was always surrounded by misfortune, could feel the warmth of love from the cruel Lycan King? - - - Art Cover by nonu_gee (IG) Follow my instagram @Zenanicher

Zenanicher · Fantasy
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366 Chs

Let Me See Your Body ***


This chapter contains an explicit sex scene. Please read at your own discretion.

• • •

Three days later, Ruby's health gradually recovered. She no longer felt dizzy or pain in her chest. After the healer checked Ruby and no longer prescribed medicine for her, Ruby was finally allowed to leave her room.

Actually, there's much work that Ruby has to do as the new mistress of the palace. However, before she can perform her duties, Ruby must first patent her status as the mate of the lycan king to obtain the title of queen.

"Milady, I think you're ready," Dena said after she brushed Ruby's long hair.

Ruby smiled in response. Her fingers twisted the ends of her hair in nervousness. Ruby repeatedly checked her appearance in the mirror, ensuring she was beautiful enough to welcome Matthew tonight.

"Don't be too nervous, Milady. You look gorgeous tonight. Therefore, His Majesty will not be disappointed when he sees you," Dena comforted her.

This afternoon, precisely after the doctor said her health was good, Ruby immediately asked Diaz to give a letter from her to Matthew, who had been in the study room for the past two days.

Ruby asked Matthew to mark her as his mate immediately in her letter.

However, Matthew didn't send Ruby a reply, nor did he ask Diaz to deliver the answer directly. Therefore, Ruby became nervous and afraid Matthew wouldn't fulfill her invitation tonight.

Maybe the man was too busy doing his work, so he didn't have time to read Ruby's letter, or perhaps it was because Matthew was hesitant to mark Ruby as his mate.

[Does he think I'm being too presumptuous for asking him to mark me? I should have wa—]

"Milady, His Majesty is coming to your bedroom," Dena said suddenly.

Unbeknownst to Ruby, a maid had just entered the room and given the news to Dena.

Ruby immediately stood up from the chair, then straightened her nightgown with the help of Dena. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with Ruby's appearance, Dena rushed out of the room, leaving Ruby alone in her room.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Milady, I'm coming in." A baritone voice came from outside the room, followed by the sound of the door opening.

After not seeing Matthew for two days, Ruby could finally see the man's figure. He's wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

This was the first time Ruby had seen Matthew wearing white. Because the man usually wears black or dark clothes. However, Ruby didn't expect that white turn out to make Matthew's face brighter and more charming.

Ruby gave her notebook to Matthew. "Your Majesty, you came."

Matthew smiled. "You've invited me to come, so how could I refuse?"

When Matthew walked over to Ruby, the woman smelled a musk scent from Matthew's body. It seems that before coming to the room, Matthew took a shower first to look fresh in front of Ruby.

"Milady, are you sure you're ready?" Matthew's arms wrapped around Ruby's waist, then pulled her to stand closer to him.

Because they were too close, Ruby had trouble writing in the book, so she wrote in Matthew's palm. Ruby's fingers trembled slightly when she touched Matthew's hand, indicating she was feeling very nervous.

"Please mark me as your mate."


"Hahahahaha! Milady, you fascinate me! Women are usually afraid of being marked as a mate by their partner, but you boldly provoke me."

Ruby was pouting and blushing. She felt annoyed and offended by Matthew's words which sounded like he was making fun of her.

"All right, let's get serious now." Matthew cupped Ruby's cheek and forced her to look him in the eyes. "I'll ask you one more time, Milady. Are you ready to be marked as my mate?"

Without thinking too much, Ruby nodded her head quickly. There is no doubt or unwillingness on her face.

Ruby is ready.

As long as Ruby and her mother can get a better life, then Ruby is willing to do anything.

"Then, let's get into bed, Milady."

Suddenly, Matthew lifted Ruby's waist and held her thighs. Fear of falling, Ruby wrapped her legs around Matthew's waist and hugged the man.

Ruby's surprise hadn't even subsided, but Matthew had surprised her again by kissing her on the lips, making Ruby open her eyes widely because she was shocked by Matthew's behavior.

At first, they just stuck their lips and didn't make any movement. Moreover, Ruby was also inexperienced in kissing a man.

Until Matthew finally began gently rubbing Ruby's lips, the woman lulled until she unconsciously wrapped her arms around Matthew's neck.

When Ruby tried to kiss Matthew's lips, she suddenly felt the smell of musk on Matthew's body getting stronger. The scent gave off a strong dominant impression and somehow managed to captivate Ruby until she lost her mind.

[Is this an alpha pheromone?]

Ruby had heard that an alpha would release pheromones when mating with their mate. The scent also functions like an aphrodisiac that can make the alpha and his mate lulled in high lust.

"Milady, you look adorable," Matthew whispered as soon as he broke their kiss and saw Ruby's blushing face.

Ruby gasped, feeling that a kiss could make her body tremble. Matthew's pheromones came out more and more, surrounding Ruby's body until she could no longer smell anything other than Matthew's pheromones.

[This man … he really is a dominant alpha.]

Matthew then laid Ruby on the bed, then kissed Ruby's lips which were already red and wet.

"Mmm …"

Ruby pushed Matthew's shoulder, stopping their kiss for a moment. For some reason, Ruby's body feels weird. She squirms uncomfortably and squeezes her legs together when she feels itchy in her lower body.

"Milady, at first, my pheromones will make your body uncomfortable. But trust me, it will soon make you feel good." Matthew whispered while kissing Ruby's lips and cheeks.

Ruby bit her lower lip, she didn't understand what Matthew meant, but her body did feel so hot it made Ruby want to take off her clothes.

Click. Click.

As if he could read Ruby's mind, Matthew suddenly unbuttoned Ruby's nightgown and lowered it to Ruby's arms, causing the woman to cover her face in shame.

"Don't be embarrassed. There's only me here." Matthew took Ruby's hands away from her face, then held her hands so Ruby couldn't cover her face anymore.

[I'm embarrassed because it's you.]

Matthew kissed Ruby's chin, then down her neck. His tongue licked Ruby's neck and occasionally bit it. The bite was a little painful but also grew a strange tingle in Ruby.

When Matthew took off Ruby's nightgown, the man paused and smiled at Ruby. "Milady, you … don't wear corsets and underwear?"

That night, Ruby only wore two layers of clothing. The outer layer is a nightgown, while the inner layer is just a thin satin fabric that forms her curves.

She was not wearing a corset and underwear because she thought it would make it easier for Matthew to undress her. Because the satin that Ruby was wearing was white, the clothes became transparent so Matthew could see Ruby's body faintly.

The man gulped when he saw Ruby's hardened nipples behind the cloth.

"Milady, I didn't think your body could be this beautiful."

Most of the dresses worn by Ruby are always larger than her body. Because of that, Matthew had never seen Ruby's curves clearly when she was wearing a dress.

"Especially this part." Matthew's eyes locked on Ruby's rather large chest.

Ruby quickly covered her chest with her hands. Her cheeks were red, and her eyes closed because she was so embarrassed by Matthew's words that kept teasing her.

"Come on, don't be shy. Let me see your whole body."